in venezuela •  7 years ago  (edited)

Thinking about recent history in the world, and living in a country where freedoms have almost disappeared, where a regime takes over every seat of power, regardless of costs, where a state kidnaps the wills of citizens , with blackmail and threats, all traces of meritocracy are eliminated and mediocrity applauded, where a town is maintained by mending the leftovers, for its greater control, where there is a financial corralito for lack of cash, where health goes hand in hand with death, for lack of medicines, where hunger and malnutrition is a constant in the streets of cities, is the country where it is preferred to destroy their businesses, before placing trained personnel, and so we can continue writing, but they are so innumerable the rapes and mistreatment against such a noble people, that consumes me the doubt and the pain.
Will it be that the people in the countries that have lived through contemporary dictatorships or totalitarian states, saw the only solution to leave the country?
Is it that we have to leave everything behind and forget about our culture and customs?
But how did they get out of those nightmares?
I refuse to believe that the only solution is to take a suitcase and leave, I refuse to believe that the sacrifice of hundreds of young people or children with their lives, is to flee.
I can understand that if you do not get opportunities in your country you should look elsewhere, but it is no less important than the people who enjoy those golden times, we give you a little bit of us to get back the necessary changes and thus generate opportunities for our future generations.
Who has achieved the changes in those countries ?, those who left or those who stayed ?, a complex question that can have several connotations, but the most important thing of the one that migrates, is the work they do according to that longed for change, because if you do not forget your roots can achieve much, without disconnecting from your realities.
The one who stays must also do to achieve those same changes, he has to be committed and doing small things the help would be very many!
All this must be a joint effort, and guided to the common interest of achieving progress, this will never be possible if we keep pettiness in our hearts, as a people, we must be organized and remove the labels, only growing as a people we will have high-level leaders , that are not guided by their own interest.
The great peoples have achieved what they are with sacrifice, the countries that receive emigrants, have lived through their own calamities, but have never lost hope for a better future.
Before all this uncertainty I refuse to believe that the last sentence is, "the last one that goes out to turn off the light"
Photo by @alesstorrb

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