Had a good talk with our midwife today about vaccinations

in vaccines •  8 years ago 

We were in for a routine midwife check and I finally had the guts to step up and ask the forbidden question of vaccinations and wow was I surprised to hear what she had to say.

When you decide to use a midwife to take of your pregnancy you fully expect her to tell you how to take care of your labor and the basics afterwards including vaccination. I was in with my daughter in law having her 38 week appointment when I brought up the topic of vaccinations. I was quite amused but also disturbed at how uncomfortable the appointment all of a sudden became. I knew I asked the forbidden question that my daughter wanted to ask but was to shy to do so by the look in my daughters eyes I pressed on. At first we got all the nicey nice stuff you know the stuff she was supposed to tell us but I read something different between the lines and decided I was going to push the issue.

It took about five minutes of pussy footing around when she finally looked at me and said she does not feel anyone should be pushed into something they don't believe in. I smiled and she continued she said since she works in the health field every year she is pushed to have the flu shot or have to wear a mask. I knew then in her opinion she didn't appreciate having to be forced to take the shot but she had really no choice. Now there are people out there who say whats the big deal wear a mask if you don't want the shot but anyone who hasn't spent a day in a mask freaking out their clients don't get it. It is so unpersonable and when you are in a vulnerable position of authority the last thing you want to do is have your face covered up so smiles can not been seen when needed the most.

All of a sudden the truth started to pour out and she began to talk between the lines. She informed us you don't need to have your two month old baby have a shot you could wait till six months which takes the baby out of the SIDS zone. you can also choose the ones you want to give. Now I'm not a young mom I have had six kids and have never been told I had that choice of timing and choice of what to give. I was told when and how to do it every time. She also told us that there were some real necessary vaccinations and the rest well you decide. For the first time a person in authority cut the bull crap and told us the truth.

Now what gets me is the fear that is placed upon the people in all kinds of authority. If we don't do what we are taught we could be held legally liable. So in other words shut our opinion off and cram into innocent people the things that the government has told us to do or lose your job. I think that there is a way of helping people see the light but unfortunately we are all scared to do so. In the situation of the midwifes appointment she can't tell us what she is really thinking because she could lose her job if she did. So too many innocent mothers and fathers will do what they are supposed to do or atleast what they are told to do and more and more babies will be harmed.
I am extremely grateful for this midwife and her honesty this info will be able to be used to do the best for our newest member of our family. I just hope more moms and dads will ask the questions we did that day so they too can make an informed decision for their families.

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Thank you for sharing this information with us, it definitely reaffirms some of the things I was already thinking...

...the fear that is placed upon the people in all kinds of authority. If we don't do what we are taught we could be held legally liable. So in other words shut our opinion off and cram into innocent people the things that the government has told us to do or lose your job.

Man, I sure wish people en masse would stop following orders!

The child will be shocked when penetrates skin.

Good on you! I think we all need to question our doctors sometimes to make sure we understand what treatment we are having, and why we are having it. I will certainly be questioning mine on vaccinations when we get to that stage. Sadly at the moment we are asking questions about infertility tests, already IVF is being pushed upon us! It takes some guts to push through the 'niceties' like you say, but the outcome is often informative. It would be interesting to hear what your daughter opts for, if any, and when. Best of luck with the new addition to your family!

I would like to say thank you and telling you That I will pray for you and the infertility issue. please keep me posted and i will keep you posted.

Thank you, you are so kind x

yw and i will keep praying

I am glad to see that you pushed it, to many are scared to make waves and instead live with the results of not being firm in your own health care...We live in these bodies and no dr knows it better than we do..

sometimes i am my worst enemy i just cant take something because someone has said it this has gotten me in a lot of hot water through my life but that is who i am so i will keep asking. thanks for reading

I grew up not vaccinated and so did my daughter. I am very thankful we got away with it. Now it seems to be much more taboo to be an anti vaxxer.

it sure is and really shouldnt be thanks for reading my post

What a great story, and actually I know exactly what you mean about the mask because my brother is an RN and has to wear it for months out of the year for refusing the shot. His wife on the other hand gets the shot, even though she would prefer not to, for the reasons you stated. That's not to say my brother has less of a problem with the impersonable aspect of it, he absolutely hates it. Especially last year when they announced that the flu shot given out that year was not going to work because the flu had mutated, and yet he was still forced to wear the mask until flu season was officially over, tell me how that makes sense? It doesn't of course.
Every year, for the past three that my brother has put his foot down, at the end of the flu season they have a party for him at work called the Unmasking of Ed.

Anyway, I would be grateful for that midwife as well :)

Good on ya for questioning the authorities. Sadly the medical industry has been turned into a cash cow and it's difficult getting the truth from many that work within it however I suspect there are many who know the truth who would love to expose the reality.
Due diligence must be done by parents prior to getting their kids vaccinated, there are too many kids being permanently damaged by these products and the numbers appear worse as the years go on.
Well done for doing the right thing.

I am glad to hear that you pushed on with your questions.
It is sad that a health care provider can not freely give their true opinions and experiences about vaccines.

I'm sure that it was a good thing for your daughter-in-law to see that a professional in the field had reservations about the number of vaccines being pushed at early ages.

it was very good and watching the midwife have reservations has reassured her into the way she is thinking. and through all this i found out that my husband is on my side and definetely against immunizations. Who would have thought i didnt know that.

@jolly-homestead I recommend you read these three posts from me about vaccines. It could give you a lot more information, and backed with scientific papers (with links).

Why I'm very happy to not have Vaxxed my baby girl with the Hepatitis B vaccine

The danger of the diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, hepatitis B and inactivated poliovirus vaccine (Scientific study)

More vaccines more deaths, less vaccines less deaths in infants (Scientific Study)

If you want to follow me I'll keep posting about the subject.

I will follow you keep writing the world needs to have this information. Good luck and keep it up

Heh...you would not have had to work to get my midwife talking. She will talk an ear off on this subject. I'm glad this one was willing to be honest with you and I would also consider it a good sign that you have someone you can work with if you want to truthfully consider options in a crisis birth situation. Honesty is so important!

yes it is i sure would love to talk to your mid wife bet she has lots to say