in valentine •  8 years ago 

"I know of only one duty, and that is to love…" -- Albert Camus


With Valentines Day right around the corner.., I have already started to see all the displays of boxed hearts filled with chocolate and sweets… Store windows decorated with cupids and hearts, in the hopes you will come in and spend some money. If you consider how Valentines came to be -- maybe you can inject a little more meaning into how you spend your Valentines Day this year…

History of Valentines Day

Valentines Day has long and quite distinguished history… Dating back to 270 AD Rome -- when a bishop was performing secret marriage ceremonies to soldiers who opposed Claudius II.., his name was -- Saint Valentine. When lovers fought of marrying, they would seek him out.., and he'd perform a secretly held service joining them in marriage.

When Claudius II heard of these "secret ceremonies" Saint Valentine was jailed and eventually executed on the 14th of February… But while waiting out his sentence, it is said that through his many powers.., and his grace -- he healed and restored the sight of his jailers daughter… And just before his death he penned a farewell letter to her, ending it with -- "From Your Valentine."

It wasn't until the days of Chaucer in France and England when Valentines Day began to forever be entwined with love.., and Valentine became the patron saint for love and lovers. Days of hand-written thoughts of admiration and affection, to the ones they fancied -- a day of lovers! As Valentine would go on to be one of the most popular Saints in France and England -- So would the day that bore his name and heart -- Valentines Day.

By the time the 1850's rolled around Valentines Day was in full swing in America… Valentines Cards were starting to be mass produced and gifts of flowers and sweets were exchanged freely between two… But it was the poem written in the 1380's that is credited with giving Valentines Day it's romantic vibe -- The Parliament of Fowls. Written for the courtship and marriage, in a time when marriage was more about contracts between two families. The poem is even set on February 14th.., and even references that Valentines Day is a day for lovers.

The Parliament of Fowls -- Full Version
"The life so brief, the art so long in the learning,
the attempt so hard, the conquest so sharp, the fearful joy that ever slips away so quickly
-- by all this I mean love, which so sorely astounds my feeling with its wondrous operation, that when I think upon it I scarce know whether I wake or sleep."
-- Geoffrey Chaucer

Present Valentines Day

Today.., Valentines Day, just like most holidays -- has become commercialized… A big money grab for those looking to take advantage of the more romantic of souls. The amount of roses and chocolate sold is insane -- they sell over 100 million roses.., and over 58 million pounds of chocolate costing more than $345 million dollars. The average spend for Valentine gifts is $146 (sounds low to me)… And have ever been to a trendy restaurant on Valentines Day -- it sucks. They are so freakin' busy, waiters and pushy hostesses are rushing you through your meal and out the door… The total is over 19 billion dollars being spent.., on a holiday that was meant for love.

(condoms right next to the Valentines Day chocolate in Walmart -- how convenient…)

Another holiday.., that we sold out! But I guess if we can sell the birth of christ down the river -- St. Valentine never stood a chance!!!

And it's a shame, too… A whole day set aside to express your love -- such an honorable holiday. What a better feeling to celebrate than love.., something all too often -- is taken for granted… Only to become prey to the commercialization of our lives.

We have sacrificed the pure enjoyment of our feelings for a dozen roses… Sure we have our moments -- remembering, recognizing and expressing your love to a significant other.., is surely one of the best things you can do. Sounds great -- so why do limit it to certain days of the year.., and then destroy even those days with a bunch of obligatory and material obstructions.

"One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life:
That word is love."
-- Sophocles

Why can't we celebrate love.., for the sake of love… When you think about the history of this day -- a man (bishop) putting his life on the line to join together two souls that were lucky enough to find each other and fall hopelessly in love. Disobeying an Emperor in the name of love and lovers.., and being executed for it. How is possible that we let this.., day of love, be perverted and debauched so some could profit. I don't recall there being anything about profiting off of love in it's origins.

Regardless of the present state of Valentines Day -- Im still a fan. It can be sexy, romantic -- hot. It can be fun… Even with all the unnecessary money spent, chocolate consumed and roses clipped… There will be moments of true love shared, that might otherwise not have -- moments between lovers that have no price tag.

Valentines Day is not only about love… It is also about -- Epilepsy. Some even referred to epilepsy as the Saint Valentines Malady. People would often seek out St. Valentine to heal them or a loved one of this specific affliction -- WEIRD!

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Everyday is a Valentine's day when I'm close to my love ^_^

So true!

Good answer...

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I liked your quotes by Camus and Chaucer. I also never knew St. Valentine was associated with epilepsy. Interesting facts. These days Valentine's day almost doesn't even register for me. I tried to make a big deal out of it in years past and it never seemed to turn out as planned.

It's basically a pain in the ass, these days! :))


I'm not a valentines day fan, Its so over the top now

Such a shame, too...
Thanks @karenb54 :))

My only reason to care about Valentine´s Day 2017 is the fact that the next sequel of 50 Shades of Grey will be arriving at cinemas that day...:-D

Dirty girl... :))

fun post! Sad that St. Valentine was executed, I didn't know that. The commercialization of Valentine's day hasn't destroyed it for me either, I too think it's a chance to celebrate romance, love and pleasure. We usually make things for each other and I like having to think about it in advance while I'm conceiving of an idea and sneaking time to make it. Call me corny but I still say that corn is where it's at ;-)

If you can't be corny with your lover -- time to get a new one... :))