Some concerns about the debate between veganism and carnivorous diets.

in vegan •  6 years ago  (edited)

Yesterday I found some news that is concerning in my opinion to veganism and while I do feel like veganism is exploding and the world is changing. At the same time as I predicted.. The other side is also becoming more passionate and there's more and more conflict.
Also as I predicted.. Sv3rige and the raw meat eaters would grow.

He released a video a number of days ago where he went to a vegan protest to eat raw veal heart in front of them as protest.
A little bit of a scuffle broke out and there was some pushing and shoving.
And.. It seemed like sort of just another one of these raw meat eating protest vids which had been done numerous times before.

Then I check the other night cause I just check some of these channels somewhat regularly to see what they are saying, cause I like to inform myself on both or as many sides of a story as possible and not limit myself to just one.. And the video was now up to around half a million views... Which most of his vids probably seem t get like.. 10 thousand views or less, I think. So it went decently viral for whatever reason. Then I read through the comments and my heart just sank..

So many people were calling him a hero for doing this and suggesting violence towards vegans.
One guy even said something like.. He laughed when Sv3rige pulled out the veal heart, or something like that..
And just so many people glorifying him and basically saying that what he was doing was something needed more in the world.

This EXTRA bothers me because.. Once again.. I could not find one single comment that was critical of him or any of it.
This is almost certainly because he censors everyone who disagrees. I experienced it first hand before his channel got so big, and I've never once seen a comment in his videos that was critical of him.. Somehow.. He manages to delete and censor them ALL. Or.. Almost all of them.

So it's really just like a group jerk off/echo chamber and countless people celebrating and glorifying harming animals while also threatening violence to vegans and there's no one speaking back in opposition because they all apparently and seemingly get censored/banned.

This is a major reason why I planned on including sv3rige in the "False Leaders" movie I want to make... Cause.. Something is fucked up if you won't even allow the other side to speak.
That kind of censorship rarely ends up in a better world in my opinion. As much as we disagree with each other, if we prevent genuine conversation.. It's probably not going to end well.

I also predicted this kind of stuff would probably eventually end in violence, and.. I think this is further evidence we're going in that direction if it hasn't happened unreported in places already, which I think it probably has.

I think this is really becoming similar to.. Other issues where people may be harmed because of their skin color or sexual preference or whatever, this may be another thing where people start becoming targeted because of their diet choices. May already be happening, on both sides as well. I'm not going to pretend everyone on the "vegan" side is a Ghandi, I've seen quite a few who wish or threaten violence on others.

I mean.. The little scuffle in the video where they were pushing each other is already enough to show me that this debate is starting to go in a physical direction.
And.. It's largely in my opinion because of people like Sv3rige who go out of their way to try to provoke such kinds of responses by angering people who are fighting for a moral issue.

A lot of people say "he's just eating in public" And in a sense, it's true.. But you have to understand that in the eyes of vegans and people who really care about animals.. He basically had one of their brothers or sisters murdered and is eating their corpse in front of them. Of course some people are going to get upset. Sv3rige knows this and he goes to these events trying to provoke such. That is clear to me.

It's not the same as someone going with a banana to a slaughter house to protest, almost no one associates plants with sentient beings, and if they do.. They are disregard science and many other important philosophical points like.. You would still save more plant lives by being vegan even IF they were sentient.

So I mean.. To all those people who are just like.. "Vegans can't handle us protesting in the way they protest".. Holding a sign and saying don't harm animals is a lot different than harming animals.. In one case there is a victim. That's a major difference. It would almost be like during times of more obvious slavery+racism if someone was protesting to request more rights for African Americans, and then the KKK came in and lynched someone right in front of them.. I mean.. That's sort of what the difference is like if you're willing to see it from a vegans point of view.

Now that his video blew up so much, and he's censoring opposition so well and growing a literal "cult" of many people threatening violence on others.. I think it's only a matter of time until more and more people replicate what he is doing and monkey see monkey do go around protesting vegan events by eating animal corpses in front of them and more and more scuffles will break out and I think some real fights may happen or worse.

When reading the comments of his video I already saw people planning more events like that one.. I mean.. I've been criticized once before for fear mongering in regards to this subject, but I think it's just more and more clear that this is the direction the debate is heading.

Once again, largely because sv3rige chooses to demonstrate in such a violent way and offensive to vegans way. If he could set up some major debates, and respectfully argue his point in an academic professional sort of way.. I'd have much less problem with that. If he acted more like Jordan Peterson you know? Or even Joe Rogan.. And kept it in the realm if discussion and serious discussion. But.. This.. Going around to vegan events and eating animal corposes to provoke them I think is going to lead to more and more violence.

Not the direction I wanted to see things go. It's one reason I'm kinda bummed.
This isn't going to be the "easy win" a lot of vegans probably think. This is probably going to be a savage battle that for some individuals will leave the mental realm and enter the physical realm in terms of violence.

And one of the things that annoys me the most is that most of these people probably have no idea about his other comments, how he glorifies serial killers and says they are the real heroes..
How he encourages people to do whatever they want, including drinking baby blood out of goat skulls, but essentially everything including rape and murder and torture.. He says do whatever you want.

And.. This is the person that thousands and thousands and thousands of people are rallying behind calling a "hero". Some guy who champions eating raw and rotting meat and who almost killed himself sun gazing and who believes the earth is flat and that drinking water is bad and that you should only drink blood or juice, which is weird cause.. He's so against plants in regards to the juice part and thinks they are all poison.. Furthermore he thinks cancer and viruses are good and healthy.. And this is the person so many thousands are calling a hero... major sigh

It's discouraging, I admit.
PS.. How does Alex Jones get banned, but this guy is still posting shit like "serial killers are heroes"?????
Something is fucked up and wrong there. Not that I support banning Sv3rige for his freedom of speech even if it could technically be similar to falsely screaming "fire" in a movie theater and getting people hurt and stampeded and killed as a result, I'm just saying.. What did Alex Jones say that was so bad? I doubt it was anything like.. "Serial killers are heroes".

PS.. I just want to say I am a vegan and I doubt I'll ever go back to animal products, but I admit I don't know everything and maybe there is some kind of science to support some aspects of such. A good amount of people seem to report positive effects after going 100% carnivore, however..

This is unstudied territory. There's no studies I'm aware of in regards to 100% carnivore or raw meat/rotting meat consumption, these people are essentially acting as lab rats and I think will likely have serious health problems down the road, especially cause the little data we do have to show from primitive cultures who have similar diets, doesn't look good. or positive or healthy longterm.

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I generally don't eat meat, i never buy meat, but if i'm somewhere where food is being served and a dead animal happens to be on my plate i will 'try' to eat the poor thing so that it did not die for nothing. However after all these years I really don't like the taste of meat.

If in an extreme situation the only option to survive is meat, well, then meat it will be.

Also. cow farming is a form of pollution. All the grass/hay etc that the animals eat must be produced and transported. It takes a looooong time to grow a healthy cow to produce one steak, that cow needs a lot of grass (a vegan product) to become a cow, then the cow dies and 50% or more is WASTE! and needs all kinds of processing to get rid of. Making leather also makes a lot of waste. The bones the intestine etc.
If we would eat 50% less cows then we would have a lot of farm space to grow food
Closing Mc Donalds would be a first step to get there ?

Thanks for the thoughtful response, I vibe with most of what you said. I also have a couple times eaten animal products when visiting with someone else or if they bought it for me to not waste it, though.. It tastes gross now and I don't want to eat it and I haven't bought any at all that I can remember since I went vegan. I think maybe one burrito with meat or cheese at the very beginning when I was starving and didn't know what else to eat. Though I figured that out soon enough and now I'm enjoying a larger variety of food than ever. ;)

In response to your last part, I'm not sure we should try to look at it as forcing others to stop, as appealing as that sounds. I think the better way is to encourage the alternative. And my friend who still eats animal products but is making an effort to reduce keeps reminding me of an idea to invest in this area.. There's a lot of money there, it's one of the most lucrative fields right now.. If you could give people McDonalds that is like a vegan version, I think maybe that's the best way to try to change, not by force, but by being more popular and more appealing with your ideas. :)
And we're already seeing that with the impossible burger and beyond burger and all these new things, I think.. It's only a matter of time really. But is it fast enough for the environment? I guess time will tell.

The only way to make a cadaver taste reasonable is to bombard it with spices. (thats plants) so even then you don't really taste the meat, you taste the spices that are screaming over the top.

This is also why a crappt soy based veggy burger tastes exactly the same or even better then a real hamburger

The soy however could be a waste product of the bio diesel industry... so soy is just as crap as meat...

We should just eat our way and spread the word, once there are enough chefs who dig into the options of plant based dishes things will get better. unfortunately i'm not chef material myself.

If it is not fast enough for mother nature then mother nature will take action.
That then could eventually lead to cannibalism :-s.

As a msulim we jave to take care of what animals we can and can't eat. Firat of all pork is a big NO. Then the aninals which are on the bottom of the food chain such as chicken, cow, camels and goats are the most preferred option. In order to eat animals we have ti make sure they are halal. There are certain rules for this which is a big misconception in the western world. It is an order to check whether the animal is healthy, the knife should be sharp so as to give the animal the least pain the procedure to ziba an animal cuts the veins so as to give the animal the least pain again. We don't consider to abuse animals in any eay or form. It's basically a necessity not a luxury for us.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I'm not sure if necessity is the right word seeing as you first have to feed those animals a lot of plants and water first, when you could just eat the plants and water yourself. There have been quite a few studies done on animal agriculture and the amount of resources it requires to produce certain amounts if "meat", and.. We essentially feed more edible plants to the animals than we humans eat.. So if we just stopped feeding all those plants to the animals to then kill them and eat them and instead if we ate those plants directly, we would free up countless acres of land and also theoretically be able to solve world hunger. Theoretically if we just stopped eating cattle alone we could solve world hunger..

I respect that you try to give the animal the least amount of pain, and that you do it in a respectful way. Though.. I'm not convinced anyone "needs" to eat animals, unless perhaps.. They are stranded in the wilderness and can't find enough edible plants to eat and in a survival situation or something like that.
For most people in the industrialized world, and even thousands of years into the past... It's very feasible if not more beneficial in terms of land use gained, and water saved especially.
They were having this discussion thousands of years ago.. Even back then they were like.. Hey.. Why waste all that food and water and land, when you could just eat plants instead?

I have to say I've never heard of Sv3rige before but your article was so rational, objective and eloquent that it's hard not to fully agree with the criticism right off the bat. I've been a vegetarian for about 7 years and a flirting vegan. I truly appreciate people like you who understand that the 'carnivorism vs. veganism' isn't really a black and white issue and trying to scold/mock people, instead of encouraging them to make the best choices for their health and conscience while also considering the wellbeing of our planet and animals, will probably be futile. As I've said before, I really appreciate you voicing your opinion so brilliantly. Hopefully this will make some people stop and think for a little.