The Vegan Revolution

in vegan •  7 years ago 

I think its pretty god damn obvious now that the masses are awakening to the horrors of the animal agricultural industries. The fact that everyone is so sick and ill should be a serious warning sign to everyone but, it seems to have just become the norm and people almost expect to get ill. If your car has a warning sign light up on the dashboard would you just keep driving until it eventually breaks down?? That's what so many people are doing currently with their health as i type this message to you. Instead of stopping to find out what is wrong with the car people are just covering up the symptoms and hoping for the best.

We need to address the causes of our problems and not the symptoms, which is why the big pharma industries rely on the ignorance and fear to keep turning over extraordinary profits every year. I believe we need to look to nature for the answers, do you ever see an obese lion? an overweight giraffe? an out of shape horse? NO an there's a really simple reason for that. that the majority of us just blatantly ignore.

The answer is so simple that you'll be kicking yourself once you realize it, humans are also animals who require exercise and a specific diet. When i say "diet" i don't mean things like weight watchers or slimming world, i mean a specific group of foods that we as a species were designed to eat. All you need to do is look at the fittest and healthiest humans on earth and study their lifestyle and diets, then compare to those of the sickest and un-fittest on earth.

The huge obvious factors are 1, the fittest humans on earth are exercising and active on their feet for an average of 6 hours a day. 2, they are eating diets high in grains, fruits and vegetables and very low in animal products. 3, they are exposed to sunlight very often. 4, the food they eat is not imported from growing plantations around the world, it is all grown locally on the land. 5, they are very underdeveloped and have little to no technology.

These people are the local tribes of Iten, Kenya, who have extremely low rates of disease and crazy levels of fitness.

That's it! they are living how we were meant to and we ARE NOT!

Its taken me 19 years of my life to realize why it hurt me so much just to go for a 15 minute run as a child and why i constantly had asthma problems and cystic fibrosis issues from ages of 4. Now i am correcting my lifestyle using the simple ingredients nature has given me, i can now run over 15 miles and also run a 5k race is 16 minutes. Im hoping to go even further and try to show people how we were all meant to live and that these kenyan runner olympic champions are not "born fast" they live fast!

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