Unreal what is going on in Venezuela

in venezuela •  8 years ago  (edited)

So sad these type of things are happening in the world. Have a great day God Bless.

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I think the problem is runaway spending without any end. Yes indeed it can and will happen here if we do not change our course of action. The world is trying to ditch the petro dollar and this presents major problems for us in the near future.

Venezuela will be a picnic compared to major US cities once the petro dollar crash occurs.

You are right my friend as a father of 3 this is what i am worried about.

This is why it is so crucial that we accumulate as much silver, gold, cryptocurrency, and that we buy land far from the city. It is also pertinent to stock up on ammunition to protect the family.

The question must be asked. "Could it happen here?" The here being wherever you are at. Here in America, our minds cannot, for the most part, fathom such an outpouring of emotions, based on very real needs and problems. Not in my lifetime at least.
And we pray that we never will.

If Bernie had his way.....His utopian dreamland would turn to a nightmare like Venezuela in a very short time. As much as I hate the democrats but at least they weren't crazy enough to buy into kool-aid.

Venezuela is the global canary in the coal mine.