The Government Knows Parents are Vulnerable and Intentionally Markets Vaccines Through Fear Campaigns

in vaccines •  6 years ago 


I share about vaccine injury to bring about awareness and to share the other side of the vaccine story. My hope is to get parents to do their research and be fully informed before they choose whether or not to vaccinate. Unfortunately, we cannot trust our government or the medical community to provide the truth. Start somewhere and know it's never too late to educate yourself!

If you want to learn more, now is the time, start digging! Learn about the vaccines, know the recommended schedule, understand the diseases and their actual risk, read the vaccine ingredients and package inserts (where you will find manufacturer admissions and statements like "this product has not been tested as a carcinogen, mutagenic, or for its impact on fertility), be aware and know vaccine reactions both short and long term, read between the lines EVERYWHERE. Be careful when reading the studies, as they will give you the studies that have been done and fail to provide a clear path to financial contributors or conflicts of interest. They will also fail to clarify that the placebo group was injected with the vaccine minus the virus but WITH the adjuvants and toxins. Read as much as you can, beyond what if offered by the CDC, FDA, and the medical community. Read about the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, that we as tax payers fund, and how much has been paid out and for which vaccines (MMR, Influenza, and Gardasil top the list), join anti-vaxx Fb groups. Many people share truths you won't be able to easily find on your own. Watch vaxxed the movie. Research, dig deep, continue to learn and make an informed decision. Unfortunately, the government knows parents are vulnerable and intentionally markets vaccines through fear campaigns, and it works most of the time! Fear and blind trust is why so many parents go along with what they are told to do instead of trusting their gut and researching.

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Many great ideas to fight this! Thanks!

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. Your support is much appreciated.

Thank you for helping to educate the public about the truth regarding vaccines. Another great source for such research and information is, which has compiled an online library of peer-reviewed literature on this (as well as many other) health topic(s). Likewise, an independent researcher who presents verifiable and high-quality information is Jeremy Hammond, and here is a sample posting by him Vaccines is one of those topics in which, indeed "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" and of deep heartache.

Thanks for the great information and sources! I will check them out today. Much appreciated! Thanks for taking the time to read and comment as well.

thanks my friend.this post very useful.

Happy you found it useful. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment! are my friend