I am continually getting confused over the roles people play in our society. For example I have blacked out the faces, Names and other identifying information on these 2 photos from completely different places. Now, one of them is in a active WAR ZONE where they get shot at regularly. The other is in an urban setting IN OUR COUNTRY where the worst thing that is usually fired at you is a very expletive and vulgar word. One of these is a COMBAT TRAINED United States Marine who has gone through combat training and is stationed in a hostile area where he will get shot at from people who wish him harm. The other one is a CITY COP who has been trained to write a citation and arrest a crook.
Now don’t get me wrong, arresting a crook can be dangerous and with our society on edge right now due to the knife edged alert the police are living under, a bullet proof vest would indeed be called for. Think about that for a second, “Bullet Proof Vest” is something that the police force/officers wear UNDER their SHIRTS. When you call for help from the police department it usually means that there is a problem that you cannot handle yourself. Policing can be stressful since Police ARE NOT trained in psychology and to a very limited extent, their medical training is lacking. Police ARE NOT trained to GO TO WAR, so WHY do they so invariably show up in body armor that is NOT AVAILABLE to the Marine that has been trained and is in COMBAT? If the police are that AFRAID of getting injured THEY ARE IN THE WRONG BUSINESS. Military Service members who are trained for combat go there with courage and ethics required in WAR. The police go into a disturbance and force it into a conflict with only the desire to GO HOME at night with NO empathy towards anyone else going home.
© Mitchell 2020-06-14