my start with steemit

in venezuela •  7 years ago 

Hello everyone my name is Juan @sipas I am 36 years old, I am from Venezuela from a small town in the Táchira State called Táriba, I work in a company called MRW (messenger radio worldwide), I am a fan of a football team called FC Barcelona, I like to read and I like music very much, favorite group Metallica. I heard many people talk about steemit and that's why I'm encouraged to belong to this select group of people from all over the world. Below I leave a picture of myself with others from my city where I live as the liberating bridge, some streets of Táriba, the Basilica and Our Patroness La Virgen de la Consolación de Táriba, I hope you like it.

DSC04958 - copia (2).JPGpuente libertador.jpgcalle de tariba.jpgcalles de tariba.jpgcalles de tariba1.jpgBASILICA-DE-TARIBA-.jpgSerenata-Virgen-Consolación-de-Táriba.jpgdentro de la basilica.JPGVirgen de la consolacion.jpg

successes and blessings!

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