You believe these Government Agencies? Autism / SIDS?
The CDC’s own research has found that the long denied vaccine-SIDS link is real.
If you believe the official pronouncements of top governmental health agencies like the CDC and FDA, all the vaccines in the present day schedule are safe and effective.
Not only are you told that they can’t harm you, but that not taking them can kill you.
Parents are under even more pressure. They are told that refraining from vaccinating their infants or children will greatly increase their risk of dying or being disabled. Worse, they are increasingly labeled as ‘crazy’ and ‘irresponsible’ anti-vaccine zealots who are putting the lives of others in danger.
But what happens when the actual evidence from the scientific and clinical literature produced by these very agencies contradicts their own vaccine policies?
This is exactly what has happened with the publication of a new study in the Journal of Pediatrics titled ,”Adverse Events following Haemophilus influenzae Type b Vaccines in the Vaccine Adverse Event ReportingSystem, 1990-2013,” wherein CDC and FDA researchers identify 749 deaths linked to the administration of the Hib vaccine, 51% of which were sudden infant death linked to the administration of Hib vaccine.
The CDC has boldly denied that there is any evidence supporting a causal link between vaccines and infant death, despite the fact that their own webpage on the topic acknowledges that “From 2 to 4 months old, babies begin their primary course of vaccinations. This is also the peak age for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).” Written off as coincidence, the CDC suggests that stomach sleeping is the primary modifiable risk factor.
Because SIDS is the 3rd leading cause of death in infants, and because the U.S. has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the developed world, one would think that more progress would have been made toward understanding its causes. Perhaps, as explored in this past article, the signal of harm is being ignored. Neglect and suppression of available data has recently been exposed with the confession of a top CDC vaccine scientist who was compelled to covered up data revealing an autism-MMR link in African-American boys.
The HiB vaccine is described on the CDC website as “very safe” and “effective” at preventing HiB disease, which it states can be deadly. They list “most common side effects as usually mild and last 2 or 3 days,” including “redness, swelling, and warmth where the child got the shot” and “fever”. Nowhere is there listed death or disability as a possible side effect.
Consider also that VAERS is a passive surveillance system, which suffers from profound underreporting. According to the VAERS site’s own disclaimer:
“Underreporting” is one of the main limitations of passive surveillance systems, including VAERS. The term, underreporting refers to the fact that VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events. The degree of underreporting varies widely. As an example, a great many of the millions of vaccinations administered each year by injection cause soreness, but relatively few of these episodes lead to a VAERS report.
Dead Babies and Stillbirths Reported to the FDA After Vaccination – Mothering Magazine
Three key points leap out. 1) Check out the huge spike in deaths at the age of 2-3 months when babies receive multiple vaccines. 2) Check out the surge in reported flu vaccine adverse reactions in the last few years. 3) Check out the spike in miscarriages and stillbirths reported after Gardasil, H1N1 flu and chickenpox vaccination.
"My suspicion, which is shared by others in my profession, is that the nearly 10,000 SIDS deaths that occur in the United States each year are related to one or more of the vaccines that are routinely given children. The pertussis vaccine is the most likely villain, but it could also be one or more of the others." --Dr. Mendelsohn, M.D
And we do know that independent science has linked vaccines to SIDS, brain damage, paralysis, seizures, autos, learning disabilities, a spectrum of autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue, digestive ailments, asthma, allergies and more.
"When you impair the brain blood flow by vaccination you can impair the respiration control center which can result in death, we call it SIDS." Doctor Andrew Moulden MD, PhD
5 1/2 month-old infant dies after 8 vaccines IN ONE DAY—> ‘SIDS’ Put On Death Certificate
Then the hospital refuses to issue an autopsy report!
Vaccines cause SIDS
But it is kept confidential
SIDS is easily prevented - Vaccination depletes all Vitamin c in the Body
"We know the cause of SIDS. We can and have prevented them. It's all done with a compound called ascorbate (vitamin C wrapper). Not to use it means deaths will continue. There is no other answer. There never will be. For our findings are based on scientific facts. Not medical opinion."---Dr Kalokerinos
"I would agree with Kalokerinos and Klenner that crib deaths are often caused by sudden ascorbate depletions. The induced scurvy in some vital regulatory center kills the child. This induced deficiency is more likely to occur when the diet is poor in vitamin C. All of the epidemiologic factors predisposing to crib deaths are associated with low vitamin C intake or high vitamin C destruction."--Dr Cathcard, M.D.
Almost no SIDS prior to vaccine programs
Over 600 cases of sudden infant death syndrome following vaccination were reported from 1990-1997.
Vaccination in infants less than 3 months is associated with an increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome.
Correlation between the number of infant deaths and the number of vaccines
Serious adverse events associated with whole cell pertussis vaccine, e.g. sudden infant death syndrome and enephalopathy, may have occured in metabolically vulnerable children.
Sudden infant death syndrome and DTP vaccine timing may be linked.
Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given
Relative trends in hospitalizations and mortality among infants by the number of vaccine doses and age, based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 1990-2010.
Sudden Infant Death syndrome mortality rate in the period zero to three days following DTP was found to be 7.3 times higher than in the period 30 days after immunization.
A case of sudden infant death associated with hexavalent immunization has been reported.
Hepatitis B vaccination has been linked to anaphylactic shock and death in infants.
In 1985 twin boys simultaneously succumbed to sudden unexpected deaths two to three hours after vaccination with diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine (DTP).
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) shortly after hexavalent vaccination has been reported.
DTP vaccination may contribute to urinary tract disease and sudden infant death syndrome.
Is The Epidemic of Sudden Infant Deaths A Medically Induced 'Syndrome'?
Vaccine doses prior to age 1
Sweden 12 doses
United States 26 doses
Sweden ranks 1st in IMR
United States ranks 34th
Just another coincidence I guess.
Too high IMR.!po=44.1176
2014 (DEATHS/1,000 LIVE BIRTHS) 6.17
Over 60 countries better?
1990 to 2000----375 VAERS reports with SIDS
2000 - An ongoing sampling of cases reported to VAERS
VAERS ID 134249 An infant received the DTaP, HBHepB and IPV vaccines on 2/8/00. Foster mom found her dead 5 days later. Autopsy performed, preliminary conclusion SIDS. (California)
VAERS ID 134118 An infant received the HepB vaccine on 1/24/00. 7 days later she died of apparent SIDS. (Hawaii)
VAERS ID 134070 An infant received the DTaP vaccine on 1/4/00. 3 days later she was found not breathing, with no pulse. Death certificate lists cause of death as SIDS; autopsy revealed no abnormalities. (Ohio)
VAERS ID 133895/134068 A 5 year-old received the DTP, MMR and OPV vaccines on 1/25/00. Subsequently she developed a fever which progressed to seizures on 2/2/00. She then went into a coma, progressing to organ failure. Life support was discontinued and she died on 2/4/00 (10 days later). Says "Reported cause of death" and that's it. Later her file was updated to say "1 wk post vax, pt devel severe fatal encephalopathy". (New Jersey)
VAERS ID 133896 An infant received the DTaP, HBHepB and IPV vaccines on 1/13/00. 2 1/2 days after the vaccine she died a sudden death - probably SIDS, coroners report pending. She was fine between the vaccination and her unexpected death. The reported writes "I doubt this is related to the vaccines, but wanting to be thorough". (Colorado)
VAERS ID 134672 An infant received the DTaP, HIBV, IPV and HepB vaccines on 1/12/00. There were not signs, no symptoms, found dead 5 days later. Autopsy findings (per grandmother) stated that he died of SIDS. (Texas)
VAERS ID 134249 An infant received the DTaP, HBHepB and IPV vaccines on 2/8/00. 5 days later she was found dead. Preliminary autopsy - SIDS. (California)
VAERS ID 151749 An infant received the DTaP, HBHepB and IPV vaccines on 4/4/00. 9 or 10 days post vax she died of SIDS. (Pennsylvania)
VAERS ID 151748 An infant received the DTaP, HBHepB and IPV vaccines on 3/22/00. 26 days later he died of SIDS. Autopsy being performed. (Pennsylvania)
VAERS ID 151621 An infant received the DTaP, HIBV and IPV vaccines on 5/2/00. The next day he was found apneic and asystolic, tied up in blankets (24 hours post vaccination). (Connecticut)
VAERS ID 151620 An infant received the DTaP, HBHepB, and IPV vaccines on 4/17/00. That same day he died of SIDS. (Mom brought him to the hospital because he had stopped breathing.) (Louisiana)
VAERS ID 151190 An infant received the DTaP, HBHepB and IPV vaccines on 4/6/00. 3 days later, after going to bed at 3AM with mother, he died of SIDS. (Oregon)
VAERS ID 150974 An infant received the DTaP, HIBV and IPV vaccines on 3/29/00. 4 days later she died of suspected SIDS. (Washington)
VAERS ID 152501 An infant received the DTaP, HIBV and IPV vaccines on 1/14/00. 5 days later she died of SIDS. (New Hampshire)
VAERS ID 152417 An infant received the DTaP, HIBV and IPV vaccines on 5/22/00. 3 days later he died of SIDS. (Ohio)
VAERS ID 152301 An infant received the DTaP, HBHepB and IPV vaccines on 4/17/00. Less than 24 hours later he had died of SIDS (official coroner's report confirms). (Ohio)
VAERS ID 152001 An infant received the DTaP, HIBV, IPV and HepB vaccines on 4/13/00. Five days later she died of SIDS. (Maine)
VAERS ID 151867 An infant received the DTaP, HBHepB and IPV vaccines on 5/10/00. The next day he was found lifeless, unresponsive and transported to the hospital. CPR was unsuccessful. Diagnosed SIDS. (Georgia)
1999 - An ongoing sampling of cases reported to VAERS search the site
Added 6/21/01
VAERS ID 132241 An infant received the DTP, HBHepB and IPV vaccines on 11/2/99. Eighteen days later he died of SIDS. (Tennessee)
VAERS ID 132108 An infant received the DTaP, HBHepB and IPV vaccines on 10/19/99. 5 days later she died of apparent SIDS. Parents stated she had no reaction from the vaccination. (Pennsylvania)
VAERS ID 131449 A 56 year-old man received the FLU vaccine. He was found dead 12 1/2 days post vax. (Massachusetts)
Added 6/20/01
VAERS ID 133751 An infant received the HepB vaccine on 5/27/99. 16 days later he died of SIDS. (New Hampshire)
VAERS ID 133040 An infant received the DTaP, HIBV and IPV vaccines on 4/15/99. 2 days later she died of SIDS. (New Hampshire)
VAERS ID 132820 An infant received the DTaP and HBHepB vaccines on 11/30/99. The next day he was being watched by his grandmother who reported that the child was shaking earlier in the evening. He was put in his crib on his back and later found on his stomach, blue around the mouth but still warm. SIDS suspected. (Illinois)
VAERS ID 132499 An infant received the DTaP, HBHepB and IPV vaccines on 11/11/99. On the day of his vaccination he was noted to have an upper respiratory infection. He remained playful and well-hydrated (I assume post vax). The next day he was fussy in the morning, given a bottle and put on the couch to nap. 45 minutes later he was not breathing. Taken to the ER where resuscitation was not successful. Diagnosis - full arrest. Suspect SIDS. (New York)
Added 6/16/01
VAERS ID 119005 An infant received the DTPH, IPV and HepB vaccines on 2/4/99. 2 days later he was brought to the ER with apparent SIDS; found in crib by caregiver. (Iowa)
VAERS ID 118639 A one year-old received the DTPH, MMR, OPV and VARCEL vaccines on 1/14/99. 14 days later he died in his sleep. No signs of illness prior to death. Possible SIDS (too old for SIDS, I thought), possibly unrelated (to vax?). (California)
Added 6/15/01
VAERS ID 121993 An infant received the DTaP, HBHepB and OPV vaccines on 4/19/99. The next day she died of SIDS or pneumonia. (California)
VAERS ID 121584 An infant received the DTaP, HIBV and IPV vaccines on 3/1999. Says "none at the time of administration". I guess they are referring to symptoms or reactions. 2 days post vaccination he died of SIDS. (Oregon)
VAERS ID 122712 An infant received the DTaP, HBHepB and IPV vaccines on 4/30/99. Two days later his mom found him face down in playpen, not breathing. Paramedics called by father; had been fed the night before at 11PM by mom and put down in playpen on back @ midnight of the 2nd. No signs of trauma or foul play; SIDS. (California)
VAERS ID 122135 An infant received the DTaP, HIBV, IPV and RV vaccines on 4/21/99. She died of sudden infant death within 24 hours; autopsy was nil. (Ohio)
Added 6/12/01
VAERS ID 119773 An infant received the DTaP and HepB vaccines on 1/20/99. Reported a SIDS death about midday following the day of vaccination. No other sickness was identified. (Washington)
VAERS ID 119691 An infant received the DTaP, HIBV, IPV and HepB vaccines on 2/19/99. 4 days later, died of SIDS; found unresponsive in crib. (Oregon)
VAERS ID 119055 An infant received the DTaP, HIBV and IPV vaccines on 2/1/99. 3 days (72 hours) later he died of SIDS. (Massachusetts)
VAERS ID 121059 An infant received the DTaP, HBHepB and IPV vaccines on 3/26/99. 7 days later she died of SIDS. (Maryland)
Added 6/8/01
VAERS ID 127554 An infant received the DTaP, HIBV and IPV vaccines on 7/29/99. 7 days later, on 8/5/99, he died of SIDS. (Idaho)
VAERS ID 127431 An infant received the DTaP, HepB, HIBV and IPV vaccines on 7/20/99. 5 days post vax, he was sleeping with mom, says "presented to the ED" (maybe they mean "ER") in asystole; had been sleeping with mom on couch - had blood from both nares in field; possible SIDS; investigation ongoing. I believe the infant died that day. (New York)
Added 6/7/01
VAERS ID 128767 An infant received the DTP, HBHepB and IPV vaccines on 6/30/99. 9 days later on 7/9/99 she started projectile vomiting, was fussy, not eating or sleeping. Fluids were pushed, still projectile vomiting, fussiness, listless, not eating or sleeping. Given Levsin - no bowel movement, diarrhea (not sure how these can go together); hospitalized (for 3 days), given IV. Needed CPR (cardiac arrest). The differential diagnosis was aspiration, sepsis, SIDS, shaken baby syndrome. Don't know what day she died. (Texas)
1997 - An ongoing sampling of cases reported to VAERS search the site
Added 6/19/01
VAERS ID 133879 An infant received the DTaP vaccine on 10/31/97. The next day he or she (doesn't say which) died. Autopsy state cause of death unknown, possibly SIDS. (New York)
Added 6/17/01
VAERS ID 108077 An infant received the DTaP, HIBV, and OPV vaccines on 4/28/97. That afternoon the babysitter found her dead; was taken to the ER; autopsy results are pending, however ER staff attributed this event to SIDS. (Texas)
VAERS ID 114917 An infant received the DTaP, HIBV, OPV and HepB vaccines on 9/15/ or 9/16/97 (text says one thing, immunization date field says another). She died 5 or 6 days later (SIDS). Parents requested VAERS report on the 1 year anniversary of her death (says 9/22/98??). (Washington)
VAERS ID 100355 An infant received the DTaP, HIBV, IPV and HepB vaccines on 6/10/97. Two days later he died of apparent SIDS. (New York)
VAERS ID 108794 An infant received the DTaP, OPV, HIBV, and HepB vaccines on 5/29/97. 9 days later she died of SIDS. (New Hampshire)
Very good write up. I would advise the reader take this information to heart and get motivated to combat the vaccine industry. This is a global issue. The lives of our children are at stake. Investigate how tightly connected the vaccine industry, WHO, and Agenda 21 are. You'll start to see what's going on.
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superb post! Thanks for protecting our children with facts, that prevent lies, ignorance, and greed from killing them.
Gonna resteem.
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Hmmm... nice work
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You are inspirational and helper for new comer...
You help me alot to improve my level...
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Amazing post sir you have lot of information anout politics .
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Thanks information
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missed 1 link
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Personaly I don't interest in politics and government activities.. :p
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I hear yah, but healthy babies are dying :(
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Oh! why ?
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Because people aren't informing themselves about how politics and government activities are killing their kids, and don't take action to stop it.
Reading this post would be a good start!
Good luck. You're going to need it if you choose ignorance instead of facts and reason to protect you from profiteers who make money doing evil.
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Yeah Right, omg your profile pic is so scary :0
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I should hope so. The look in the eye of the subjugated proles should be scary. Not because of the proles, but because of the imperial colonizers that parasitise them.
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Its sad that, this situation happens 🙁 government should take action for kids, who are dying.
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Government is taking action. They're killing kids by mandating vaccination, lying about the disability and death being caused, and insulating vaccine manufacturers from liability.
I don't think calling for others to do something is doing good. Sometimes the things they do are the harm you obect to.
I protected my kids when I raised them.
That's what to do.
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You are right 🙂
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Very informative dear some parents are irresponsible . I don't interest in government activities.
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Any parents that don't take interest in government activities that affect their kids are responsible for those government activities harming their kids.
Ignorance is bliss, until you get hurt because you didn't pay attention to people trying to hurt you.
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Very informative post dear I like it
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beautifull post
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Thanks for posting bro...
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So std's are not enough..... We have sids now
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Great blog dear
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wow extraordinary information, too complete, you have put me to reflect on vaccines.
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you have a range of interesting topics, impossible not to follow you.
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At it again Todd. Dodgy collections of reports and misinformation abounds. OK from your own sources:
1st Link: CONCLUSION: Review of VAERS reports did not identify any new or unexpected safety concerns for Hib vaccines.
2nd Link: Retraction Note: Measles-mumps-rubella vaccination timing and autism among young African American boys: a reanalysis of CDC data
3rd Link: Source data from an organisation with a biased point of view. You self-refer to their data like it is real in any way. Repeating the same wrong thing many times does not make it any less incorrect.
4th Link: An online blog written by someone who cannot tell the difference between a 3 month old foetus and a 3 month old baby - poor quality stuff there, even from you.
5th Link: Another blog, not peer reviewed. An opinion piece. Hardly worth even bothering to take that any further.
Your VAERS references again make an assumed connection between vaccination and SIDS. Once again you cannot tell the difference between correlation and causation.

Above is a graph showing a correlation between cheese and being tangled in a bedsheet. Unrelated, no causation, but a strong correlation. This seems to be your sticking point, you cannot get your head round this.
I have asked you before and I will again, before you cause people to kill any more children, can you provide a single (that is one) peer reviewed scientific document that links vaccination with autism?
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Great examination of facts.
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@healthimpactnews just posted an article that includes a 3 month list of the adjudicated settlements for the most recent 3 month period. Blows ones mind to see the massive amount of harm that has been reported (and verified) to the VAERS not to mention the many 10's of 1,000's that are never reported properly or taken into consideration. You can see a copy of their post here.
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vaccination was not a risk factor for SIDS when considering the total sample of the study.
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Which study are you referring to?
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One study in the post. Did you read it all?
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There are dozens of links to papers in the post, and each of those papers was the result of a study.
Just link the one you refer to please.
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VAERS reports of death after vaccination may be stimulated by the temporal association, rather than by any causal relationship.
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Well, sure. Deaths reported after a fire may be stimulated by the temporal association too, but that doesn't mean there isn't a statistically significant relationship. Given the toxic load of vaccinations, there is an obvious cause, and the reports reveal correlation.
There is no other proposed cause for that correlation except 'people might report deaths being caused by the things that happened just prior to the death that might have contributed, just because'.
That line of argument is tantamount to sticking your fingers in your ears and chanting 'na na na' so you can't hear the arguments you don't want to be true.
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You speak for vaccines like they are given in kilos. Oral Polio 3 or 4 drop. Measles 0.2 ml singel dose. What toxines! I m sure you get more from fish and ostrey.
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You've about worn out this account. Apparently enough folks can appreciate the tactics you're using instead of acknowledging the dangers of injecting toxic metals, fragments of DNA from aborted foetus', and dangerous pathogens into innocent babies.
Repeatedly. And often.
You shills for Big Pharma must be quite used to starting new accounts. You ever think about getting an actual useful job instead of blowing smoke up our skirts?
I'm done here.
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This was a citation from the studies......
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nice post
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Thank you, please also check out
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