1214 Translated Words for c:geo | English-Tagalog Translation | 1st Contribution

in utopian-io •  7 years ago  (edited)

Project Details

C:Geo is an open source, full-featured, always ready-to-go client for geocaching.com (unofficial) and offers basic support for other geocaching platforms (like Opencaching). It is a free app for geocachers using a mobile phone or tablet running Google's Android operating system. It allows users to access geocaches with no limits on how many geocaches can be downloaded.

I translated English to Tagalog words

Links related to the translation

Source Language


Translated Language


Number Of Words

Number of words translated on this contribution: 1214

For this contribution I translated 1214 words

Proofread Words


Previous translation on the same project

Number of words translated on the project before this report (if any): none

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