Veganism Is The Start, But Not The End

in veganism •  7 years ago 

Veganism is the moral baseline. That's the starting line for more learning and more work to be done about how we live our lives. It's not the end line. There is more going on that's wrong about how we are living on this planet. Carnism is one part. Ever heard of statism? Our work is not over with veganism.

Many need to start from the base of the foundation, the root of our harm towards all others, starting from harm towards animals. Work your way from there to build up a structure of doing right by not doing wrong.

All the "truthers" and "light workers" who are looking into "occulted" things, but missing the obvious immorality against animals. They aren't starting at the base root level. It seems like they are working on the finish line to end slavery… err… human only slavery, but they will never get there because they haven’t even started off at the right starting line.

The predatory dominator mind-virus still has a grip on their behavior that they don't want to face.

They are on the wrong path. They are working on partial corrections because they are still on the wrong road, and will never create real freedom and peace until they go back and take the right path and way from the root source of the problem to change things correctly.

We need to build our world from the moral baseline of veganism -- the source and beginning of the line, the right road and path. Until that is done, all the de-occulting, unveiling and revealing of reality will never result in real freedom and peace. This won't happen until we course correct and walk onto the right path to live our lives, from the beginning of our foundations for living, from the moral baseline of veganism. As long as anarchists and voluntaryists don't get that, they aren't going to get what they want in the long run, not as I see it.

Veganism, where we are removing our participation and support of exploitation and enslavement of all fellow animals, by itself, alone, will not get real freedom and peace either. Being ignorant of the government deception, religion, banking, police and other subtle forms of control and enslavement that keep us bound to power structures will keep us from rally moving forward.

Veganism is what is obvious, right in our face. Occulted information is not obvious, it's harder to detect and see for what it is. If we can’t face the obvious truth of how things are wrong or immoral in the world with what we do to animals, how can we honestly expect to get anywhere in that denial, ignorance and perpetuation of wrongs? That doesn't create real freedom and peace.

Enslavement on this planet is veiled and obfuscated from our obvious sight. Slavery is bigger and deeper than the standard overt slavery that vegans see. Only looking into the covert hidden occulted aspects of reality, but being blind and failing to recognize the moral baseline of veganism, will not produce the freedom and peace we want. The obvious immorality we do to other fellow animals needs to end in addition to the wrong ways of living we create for ourselves (humans) that keep us bound in chains like slaves.

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I really liked this post, as you say veganism is very obvious place to start, and it is a relatively simple one too. I think that when more people become vegan we're going to see major shifts in the world for the better. I'm very convinced that eating meat effects one's psyche and emotions then most people realize.

These are true words, I agree with you, I've been vegan for 5 years and it's a wonderful feeling. I just regret that I have not rethought earlier.

i have been calling it food anarchy but good to know its just vegan anarchy lol tho just choosing not to eat animal products isnt enough, its a good place to start tho but there are so many things that arent food that have animal products. Also buying things like a vegan mcdonalds isn't vegan because u are still buying to mass co-operations that turn profits based on murder. vegan anarchy has to scrutinize everything, it has to boycott large corps etc

Yes, avoid the large corps and go for small restos that are vegan :) Support the vegan-only places, they need it, don't give money to non-vegan places if possible :) Speak with your purse/wallet, and don't feed the carnist industries :)

I like that message, we share the same path :)