If messenger RNA (mRNA) from a COVID virus is injected into a human, it will be used by the human ribosomal RNA (rRNA) to make virus proteins that will trigger an immune reaction to the virus, without creating entire virus particles.
The virus messenger RNA will degrade by itself.
The real problem is that we don’t know what exactly is in the COVID vaccine.
Bill Gates was involved in WHO tetanus vaccination efforts in Africa, which secretly included a vaccine against an enzyme needed for reproduction in women, called human chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG.
The WHO was caught red-handed and reluctantly admitted that they did it.
There are at least two COVID vaccines on the market that includes whole viruses of another kind of virus (adenovirus) that permanently splices DNA copies of COVID RNA into human cells. Nobody knows the long term effects of that.
But, the regular old-style cold virus vaccines cause bad long term effects in monkey subjects, which is why there is no cold vaccine on the market. Some cold viruses are Coronaviruses.
So, who knows what is in that COVID vaccine? And, can we trust it? Is it effective against new strains of the COVID virus?
We know that bad reactions, including death, have resulted from the COVID vaccination, but is that just from the immune response to pieces of the virus, in some people?