in usa •  4 months ago  (edited)

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Yah, I wanted to say something but by the time I got to it now I forgot what it was. 8/ What was it? Am sure it was very important for someone somewhere but they are outa luck for now at least. I will just ramble for a bit maybe it will surface whatever it is, usually some shit dealing with shit talking shit.

While China and Russia, having gone through the horrible Communist experience imposed on them by the West, Karl Marx Masons Yews et al, managed to learn from it as well from the Western Capitalist system and instead of exchanging one for another, social for private control, they very wisely have merged the two together creating the synthesis of both economic models which are mutually complimenting and symbiotic, not exclusive and parasitic. Highly recommend Richard D. Wolff and Michael Hudson YT interviews on this topic, some of the brightest minds around.

China has figured it out in 1978 after Mao and Russia in the '90s after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Well done assembling the yin and yang of needs and wants into one and whole operational geopolitical and socioeconomic unit. The BRICS+ SCO NDB etc are steps in the right direction, away from the declining outdated debt slavery imperial colonial fascist corporate warmongering evil heretic apostate collective West.

President Trump is a businessman who wants America to be great again, that is good aspiration, however he has to navigate treacherous bipolar schizophrenic duality of antiquated American political system and establishment who still think that America is world's only superpower and thus can dictate its policies instead of negotiating them on equal terms. Well, the world has changed and quite rapidly whilst Western Neocons were busy destroying America by following a quick buck of cheep labour and moving the whole US manufacturing to China. China says thanks btw, shey shey, spasibo. Who needs the enemies when you have Neocon friends.

So the West, US UK EU NATO WEF UN is fucked and needs major restructuring, including the voting reform, opening some parliamentary representation of more than just two party system, merging the Fed with the US Treasury and revoking their right to buy assets and freeze their sale thereof, dismantle 800 military bases world wide that are just soft targets and serve no purpose other than consume oodles of money while irritating local populations, abolish most three letters agencies or at least slim them down by cutting all the fat and deadwood, restore free speech and independent media, restore the US Republic and place it in control of the US corporation in Washington DC, stop finding suicidal and embarrassing war in Ukraine by calling for elections in May 2025 that will cause the current regime change, get NED on it since they are experts at it, invest in infrastructure and public transportation, introduce UBI as dividend payment to the citizens as shareholders of their nation, since it gone all corporate and capitalist, raise the interest rates to 2% above the inflation rate, which will eventually go down, increase corporate tax and reduce tax burden for low income families and small businesses, reduce number of generals in the army while increase the number of soldiers and competent commanders, stop financing the failed states of Ukraine and Israel, get out of West Asia and South Pacific, focus on helping Africa with infrastructure development and utilizing their raw materials to make local industries and products that then can be fairly traded in national currencies not only US $, that train is gone as far as the commodities markets are concerned leaving US$ for use in capital markets and interbank transactions.

The West will be fucked for a while as things will get worse before it gets better, at least by the looks of it, rhetoric coming from new Trump administration who still seemingly do not get it that no one really cares much about what they thing say or do, usually they do the opposite of what they say in Satanic reversal as it may. Anyway, I charge two gold BRICS for my advice and a year of service for every answer.

Speaking of gold. Am god of the Underworld HADES and we, royal we, have all the gold buried therein aside what was unceremoniously stolen from us by the gold obsessed surface dwellers albeit we get it all back in time including them as all souls go to Hell first to be judged, by me of course, who else. So, what is gold? Well it is solid sunlight. Every soul is responsible for the existence of a star above, associated with them, and corresponding gold particles below, as above so below, which includes all souls that ever lived hence why there is so much gold below and stars above.

The supernova happens when a new soul is created in heavens. The gold close to the surface is corresponding to the number of the currently living souls on earth. The gold can be reduced to its monoatomic state which acts as superconductor at room temperature and thus can be consumed to connect with one's astral home star. ☆

I was rumbling for a while however still don't remember what I actually wanted to say initially... oh well, it may come to me again if it is important enough, for now this should do as a sermon. Be good and well and see you in Hell. Love,


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