About ValueCash
ValueCash is a completely decentralized and proprietary commercial organization. With ValueCash, holders can charge for goods and services at the same time a new ValueCash is created through acquisition and admission.
The ValueCash system is designed to provide its own protocol as a key element of the growing crypto-economy and a catalytic market engine to change the current status of the trade and technology sectors of the Blockchain technology sector.
Management Plan
A Decentralized Entity, which rewards Operators and Clients. Really, this will be an exhibition of revolutionary character. As a company, we have designed the PoT program to enable users to be in the process of approving new daily purchase and marketing transactions for ValueCash Coin. This will allow everyone, rich or indigent, to own, control and benefit from the Trading Platform, Trading Platform, Escrow and Blockchain Technology.
The use of the PoT procedure will allow the full application of open book technology and ValueCash's instrument, which will be the central elements of a stable revenue stream for the population.
The PoT Agreement and the Business Economy
The PoT "Test Trading" Protocol combines the robust concept of Trade Technology and Blockchain Technology, using encryption methods to reform the industry. The PoT protocol is configured to empower the cryptographic community by becoming the validators of its operations, while creating 10% ValueCash money as a reward. ValueCash is designed to give more buyer power to its holders, as the price of currency is constantly appreciating, with the effect of increasing its usability and acceptance by the population. This simply means that, regardless of the products or features you can afford with your fiat currency, it will be less profitable for you to get what you can get with ValueCash while taking into account the extremely low transfer rates.
ValueCash as a payment method helps reduce the payment pressure inherent in the traditional payment system with its speed of light operations, which in turn enables the Global Marketplace for Merchants, increases market availability and rewards both Merchants and Users who support and propose ValueCash.
ValueCash Escrow Platform
By employing ValueCash on the Escrow Platform, this is one of the many advances that will allow you to create a climate of trust in the network. ValueCash Escrow Platform is established to lessen the likelihood of fraud, as an independent trust dispute adjuster or a third party collects, stores and launches ValueCash collections in tune with what the buyer and seller decree. The ValueCash Escrow Platatform solution will work by placing a company's ValueCash collections under our control as a third-party or independent trusted dispute settler to protect both the seller and the customer in a transaction.
ValueCash Platform
The ValueCash platform uses the smart block chain technology device to provide unlimited opportunities that are cost-effective and have legal support. The platform ensures that your customers' information is secure and private, while the terms of the contract remain clear and mutual. The smart blockchain system is stable and is designed to run only according to contract requirements, so the base is free from domination, influence, pressure, manipulation or misunderstanding.
The Valuecash platform provides a more equitable forum for users to interact, help each other and make transactions in a way that suits them. All this is achieved by using only the ValueCash token, thus providing meaning to their existence and increasing the market need.
About the ICO and Token
Our main purpose is to create an Organization that works with cash income in the shortest possible time and achieve a stable growth of the organization and society. That is why we have established a maximum purchase of 2,000 ValueCash chips and a minimum purchase of 10 ValueCash chips for each contributor during the ICO.
ValueCash Generation and Marketing
If a buyer is a sponsor of a goods merchant worth 100 XVL, 10% of the trading volume that is 10 XVL, will be created as a new ValueCash value, split between the customer, merchant, affiliate and Security Block Chain and the development project in the 5:2:1:2:2:2 relationship and will be added to the current ValueCash offer.
This means that customers receive 50% of the new currency issue, sellers 20%, partners 10%, while 20% goes to ValueCash BlockChain Network, Future Development and Marketing.
Route Line
Work Team
Prabu Dass - Blockchain Advisor
Arul Jothi - Senior Architect
Karthi - Senior Developer
Gokul - Blockchain Developer
Siva Kumar - Marketing Advisor
Links of Interest:
Website: https://www.valuecash.com/
White Paper: https://www.valuecash.com/public/assets/files/Whitepaper.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/Hy17XEduGRAGQi7gv8HHiw
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/valuecashxvlcoin
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/valuecashxvl/
Ann: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2887608.0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/valuecashxvl
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xvlvaluecash/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmF2GH68Iq7tts8vkdjChDA/
Medium: https://medium.com/@valuecashcoin/
By Bitcointalk user: Sebas_ram
Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1606512
Myetherwallet: 0xc0c77D00Bc2464DcD7DC9161c49B2509cC700aEd
by sebas_ram