Legally Blind 3 Days Later -- The DURETTE Family (VaxXed Stories)

in vaccines •  7 years ago  (edited)

At her 18-month checkup, Kiileigh had a Vision Test with good results,

got her MMR shot the same day (measles, mumps, rubella) ...


and only 3 days later her EYES had CROSSED and she became LEGALLY BLIND!


Strabismus (Crossed-Eyes) is known to sometimes result in Legal Blindness.

And the #1 Cause of Strabismus in adults is known to be STROKE.


The cause of Strabismus in Children is most often UNKNOWN, according to medical websites.


So if most Adult cases of Strabismus (crossed eyes) are caused by strokes ...

... and most cases of Childhood Strabismus are considered UNKNOWN causes,

then could it be possible that many of these childhood eye problems are being caused by stroke as well?

We do not expect children to have strokes ... but do they?

And what could possibly cause strokes in children?

The answer: VACCINATION causes strokes in children.

However doctors usually do not recognize or report this for what it is.

I have written about this before on Steemit:

Read It Here:

Spotting The Vaccine-Free Child

Dr. Andrew Moulden, a physician from Quebec, Canada, recognized and documented how children suffer strokes after vaccinations, and how you can recognize it in their faces. The link above will give you more information about this, so please click and read it.

I also found a couple of medical websites admitting that children can have strokes too:


Also, this Professor of Opthamology, Dr. Abbas Attarzaddeh, recognizes that vaccinations has caused this issue in his patients. (He refers to it as 6th nerve palsy at the link below)


And this medical website talks about documented cases of 6th nerve palsy following vaccinations.

So, now that we know that children can have strokes, and that strokes often cause Crossed Eyes (Strabismus), then we can understand how little Kiileigh went from normal vision to crossed-eyes and legal blindness, only 3 days after a vaccine.

Listen below as Killeigh's mother, Danielle Durette, shares her incredible story with Polly Tommey, from the VaxXed Nation Tour, on the bus.

Legally blind from the MMR vaccine #vaxxed
Posted to youtube on 2017-10-11

Danielle (above) has 4 children that have all been badly injured by vaccines, plus twins that she miscarried after being given the DPT shot while pregnant.

Her children's names are written on the VaxXed Bus.

You won't want to miss taking the time to hear her full interview about how each consecutive child suffered serious injury, and how she kept being told that it was genetic or normal.

Fortunately the 5th child is vaccine-free and very healthy.

Read more article like this one at my Blog @canadian-coconut

Please Comment Below and Let's Have a Productive Conversation!

I know that this is a very controversial topic ...
but if you care about children as much as I care about children...
surely we can all be civil and help each other discover the best way forward for all our children and future generations.
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That is so scary, my wife and I are getting ready to have our first child, and I am pretty set, that modern medicine is only out for money, not actual health. Also her side is full of doctors, and they all think I am crazy because I do not trust the vaccinations. They say with a straight face that it is not a big business.

Oh, I hope that you can convince her to at least delay the vaccinations.
Maybe after she sees that her toddler is healthier and happier than all the other vaccinated babies around, then she will start to feel better about the idea of not vaccinating.

Thoroughly enjoyed this case, it was an excellent review of several topics and presented something completely new to me "Stroke in Children"
Excellent write up on Strabismus and probably we can think about it as a component within the vaccine causing an autoimmune reaction to the muscle or blood vessel associated with cranial nerve 6th, that can even be examine as interesting enough cranial nerve 6th has a close anatomic relationship with the blood vessel in that area
You mention that the rest of the family children is affected except the 5th child so its question likely that their genetic makeup probably makes them vulnerable, sadly enough the doctors should have recognize this but we hardly find those astute ones
Excellent write up, food for thought and good review... looking forward to more write up

Thank-you for your well thought out response.
I know that you understand many of these things, seeing that you are in medical school yourself right now.

Quite a few of these write up are good case study, you can easily dissect each case to better understand the possible mechanism behind these its good review

One of the best ways to assess what is happening at the core of the body's response to any assault on it is the use of Applied Kinesiology or AK. AK allows you to not only identify what specific part(s) of the anatomy have been affected, but also allows you through IRT (Injury Recall Technique) to shut off the injury response and allow the body to come out of the sympathetic nervous system defense cycle that keeps agitating the anatomical area in question. It doesn't obviously solve the poisoning from the vaccine itself but it allows identification of anatomical area(s) of interest and the stopping of excessive and damaging immune and other defense responses.

Ischemic Stroke :(

I work with a lot of vaccine injured children and I see quite a bit of strabismus alongside autism.
It is always sad to take the cases of vaccine injured autistic children because you know they were on a healthy trajectory until they were vaccinated and they have been robbed.
So often it is the older children in the family that are vaccine damaged and their parents have often clocked on and not vaccinated their younger siblings. Seeing their younger siblings being joyously normal always contains something bitter-sweet because of the nasty lottery of being firstborn. I'm so glad for the younger siblings who benefit from the sad experience of the older ones ... but so sad for the older ones.
It's a sad thing that many parents learn not to vaccinate through this horrid process of trial and error.
It's criminal that vaccination is still happening.

My younger Son is autistic and I am always wondering why. Of course I have heard that vaccines could be a cause of autism. I'm thinking of posting about my Son but I don't know if I want to personally open myself up that much here publicly on steemit per pictures/posts of him, about him, etc. I would not want people to use his pictures in any unintended way or to be mean to me--people can be mean you know. My Son is 9 yrs old and is non verbal. We have just recently got him potty trained...mostly. He has very serious behavioral issues related to the autism. He will need lots of help his entire life. He is magnificent and an enormous joy but the autism...well you probably understand. Thanks!

Sadly I know too many kids who have strokes these days. I looked at old photos of my own child and realized, many years later, that his face also shows a facial droop --a sign of stroke. A couple years ago when my youngest brought him his 6th grade year book the thing that stuck out the most to me was how much facial droop I saw on the pages. It was remarkable. This was not a common thing 20 years ago. Try it... grab a middle school year book and start looking for uni-lateral facial droop --and crossed/uncoordinated eyes. It's striking.

Yes! Maybe we have gradually become so used to this that it doesn't seem strange anymore.
But something is wrong with the faces of so many children these days.

My husband is really, really good at picking this up.
One time in the lineup of a store, he said to the woman standing there with her son of about 10-yrs of age, that it was awesome that she had not injected her son with aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, MSG, etc.
She responded with amazement, "How did you know that he wasn't vaccinated?"

The boy was so vibrant and handsome, that my husband just knew.
I am not the type of person who would make a comment like that to a stranger,
but my husband did call that one right, even though he had never seen this woman or her son before.

There is a light in the eyes of the unvaccinated --he's right. :)

It's that damn aliminum
Blood sludge !!

Excellent post, it brought me back to a young woman I cared for several years ago. She had a stroke at age 9. Now I wish I knew then what I know now about vaccines. Makes me wonder if vaccines were in play in her situation. All she could say was, no one knew why it happened to her.

oh my! Yes, whenever doctors say that they do not know why,
I always think that vaccines are most likely the problem.
It is crazy how we trust medicine so much,
and will inject ourselves with whatever they tell us too,
because we think that they are so smart,
and yet there are so many, many times that they just don't know how or give a reason why all these terrible problems and even deaths are happening.

The way doctors talk about SIDS infuriates me. It is nothing more than a catch-all term with little to no real scientific/medical meaning.

“Oh, your child just died. For...some reason. SIDS. It was SIDS. Your child died of...death....which killed your child.”

Jesus, it would be funny if it weren’t so tragic, evil, and pathetic.

Most of the time the complicated words and acronyms are tools to hide the real meaning.

A high-temperature exothermic redox chemical reaction between a fuel (the reductant) and an oxidant, usually atmospheric oxygen, that produces oxidized, often gaseous products, in a mixture termed as smoke. - This is called combustion

The rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products. Slower oxidative processes like rusting or digestion are not included by this definition. -This is called fire

The de facto trust in doctors as the "experts" is THE BIGGEST PROBLEM in personal health responsibility and effective preventative medicine today. Most physicians are completely brainwashed by the BS they are fed whether in schooling or in the subsequent propaganda they get from the pharma industry. (This is also driven further through the massive kickbacks they get for vaccinating their patients.) Subsequently their patients are brainwashed by the BS their physicians spew as a result. It's a case of the blind leading the blind, yet believing that they can see 20/20 thanks to the pharma-led "research" they have received at the top of the pyramid.

Then on top of it you have these ridiculous TV doctors like Dr. Oz that are sent out to further manipulate the populace through the idiot box. Dr. Oz and his ilk have been created to influence a populace that is slowly starting to realize how bad the allopathic medicine system really is. Check out these two videos on the BS of Dr. Oz (in case it isn't already apparent.)

Dr. Oz stating his kids don't get the flu shot:

Dr. Oz giving Piers Morgan the flu shot (and showing his follow on flu symptoms):

They don't know why because they're not doing enough research, or the research is there... hidden in the bottom of a drawer. They wash their hands with ignorance and move on.

Exactly. SIDS -- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome -- simply means, "Your Baby Died And We Don't Know Why".
It is not a diagnosis.

A good friend of mine had a neighbour friend with a premature baby, who she warned not to vaccinate the baby. But the mother did vaccinate them at 2 months, which would have been day zero of birth, and the baby died after the shots.

After that the mother firmly insisted to my friend that it wasn't vaccines that killed the baby -- it was SIDS! She could not comprehend that SIDS is not a diagnosis. It is not a cause of death. It just means that we don't know -- or in many cases that we don't want to tell you the truth that vaccines killed the baby.

Hi @canadian-coconut,
I hate to say this, but I don't think vaccines are as dangerous as many are trying to make them.

Before I say any further, I want to say that I love children and I care about their future. However, no one can tell whether I love children as much as you do, less or more.

But my defense towards vaccines doesn't mean I hate children at all.

I was born in Saudi Arabia, prematurely, and was given all vaccines that existed there (Even the Tuberculosis vaccine, which is not allowed to be given in Canada). I am still alive and kicking-ass (my own ass most of the time).

I come from a huge family (10 brothers, 9 of which are married and 3 sisters all married) all of them have at least 2 kids and more, all have been vaccinated and they are (thank heavens) healthy in schools/universities/working...etc.

I am not saying that the cases you presented are not due to vaccine, neither there is any proof that they are.

Even research can't tell that much because the number of people who are vaccinated and are alive and doing well is much larger than people who are vaccinated and die or get sick somehow.

I have PhD in medical research. (I am leaving research now) but I know that in order to publish something trustworthy, especially when it comes to human cases, we need to have large cohort of cases (i.e. sick due to vaccination) and compare them to another cohort of controls (i.e. healthy despite vaccination).

Without even doing the research, you can tell that the data of those healthy despite vaccination will be overwhelming the number of cases getting sick (basically most of the world population). So this experiment to prove that vaccines causes death or disease actually proves the opposite and studying it is not going to make much difference since the causes may be multiple factors that played together at the time of the vaccine or with it.

Also please don't forget that vaccines have saved a lot of lives throughout history and eradicated many diseases.

If we stop vaccinated our children, there will be more death than if we vaccinated them.

Thank you for the discussion.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Thank you for your reply @sneak,

Unfortunately, the discussion was left to die and as you mentioned. Once peoples' minds are set, it is hard to change them.

Hope not everyone will stay safe and healthy the way they want to.

That's terrible 😢
Doctors are supposed to autopsy the deceased to determine the cause of death. I don't know if they do that for infants. I'm sure they would find the cause of death, if they wanted to.

Unfortunately, not everything can be found by a simple autopsy. Also, Autopsy is not done on mere speculation. So, it depends if the family will allow the autopsy of their child or not.


What about vaccine induced scurvy ?! They just blame SBS in most all cases

The unknown diagnosis is a cop out. They know it's the vaccines but can never admit this now. How much more evidence is needed to show there is a correlation between vaccines and these injuries?

Fortunately the 5th child is vaccine-free and very healthy.

Say no more! I hope prospective parents take note and seriously consider the evidence before trusting their governments with the health of their precious children.

Thank you so much for always doing your research on vaccinations and sharing these terrible side effects they have and really how dangerous they are. And Huge thank you to Danielle Durette and her family for sharing her horror stories of vaccinating her babies. We need more and more people to start standing up and fighting for their rights and not just the rights but for protecting their kids lives and health.
This is terrible. Years and years ago I was like Danielle thinking how can parents not vaccinate their kids and that is because I was young and I really trusted the doctors and their medicine.
Now I know the truth, but wish I had known this earlier. And this is all thanks to people like you @canadian-coconut and Danielle and so many more who speak, share and fight for the truth. I've been reading and searching and just listening to lots of horror stories about vaccinations and just overall medicine and of course I see it what is happening just around my friends and family and I try to get the word out as much as I can, because this is our life, our kids life we are talking about and I'm sorry but the doctors are not always right. And we as parents know our kids more than anyone else, more than the doctor because we know when they act different or if they look different. We just have to teach people to listen to their gut feeling and research before we put all of our trust and our kids lives into the doctors hands.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This post has been put together so well it is utterly impressive. It is disgusting how stuff like this can happen and how very little people know about. It is horrible how society is made to fear sickness, and yet trust in this medical system backed by pharmaceutical companies that have no degree of responsibility put on them, that they will still give the parents the best advice. Knowledge is power. I am proud to have a beautiful healthy child that is free from this. It was a very tough decision to make especially since not a single one of my family supported that decision (outside of my spouse of course). However, the possible risks I just could not live with. I am so sad for this family and what they have been through and the damage that has been caused, yet so happy that the last little one has been giving such a strong wonderful fighting chance.

Thank you for posting this and spreading this type of information, it really needs to be heard more. This stuff needs to be discussed and talked about sensibly instead of secretly. Most people are not even aware that there is a fund that the government runs for people with vaccine injuries, and that the big drug companies take no hits whatsoever for what they do. It is a very screwed up way of thinking. Again, thank you for your post and what you do.

@canadian-coconut once again, a great piece. Thanks for continuing to be a science heretic and questioning the medical establishment... As you may remember I'm the father of an unvaxxed child, and her health and development are astonishing. I know I'll never sign a consent form for vaccinations, and we get some right shit for it. But it's our choice as parents. And we need to keep reminding people that the last defence against fascism is the right to choose what goes into ours and our kids bodies.

Ooh that poor family :'(

What they've had to go through and are still going through...and all the others like them out there that we keep hearing from. Vaccines are not safe for everyone. They should not be forced upon children or adults, and the risks should be thoroughly outlined.

I'm so happy their last child has been healthy due to not receiving any vaccines. It's pretty obvious to see correlation there.

My daughter was diagnosed with Autism at 3 yrs old. Looking at home videos, she seemed normal pre-vaccination. Years of therapy and a strict Gluten & Casein free diet helped her to overcome much of the learning issues she had. I've been blessed she's come this far.

Do not vaccinate your children under any circumstances. If you have to, claim a religious exemption, just don't do it.

If you still feel strongly about vaccinations, at the very least do not give them the MMR "cocktail", but rather spread the individual shots out over several months. Trust me, your child won't die of Measles by waiting a few months!

Also, camera phones are ubiquitous, so take several hours or days of video before and after each vaccination.

Apparently the MMR is no longer offered in 3 separate shots...

That kind of factoid drives me straight into nutty wackjob conspiracy zone. Sigh, trying to stay outta there.

Four children injured! That is terrible! The only thing I can say about the whole "It's genetic" that people keep being told, is that there is a possibility considering how often more than one child in a family who is vaccinated ends up with injuries, that there may be a genetic pre-disposition to the specific allergies that often cause the injuries. That makes it even more appalling that a parent whose child ends up with an injury after a vaccination is not told that future children will be at much higher risk for the same issues or worse.

Strabismus caused by vax injury was not one that I had known about prior to you, so once again I am grateful to your diligence and truly believe you are saving future children this grief by educating the parents who are reading this :)

Yes, I agree that genetics can make some people more prone to vaccine injury.
Which is why if they really believed that vaccines are for the purpose of saving lives,
they would first try to save the lives of those who can not handle vaccines.

The fact that they don't care who is injured by vaccines, and keep pushing them on the already vaccine injured (and their families), means that it is not about saving lives, but rather about selling as many vaccines as they can, period.

Listening to Danielle’s story had me in a range of emotions...from sad to angry and disgusted. As a mother of four hearing these stories brought tears to my eyes because I couldn’t imagine witnessing my children going through these life threatening episodes. For them to try and blame the parents and tell them their genetics are off and don’t match well...and then told them to stop having children?...just ridiculous. Why would they have to watch her son for an hour after his vaccinations if they didn’t think they were the cause of his problems. For them to say they wanted to be sure the vaccinations wouldn’t kill him...but yet they still continued to administer them and reassured her he still needed them. Wow

Thank you for continuing to share these stories and bringing truth to the light so everyone can see the real dangers of these vaccines Linda. I hope her beautiful children continue to recover and I hope that precious Killeigh gets more of her sight back. This is a good lesson no matter how much you think your doctor cares about you or is for you still do your research. Please just don’t take a medical professionals word...if something doesn’t seem right go with your instinct. It’s a big business out there folks and vaccines and medications bring in a lot of loot for these doctors and hospitals.

Everything that you said here is absolutely true.
Thank-you for reading and watching the entire video.

I could have continued on with a much longer article if I had talked about each different condition that her 4 children suffered as a result of each of their vaccines.

Thanks for all of your support!

Always!!! ❤️

but yet they still continued to administer them and reassured her he still needed them. Wow

That is what annoys me the most!, Vaccination on its own is a very bad mojo(this is the only word that came to mind), to make it worst, they administer the same very vaccine to every child out there. Mass- Vaccination gets me furious!!! They never investigate individual application, and they never stop even after getting those many failed cases. How long shall we be toyed with, how long shall we be endangered, how long till this nonchalant and nonsensical practices and pretense ignorant on their(government) part continue!

Yes it’s all very frustrating and annoying and the sad part is I don’t think they will ever stop. That’s why it’s up to those that know the truth to keep bringing awareness. We show videos to our loved ones and share stories about these tragic aftermath’s but some still choose to believe vaccines are safe and will protect their children. We won’t give up though.

I grew up in a place where people are very ignorant on the pitfalls of all this vaccines, I have always wondered why the hell “healthy” children with outstanding immunity from their parents get to get vaccinated. Why introduce some “strange fluid” into a human body! Well that answer goes deeper than we can ever imagine on the government’s shady practices. But one thing I know is this “ People lived a lot longer back in time “ when there where no vaccines, no chemical plagued intakes and alll. God gave us a body naturally capable of promoting its own “Defense”! This vaccine crusade given to “every” child is a problem, because many kids get to be seriously getting more problems than help from taking them. I think this supposed to be looked at and done at a objective individual level and not some Mass Vaccination for all genetic make ups out there. , I wished many people get to know the dangers of Vaccines. I wished I Learnt more from my elder brother who is currently a Doctor. Thank you @canadian-coconut For this wide-opened disective post [edited]

What kind of people do things like that? How can a doctor diagnose egg allergy and still say it's ok to inject an allergen directly into the blood-stream? That's insane!
And just throw the blame on the parents - 'genetics don't mix'!?
I can understand big-pharma bosses - they're after the money no matter what. It's evil, but it makes sense for them. What I cannot understand are regular family doctors - don't they ever have doubts? Would it be that hard to look over cases like this, do their own research, challenge the official dogma? Heartless...

Thanks for expressing your thoughts on this.
It is a perplexing sitution that is for sure.

Dear Linda, this is a well written Post. Now I remember many years back a similar case in my country. A Child from a neighbor get same problem with the eyes after Vaxxing. This time nobody knows from where is comes from. But now I remember it and I can say, it was for shure from that.

Very happy to read that the last child's healthy. But as always, the media is hiding such a important Case. So only view people will know it and after some month it will be forgotten... to bad in my decision. For that it is excellent what you do Linda and the other helpers for the families.

This is heartbreaking. It's also makes me very angry. I chose to not vaccinate my children, it was an easy choice for me and I had a supportive partner and community of friends around me, who didn't question my choice. I also had a great homeopath I trusted who give me information on vaccinations. It is so important for parents to be informed and not to be intimated by health professions. some of whom are drug pushers for pharmaceutical companies.
I can't imagine how Danielle feels after all this happening to her, all her children bar one. This needs to be seen on a large scale. It's shocking 1 in 3 babies having a stroke and it's normal. wow, this is such a crime against humanity. Those poor children, and yet so many continue to vaccinate. Everyone needs to take their health and their children's health in to their own hands. Be informed, ask questions and educate.
Thank you for continuing to bring this to light.

Thank-you. More and more people are starting to realize that the ongoing disaster that we have created. We need to keep informing as many people as we can, until we reach the tipping point of this information not being able to be suppressed anymore.

You know my situation and how I went from zero hearing problems to half deaf over a year and from receiving three of six anthrax booster shots. Vaccines definitely do harm. One of them harmed me.

It is very frustrating to me too to hear the ignorance from so many people about the topic. They are horribly brainwashed and not thinking clearly. Maybe their brains were damaged from their vaccines.

My children share my genetics though, and I was one of the unlucky .05% that had a negative autoimmune response to the shots. Well, if I had a negative reaction, my children may have one too.

There's no way in hell that I would risk that happening to them. I'm lucky that it was just half my hearing. For all I know, the 4th shot could have made me completely deaf. Worse, I could have died as some people did from the shots.

As parents we are supposed to keep our children safe. This is a controversial topic of course, but at first my wife and I selectively vaccinated. We only had the children get old and well tested vaccines.

Then we stopped them completely. The more we learned, the more we realized none of them are worth the risks. Our case is special though, and it is up to each parent to decide.

Thank-you for sharing your story again
and for supporting this cause of getting the information out there.

Thank you for this post, very well researched and put together! I look forward to reading more.

Thank goodness my DIL's mom saw VAXXED before our grandbaby was born (she's on my back in my profile pic, napping on the sofa beside me now). That family was wavering but VAXXED sealed the deal and she's never been vaxxed!

Both my sons were vaccine injured early on and I stopped. I wasn't educated back then, I just didn't like the whole idea and hated shots.

In fact, I didn't realize they were injured due to vaccines!!! I thought one son just "got" asthma and the other one just "had a seizure"... which might have been a stroke? I never knew that. Ugh.

Thank you for speaking out and educating -- my mission as well. I'm glad I found you so quickly (just started on Steemit!) Blessings, I'm following you :)

You are welcome, and I am glad that you have found your way to Steemit.
It think that you will find a great community here.

I think this is what my friends child has. She passed vision tests but the disease isn't usually detected until school age. The muscles in the eye don't form properly and leads to what alot of parents believe are just lazy eyes. Glasses and therapy can fix the problem but it costs 6k and isn't covered by health Canada oddly enough. I'm wondering if she could have had the basic vison test and passed but later a diagnosis of a different problem? This child im talking about didnt have a stroke she was just born with the condition

If you listen to the video, the eye problems that occurred 3 days after the vaccine were very obvious and noticeable, and not something that could have been missed 3 days earlier if it had existed.

I do realize that many forms of strabismus are very hard to notice, and can be missed.
I actually talked to a really good friend of mine before making this post (she was my Maid of Honor)
who is an optomotrist, and I ran all of this information by her.

She was really interested in the information, but of course they were not taught this in optomotry school, and they also do not question patients on when their last vaccine was, so it would be hard for an eye doctor to make the connection without asking the right questions.

I would love to see a vaccinated vs unvaccinated study done that includes this question about crossed eyes and strokes.

Maybe the reason that this problem is often not detected until school age, could be because of the bunch of vaccines that they normally get right before kindergarten starts.

Interestingly, I have an acquaintance/friend who did not vaccinate her child when young, largely because I warned her, and then homeschooled for kindergarten but started school in Grade 1. The child was then vaccinated for the first time, and shortly afterwards she was wearing glasses because her eyes were crossed. Her mother had her eyes checked because she had been reading really, really young (one of those teach your baby to read mothers) but suddenly she could not read anymore. It was due to the crossed eyes. It really makes me wonder if vaccines were the cause. The mom probably thought that it was safer to vaccinate her at that older age, but I know that it NEVER safe to vaccinate.

The Weston A. Price Foundation is raising funds to do that study (vaxxed vs unvaxxed). Can't wait to see the results.

Do you have a link to where they are raising money to do this?
Perhaps they should start accepting crypto-currency donations.

This is so heartbreaking to watch my friend, just look at those innocent little kids getting such sufferings from authorities.
We can see clearly that the youngest one who is not vaccinated is so much healthy and in top form.
This makes me think of my brother 2 kids...they are vaccinated and always sick and getting angry each and everytime for nothing.
Thanks so much for spreading the words my friend!

Vaccines are deadly to children mostly because of the preservatives which are commonly aluminum oxide or thimerosal which is mercury. There is no real science that supports vaccines and so it's no surprise that doses are not measured out less for children than adults.

My nephew had a seizure when I was called over to help with the high fever he had. He was a newborn and they sent him and my sister home after giving him the vaccine shot.

Fortunately I had brought over a lobelia tincture with me and my sister gave it to my poor nephew who was not breathing. DO NOT TRUST YOUR DOCTOR! They are simply not informed well enough to protect their patients. Sad but true.

My nephew is now 16 but he almost did not make it to 1! Vaccines are the #1 cause of SIDS(Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)

what a fantastic post!
being a holistic wellness specialist and having run a healthfood store for several years, i've had this debate countless times. i saw first hand, the effects of vaccinations, from autism, to adhd, endocrine problems, digestive issues, neurological complications, etc. i myself deal with damage from vaccinations given throughout my childhood, my heart goes out to the little ones who couldn't and didn't make this choice for themselves. Unfortunate that more parents don't educate themselves. it makes me a little frustrated when i get a million questions on the safety and efficacy of herbs, homeopathy and aromatherapy, yet not one question taking poison from a doctor. i know many doctors, they couldn't care less about the health of their patient, it's business, it's about dollars, it's not about healing. there is a BIG rabbit hole to go down here. i know there are some well intended doctors out there, they are hard to find! vaccinations should be banned period! i'll never forget the lady who wouldn't give her infant honey because she wasn't sure it would be good for her, yet she's getting her vaccinated with no doubt! whhaaattt???

How this is widely under reported across the globe just baffles me. Also, the fact that even questioning the safety of vaccines and you are demonized. Not to mention the endless facts that demand concern. Most these doctors dont have the slightest clue of any of the vaccine ingredients and just parrot what theve been taught in medical school. I am outraged and so grateful i learned what i did before my son was born. Thank you for shedding light on this MAJOR issue @canadian-coconut

OMG, this is very unfortunate story of Danielle Durette. Baby killeigh is legally blind three days later from MMR vaccine.Very very heart touching story about her children, oh OMG I am not believe still, how people are victimised vastly, actually Doctor should come out and should worned the system about the side effects of vaccination. In my opinion the duty of doctors is to save the life not take it, but here in this situation, they are misguide the people. I want to thank you from my core of my heart that you are doing a great job by creating awareness among people about this inhuman activities of the system. We are now the people of the modern world, we should have our human right to protect our family and future of our children. Very much noble cause, wish you good luck and success for your great mission. Thanks for sharing .

What a sad read :( Our beautiful world is in the grip of the corrupt elite who (often) have little care for the common man/woman/child. Profit is king! New here on Steemit I am an artist/writer/lightworker keen to connect with enlightened souls. So glad I stumbled upon you. Upvoted and followed I wish you well xox

I've opted my kids out of all vaccinations!

Although I feel in my gut and believe this to be true. Honostly I don't know what to do when i'll get some kids of my own in about 2-4 years? This all makes me question if I even want to make this choice (beside convincing my partner)... I mean the risk/reward is an easy choice after the fact, but what if he or she gets the disease it is supposed to prevent?

What I did before my first child was born,
was look at each illness that the vaccine is for, and look at each vaccine,
and weight the risk/benefit for each one individually.

I decided that none of the vaccines had a higher benefit than risk.
But it takes a lot of time to do the research until you feel comfortable.

But just consider this. When I was young (I'm 48) we had only a very few vaccines, and children were much healthier than they are today. So if we were healthier back when we only had a few vaccines, why do today's children need the HUGE amount of new vaccines that have been put on the childhood schedule since then. They keep adding MORE and MORE and giving MULTIPLE shots on the same day, YOUNGER and younger ages, including the first day of life now.

Surely some if not all of these shots are not necessary. Especially considering how sickly children are today compared to prior to this bombardment of vaccines.

This is the book that I read at the time. This doctor looks at the safety of each vaccine, whether or not it even works well at preventing what it is supposed to, how likely it is to die or get really ill from the disease, how treatable the disease is if you actually get it, etc.

The best thing to do is have natural birth at home with a midwife. They will not inject vaccines in them after birth like the hospitals.

It always amazes me how propaganda can be efficiently created to make unsafe things seems safe despite over whelming evidence of the contrary.

I don’t understand! Surely everyone in the world knows a child that has been damaged (for lack of a better word). The symptoms are often similar, and yet doctors don’t do or say anything!

I can’t understand this!

In the US, the Pharmaceutical Industry suppresses the damage caused by their drugs. You can't even sue the drug companies anymore. Victims are forced to go through controlled courts that take up to 10 years to resolve.

Doctors that speak out against drug companies are attacked and have their names smeared to ruin their business. A very good example is Dr. Oz who spoke out against vaccines.

However there is HOPE because Donald Trump knows about the damages caused by vaccine. He just have to deal with the politics of speaking the truth.

It is really sad that the medical community, especially here in the US, is covering up the ill effects of vaccines. My youngest is right now banging his head, really hard. It started within 12 hours of his 6-month visit. I might have elected to vaccinate regardless as it does eradicate certain diseases, but Polio? We have not had Polio for most of my 40+ years, it is already eradicated. HepB actually caused less damage than the vaccine, so we can decide based on what we know. The legal system, a few larger medical institutions, and a few figures (Bill Gates comes to mind) would rather not confront the truth. I must face this truth every day, sometimes every hour, and my best excuse is that I was uninformed until something happened to me. Thanx for speaking out! I do not actually think vaccines are a bad idea, but uninformed consent and legally forced medical procedures arre not in any type of gray area. Vaxxing a small child while the downside is covered up is dead wrong!

Thank-you for your comment.
I am so sorry to hear about your child. I hope that he improves.

You are right that the biggest issue is how parents are not given the opportunity for Informed Consent.
And each child is treated the same and given the same vaccines regardless.

If you watched the video, the same doctor kept pushing further vaccines on all of her children, even AFTER they had adverse reactions. The doctor even admitted that the girls leg was so extremely swollen after the flu shot because she had an egg allergy, but then insisted that she get further flu shots anyways!!! Imagine a doctor who insists that you keep injecting something into your body that he acknowledges you are allergic to? It is madness.

If the doctors would at least read people the Vaccine Package Insert with the warnings,
and screen out the people (according to the Insert) who should NOT receive that vaccine based on their medical history ... then I could respect that doctor.
Instead they make no effort to ask parents if a past adverse reaction has occurred, or whether they are allergic to components of the vaccine, or whether their family history or personal history is considered a reason not to vaccinate (as per the Vaccine Package Insert.)

Personally, I have found that every single vaccine has a higher risk than a possible benefit,
so my 3 children have had zero vaccines.

I think he is very brave when he publishes things like this and that it is very important that the world knows.
unfortunately throughout the world there are pharmaceutical companies that thanks to the existing corruption in many countries are still exercising causing more diseases than cures and that the world should know and be well informed about the medicine ingested or vaccine. The government should take responsibility and issue aid to families who go through these circumstances.
God bless your daughter.

I have successfully declined the shots, though Public Health wont give up lol I am starting homeoprophylaxis as an alternative.

Thank you for sharing this @canadian-coconut. My son is in to Conspiracy Research work and he always keeps telling me about this, how harmful the vaccines are. Initially I used to feel he's getting influenced with other people's views, but lately i have been reading a lot myself about these cases and I feel veey scared. Though in my times there were just very few of them and we are perfectly fine, but after 90s I have seen the number of Vaccines have suddenly shot up for babies and I wonder if all of them are needed or its all a pharmaceutical racket. The observation is that odd ailments are coming out more in the new generation and vaccines can be one of the reasons. Its very difficult to educate people on this as a mass still gets defensive.

Interestingly, another user wrote about the safety on vaccines here. Some things were well illustrated there as well.

There is zero independent research on either vaccine safety or efficacy. No need to read that post. Thanks anyway. #vaxxedthemovie

Actually, that post was highlighting the lack of research on the safety of vaccines in children and the fact that no one is held responsible for damages that may occur from vaccination.

all this vaccination is like a biological weapon they are shooting on ourselves. i know they wanted t o make mandatory vaccination in italy and it was a huge protest (most probable the law past) and now in romania is the same story... mandatory vaccination for EVERYBODY. is a crazy crazy world where they want to treat all the people the same... to transform all the new generation into sheep.

This article is reasonable and worth taking note of. The fact that the adverse effects of vaccination on children is under-reported is alarming. Some of the vaccines are not necessary and even prevent the infant from acquiring natural immunity to some diseases. More emphasis should be placed on studying the short and long term effects of vaccination, especially in children.

Thank you so much Linda, you have told us about the dangers of vaccinations can cause stroke in children who have never known so far, and resteem your post Linda

Support logic in vaccines and informed consent. Think about the links to injuries, the stats don't lie like the industry and licensed doctors that have forgot the "first do no harm" motto every day to every family they "serve". Just think people, they get you to place radioactive material in your home in smoke detectors, drink toxic byproducts from industry in our water under the guise of fluoride, genetic experiments for food, and poison our kids with garbage. All why telling us we need to do the right thing.

This is very useful information, I want to ask what kind of vaccine do you mean?because in Indonesia very remarkable about the announcement of the vaccine for newborn children.In Indonesia there are those who believe and there is nothing about vaccines.

The vaccine in this case was the Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine.
But every vaccine can cause strokes in children.
I can see it in the faces of many children, where eyes do not align or the face droops.
These are signs of strokes that we recognize in an adult but for some reason do not recognize in children.
Strokes can cause vision problems, which is I believe what happened to this little girl in the video.
And yes, I have met other people here on Steemit from Indonesia that do not vaccinate.

I am interested in the topic you are discussing and you are careful now. but I am confused, in Indonesia very unusual notification to do vaccine in children with two doses at 9 months and 18 months old child. Rubella vaccine will be added (M -> MR) in the National Immunization program in Indonesia. Indonesia will conduct the MR Immunization campaign, targeting approximately 70 million children for immunization targets in two stages in 2017-2018. (source: I do not understand where the source of this vaccine instruction is done.though I myself do not agree with the vaccine in the body and I agree with you

I just resteemed this post! Thank you for this amazing post!! Yesterday I posted on vaccine dangers on my blog @dakini5d. Also, Please got to for current activist and medical info for fighting back against the criminal vaccine industry!

Until we realize what the bigger problem.... or the real enemy, we are fighting a losing war.

Big Pharma is the problem. They promote dangerous drugs and unnecessary poison tainted vaccines.

Soon I will do a blog on this.

so sad, keep up the good work.

Wow. this is very scary. I don't have children or really plan on it, but great to know.

doctors never have responsibility..
In Russia all doctors have a plan about the quantity of vaccinated children and if this amount in less than this very plan doctors lose theit bonuses and over-salary benefits in money. They all are afraid of this very much. So the state pays for every vaccinated baby and for sure it is made not because of great care ... we all know deep reasons. Not all but WE know.
Moreover many doctors don't vaccinate their own children. But in the plan it is fixed that they are...
when will people open eye on pharma?

Great information here, glad I learned something new.
It's terrible how so many people are still completely ignorant to the effects of vaccines and other poisons people willingly put in their bodies.

Good article! We got attacked so much for not vaccinating our children as it is practically mandatory here in Australia but we knew about the risks and I don't understand how the Pharma industry can still claim vaccinations to be completely safe. My two daughters are now 18 and 21 and haven't had any diseases they weren't immunised against and grew up to be healthy individuals.

I had never heard that vaccination might have these effects on children.
When I was a child, I used to run away in order to avoid these variations though I never knew what it was for, the only thing that I knew was that they created fear in me.
I don't say that vaccinations are bad, they are infact for the better health of a person but these after effects they cause should be taken into consideration and dealt with

The older generation were NOT forced to take so many vaccines at once. I remember getting just ONE vaccine out of my entire life to go to public school. That is all.

Even more scarier is that vaccines these days have more dangerous and toxic chemicals in it like formaldehyde, aluminum, mercury, dead fetus tissues, latex, MSG, methanol, ethylene glycol (Anti-freeze you put in cars) and NAGALASE! Do a search on Nagalase and how it is associated to cancer.

Now babies are forced with so many vaccines that it is killing our babies and damaging their brains and nervous system. Unless we make the effort to stop this, there will be no HOPE for the future generation.

Thank you for your comment.
In my research, vaccines make a person more sick overall.
You can go through my older posts to see what I mean.
Just one example, is how the DTP vaccine (Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis) makes children 10X more likely to get die of other infections. So it even if it prevents those 3 infections, your immune system is weakened and made vulnerable to the many many other dangers around you.

That article is here:

I agree with your opinion, and I have also read the previous article.

I also have not heard before, a few years ago there was a friend of mine who told first I did not believe it, but in the end I believe that the vaccine is dangerous.after reading the above statement I became more confident with it

I know this is something that is very controversial and I completely disagree with vaccines and last time I said no to it the doctor basically forced it on us saying that we had to or she couldn't go to school things like that which I think is total BS and thankfully they didn't win with getting it passed into law to where you have to you still have a choice in this world or at least in this country and I choose not to but thankfully my daughter doesn't need any more right now but if they try to do this again I'm totally not for it you never know what's in those vaccines seriously.

Depending on where you live, there are often exception forms to fill out. The government and the schools will not help you figure out the process either, and they will give you a hard time for not conforming. It usually can be done though. Here in Virginia for example, we have to fill out an exemption form. That's fine. I'll do that. If they ever forced the issue though, I'd home school. If I could not do that, I'm leaving to a place that leaves my children alone.

Right i agree with that, they try to make everything such a hassle making it seem like you have no choice.
Next time they wont win, i will fill out what every paperwork necessary in this case. @finnian thanks for your input on that we definitely have to stick together with things like this and specially if we know there is a risk involved.


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Dr. Andrew Moulden, a physician from Quebec, Canada, recognized and documented how children suffer strokes after vaccinations, and how you can recognize it in their faces. The link above will give you more information about this, so please click and read it

increasingly adding useful information

Upvoted and resteemed 👍
We are cheering for her!

Rocking hair style ✌️

I believe the shot or vaccine could of been largely responsible.

I wouldn't even vaccinate my dog!

Me, too! (Me neither?)

what a sad story, horrible

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My wife has done a lot of research on vaccines but this is something new we have not read about. Very interesting and worth sharing. People need to be informed about the dangers of vaccines. I do like your husband's remarks when seeing an unvaccinated child: "I'm glad to see that you never injected aluminum, formaldehyde, MSG and mercury into your son!" That would be hilarious to hear in person and see the parent's reactions.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Good Story @canadian-coconut

Excellent post,Great information here, glad I learned something new.


very nice post and i always like these kind of post. because like these post we learn many of different experiences in the word who no discover normally.

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Good post @canadian-coconut
I like your post
I upvote and resteem

This is so true canadian-coconut if we all care the world would be a wonderful place to be. Excellent post.


I had to resteem this, i think more people need to see stories like this, bless that little girl, i hope she gets justice.

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Thanks for the post. Good to know all this information. Now i know stroke can happen on any age.
But stroke is another thing with UNKNOWN reason?

your post is very good.
you do not know me yet. I am a newcomer to steemit. but I know a lot about you.
you are a great person.
i need support from you. thank you

I guess the jury is still out on this stuff.

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A great post,
I like to read your post.
Thank you....

Danielle (above) has 4 children that have all been badly injured by vaccines, plus twins that she miscarried after being given the DPT shot while pregnant.
It is possible that Danielle is genetically susceptible to any component to MMR vaccine which she has transmitted to her child who are also genetically different from other child?? If yes, we shouldn't blame MMR Vaccine blindly.

Hello and I wonder if you will see this. I commented on this post of yours awhile back. I don't expect you to remember me though maybe you will. So, I did decide to write about my Son. I talk about vaccines about half way through the post. I think I will do a post regarding him every two months or something like that. I have never promoted a post but I'm thinking of promoting this one--what do you think? I did not post a link to it here cause I thought maybe you would object? I hope you look at it though under my account and let me know what you think. I hope you are doing great! Thanks!

This is a really interesting topic and I'm sorry I missed it when you first published it, cause it is a topic that we really need to have an in depth discussion on.

First off, I should state where I stand on vaccines. I neither advocate for them or denounce them, I think they offer a lot of potential to help humans but they can also inflict harm in many instances.

There is no denying that Polio was essentially wiped off the face of the earth due to the polio vaccine, can we agree on that?

Vaccines were created to fight off diseases and in most cases, did the job. Because of this success, more have been created for other diseases such as measles, mumps, tetanus, cholera etc, and for the vast majority of people, they work.

HOWEVER (and I can't stress how big this however is) each of our bodies has a different reaction to everything that enters our bodies. There is a HUGE amount of variation from person to person. There are so may different causes, whether they be genetic or environmental which produce an exponential number of different effects.

A quick example of prenatal causes that don't have anything to genetics; the mothers diet, sleeping patterns, whether she uses any substances (alcohol, smoking etc), the amount of exercise she gets, where she lives, whether she has a vaginal birth or a C-section. All of this things play a huge role later on in the development of that child's immune system.

When we take into account all these variables put together, it is hard to imagine that any vaccine can have the exact same effect on everyone. In recent years there has been a new branch in gut biome research, this looks to be very promising in providing each indivdual with a detailed report on certain foods, habits, etc that can cause our bodies to have different reactions. This might help determine why I will eat a pizza and be bloated for 2 days while my sister can eat the same portion and maintain a stick thin figure. It might explain why I get a terrible hangover when I drink rum, but not when I drink whiskey. There are just so may things that that we don't know about our bodies, which makes it difficult to say a vaccine is the sole culprit for a person having a stroke.

What we should do is more testing. More testing on what things may trigger our bodies to have certain reactions, more testing on what foods change our moods, more testing on how where we live changes our metabolic rate.

To say that this vaccines are the lone culprit for her children's injuries is too cut and dry. There must be more to it than just the vaccine. Genetic testing, biome testing etc need to be done. This is a really grey area of medicine and it is never black and white.

Sorry for the rant, hope its comprehensible

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Thank you for following me and upvoting all my goofy posts.. (hint hint not so goofy) As I wake in the middle of the night considering an equity line of credit for bitcoin... yes that is happening.. I did also realize this. everyone can and it is very possible this is happening at many levels already, can finance bitcoin. credit cards signature loans etc. The appreciation on BTC would far exceed that amount of interest paid to bank. please see my next post TY and Happy Holidays.

And you think the doctors are totally not comming to the idea that the reason may be the same for children then for adults?
You think all doctors are total idiots?

Legal blindness, after determination, is visual acuity, less than 6/60 or 20/200 using Sinelin test, or visual acuity recoils at 20 degrees or below.

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That's a heart melting story with the pics of those kids and the stats.

I heard that children can also suffer high blood pressure and this can lead to stroke as well, i was 22 when i suffered cardiac problem which nearly led to stroke, howeve with intervention of doctors i revived. So many do not know that children can also suffer blood pressure, thank you for this article @canadian-coconut

Hello @canadian-coconut
I never knew what stroke in kit was before now
I just realize some kids around have this here in Nigeria
I think vaccines are not readily available here
But i will do my research and help some.
Thanks for sharing such a nice piece

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Thanks for letting us know of vaccines and l didn't know that children's can get stroke

:( at 18 months of you follow the mandated schedule approximately 4,926 mcg of Aluminum SMH #truthtrain

a beautiful child

Excellent post, if only more people knew.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

@yougotflagged you were flagged by a worthless gang of trolls, so, I gave you an upvote to counteract it! Enjoy!!