Fossilized Velociraptor ProteinssteemCreated with Sketch.

in velociraptor •  4 years ago 

Most scientists think genetic information in degraded proteins is lost, but thanks to Jasmina Wiemann and Derek Briggs there just might be a way. Its a new technique that needs more trials to become a proven method which involves Raman spectroscopy which is explained in the article. DNA degrades very quickly, but some times can persist in relatively intact for many millions of years. Scientists for many years have been trying to see if there is a way around this problem which may have just been discovered. Wiemann has used a Raman spectrometer on a hundred other specimens of other dinosaur species as well as on eggshells. A Raman spectrometer looks like a large telescope. I guess you need a very powerful tool if you are to observe degraded genetic material of creatures that went extinct tens of millions of years or more ago.

We may yet have a way to create a real life jurassic park after all lol. You could have a park with little velociraptors running around and other larger species of raptors, T-Rex of course (my favorite) and triceratops, ankilosaurs, long necked herbivores and so on. There is still much to overcome for that to happen though. Raman spectroscopy is not perfect.


Now I know the Jurassic Park movies were scary; a kind of what might happen given the right conditions. We can learn from those mistakes and many others.

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