Colorado Vaccine Bill SB163 Have you seen the US Government's database called The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).The Truth found in a government document about what the public has and could face.

in vaccines •  4 years ago  (edited)

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See UPDATE at bottom, VAERS Vaccine Reported Deaths at bottom right above Sources.

TRUTH seekers haven been Uniting. . .all across the World!
President Lincoln used the Sedition act to arrest editors and writers who were spreading
lies or in this case lies by omission

Connecting consciousness on a World Wide Scale?
Healing Centers in Every State?
Offices in Arizona, Florida, Texas, California
A Complete Change in the way the world does business?

People treated with Real Respect?
Changing the way the courts work?
Sealed indictments concerning judges like Amy Coney Barrett?
Judges re-educated?
Education on how our government is supposed to work vs. how it has been working for decades?

Getting back to God and the values of God. NOT religion, our Creator and His ways No rituals needed!
Move away from the control and infiltration of the satanic element?

Projects with a New Government truly By the People and For the People that will Shine a LIGHT on the darkness?

Trent Loos

Trent is a sixth generation United States farmer with a passion for agriculture that started years ago – he had his first pig when he was just 5 years old on the family farm near Quincy, IL. He established his strong rural foundation in farming side-by-side with his father and grandfather. That strong connection between man and his God-given natural resources was the source for all of their farm management decisions. While Trent recalls walking soybeans with his two role models, his real fondness was for the animals. He and his father eventually built a swine seedstock business that supplied top-quality genetics to pork producers nationwide.

In Spearfish, SD, Trent told radio personality Jim Thompson that he wanted to have his own radio show. Being a little more than determined, or perhaps a bit bull-headed, Loos Tales launched in January of 2001. Today, the show airs on over 100 stations nationwide and boasts 3 million listeners on-air and online. Sharing the message about the people and places in rural America is a step toward re-connecting consumers to their food. Trent has been doing this since long before it was the “cool, foodie” thing to it.

In 2008, Trent was recognized as the “Voice of Rural America” by the West Quest organization for his ground-breaking work in advocating for agriculture and speaking on behalf of the folks who would rather stay home and tend to their crops and livestock than take on those attacking their life-sustaining industry.

Trent and his wife Kelli enjoy life in central Nebraska with their three daughters. Cattle, hogs, horses and meat goats keep them plenty busy on the farm. The family is constantly on the go, sharing adventures in training and riding horses, youth sports, 4-H, archery and road trips. Some of their favorite memories are created around the fire pit with friends and family they’ve welcomed from far and wide.

Trent Delivers a Powerful Message to the attendees of the Arise USA tour stop at McCall's Pumpkin Patch in Moriarty, New Mexico

Kevin Jenkins
Interview with Joe Oltmann

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Joe is the founder of FEC United, an organization focused on restoring constitutional integrity, demanding accountability and preserving and protecting the pillars of our communities.. faith, education, and commerce.

Joe is an unapologetic Christian Conservative who has lived out the biblical principles in his life with his philanthropy and service to the most vulnerable among us. He is a part of the Founders Club of ACE Scholarships and organization that affords disadvantaged kids an opportunity to receive a private school education, sits on multiple boards and has served as a leader in his community.

Joe Oltmann believes that Courage is more infectious than fear and in order to preserve our nation, we must be willing to make significant sacrifices. Joe believes we face today is a beaches of Normandy moment, for if we fail to stand we will surely fall and the entire world is watching and praying we defeat the evil we face.

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Jenkins is lifelong champion for human rights in the black community and as the founder of Urban Global Health Alliance, he shows his dedication to these rights. The mission of UGHA is to educate, empower and release urban communities and their leaders from decades of indoctrination and suppression; and to create effective public policy which safeguard rights of equality.

“Building healthy communities creates a healthy society. ” – Kevin Jenkins

During the interview. . .

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Fifty to 75 youngsters each year out of millions vaccinated suffer permanent neurological damage as a result of vaccines, mainly the variety aimed at pertussis, or whooping cough, the American Academy of Pediatrics says.Reagan Signs Vax bill 1986

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Hear Kevin Jenkins an advocate for the black community and founder of Urban Global Health Alliance, he shows his dedication to these rights.

The mission of UGHA is to educate, empower and release urban communities and their leaders from decades of indoctrination and suppression; and to create effective public policy which safeguard rights of equality. say the disenfranchised community didn't know!

People should really give this a listen. Even if you do not have the time to listen to the Entire interview, at least the first 10 min. or so are Very Telling!

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Find entire interview here,
OCN Now | Interview with Kevin Jenkins

As above so below!

Facebook Frames Who is Kevin Jenkins? How has he helped the Black Community? Why you should hear and care about how the Jb affects children and what has happened in disadvantaged communities.* .You won't Believe what he has to say! Anons and Guardians already know, but this is Incredible Verification!

This is what FB does. .they just lie when they don't want people to see vetted information. I was the original poster on this content and I Never took it down.

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Kevin Jenkins who aims to help his community included those disadvantaged in the Black Community. . . has an impressive track record is leading the charge at Urban Global Health Alliance.
Full sources included throughout as you click on the photo frames. Footage also here on where you should give it a listen while doing chores and if no time. least here the first 10 min. Otherwise get valuable info in the frames as this is the Actual Transcript of the interview with Jenkins speaking.

Jenkins is a lifelong champion for human rights in the black community and as the founder of Urban Global Health Alliance, he shows his dedication to these rights. The mission of UGHA is to educate, empower and release urban communities and their leaders from decades of indoctrination and suppression; and to create effective public policy which safeguard rights of equality.

What is the Colorado Va(in$ Bill SB163 and why did they read the bill on Sunday when B_a(* L's Mt&e^s and a group protesting J&bs were scheduled? Why not another day when more of the community could attend.
Do you remember that Reagan signed a certain J
_ bill that let these companies off the hook and AP reported that [this is Their Title] Reagan Under Pressure From Doctors, Drug Makers to Sign ^a(c*n$ Bill.

How sad is it I cannot write the words the AP did back then or I will fascist checked, censored, views taken away or suspended. What's up with that?

Do you remember who used Health to control before? See evidence that a document written by a Ph.d is out there titled, In the Name of Public Health. ..a Nazi Racial Hygiene.

How about Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals in which one of them is Healthcare. . . control Healthcare and you control the people.
One for education also on controlling what people read. Oh so telling. Verification given.

What is the Truth about who is Really harmed concerning the J$bs?

What he has to say about this being a White Woman's cause and how now brothers and sisters from more communities are being informed, coming together and getting involved.

Shocking Revelations? You decide.

See a doc I show you in frames from a government database.

This is a collection from the DOJ in which the U.S. government keeps a database of reports documenting j^b injuries and
deaths called The ^ac(i%ne Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
The problem is that very few medical officials ever report these types injuries or deaths, either because they
are not trained to recognize them, or due to pressure within their profession to not report them. In other words. . .threats, bullying and harassment for those who try to reveal the Truth.

To admit that J$bs do cause harm is professional suicide for most doctors and medical professionals.

See link here with sources and comments,

UPDATE July 10, 2021
As seen on Xephula Thank you for posting this link Jess Sosnoski
Hear these doctors freak out when they hear Facts and call it yelling and attacking. One actually takes it as a personal attack which is odd since the facts given were about vaccines and not doctors, but rather a question of why the doctors Didn't know the Facts that are out there.

**UPDATE 10.31.2021

Thank you Great Warrior/Guardian Jessica Lauderdale Calcote

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Sources/Connecting Articles/Reports

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