The International Polar Bear Day is an annual celebration that takes place every February 27th to raise awareness about the state of conservation of the polar bear.
Polar Bear Day is organized by Polar Bears International to raise awareness about the impact of global warming and the thawing problem it causes on polar bear habitats. This day encourages people to find ways to reduce their carbon production, such as lowering the thermostat's temperature or using less private transportation (such as cars and motorcycles). The day has also been served to promote the installation of renewable energy in homes.
Many zoos use the day to educate about the conservation of polar bears and to encourage visiting polar bear exhibitions. Jack Shapiro, the director of the campaign against climate change, who was a deputy under the mandate of former US President Barack Obama, used the day to argue the need to achieve effective action against the climate change. The University of Saskatchewan announced in 2014 that in honor of Polar Bear Day, they would reduce the use of their thermostats in both summer and winter.