VIDDO is redefining social media with video
Blockchain is fueling web 3.0.
Using blockchain, we can begin to decentralize the World Wide Web. We can take back control from centralized corporations and platforms (not so) quietly cornering our data, attention and content.
And nowhere is the need for this more ripe than on social media platforms. Where we spend most of our time. Where our communities and personal networks live. Where we are the most vulnerable in the digital world.
We’ve talked about the fatal flaws of video platforms extensively.
What about the unsustainability of social media? Ad fatigue is as rampant on almost every platform as it is on video platforms.
But from a human-centric perspective, the problematic structure of today’s social media platforms and their ilk are much, much bigger.
Social Media platforms are content silos
Right now, whenever you post content on a social media platform, it belongs to the platform.
Platforms own the comments, the likes, and all of the rest of the attention. One day, should that platform disappear, so too will your content and all of the hard-earned traffic that you’ve moved their way.
Social media platforms could also be called centralized data collecting silos, and your content is just another way to attract and organize more data from users, at your expense.
Most social media users have now at least heard of issues like data breaches and misuse of personal data. It has also become painfully clear that every minute you spend on social media, and every personal preference you assign to your profile is commoditized and sold for commercial purposes.
The other major problem with centralized social media platforms, is that they don’t support or encourage a vibrant experience across the web and have made themselves the main pillars of online communities.
The end result? An Internet that is boring, controlled and dangerous.
What happens to videos on social media
Two words: Not much.
Right now, most videos are shared on a few choice places on the web. There’s just no incentive to do otherwise.
This can hurt video creators in many ways:
It doesn’t encourage viral sharing and distribution across the web,
It doesn’t properly reward viral content for all of the views it gets,
It doesn’t properly compensate all of the resources put into building a follower community
VIDDO: Where blockchain and social media meet
Blockchain is exciting because it provides us with a new tool that decentralizes communities, bringing back the old days of the Internet when you could really surf the web, stumble upon weird blogs and websites and let yourself be delightfully surprised.
This is exactly what we want to do with VIDDO.
By rewarding the creation and distribution of content on any platform, website, app, landing page or otherwise, VIDDO is helping to bring back the true spirit of surfing the web by decentralizing social networks.
Video creators can price their videos and see it shared on any website, knowing that they’ll get their fair share of the revenue generated by the views it gets.
To make it even easier, website owners are rewarded for every view and click that a video gets, with a commission of the price of the video.
On the VIDDO platform itself, curators who share other creators’ video content are also awarded a commission, to encourage video virality both on and off the platform.
And Blockchain is there behind the scenes, tracking everything — making sure each of those views and clicks are recorded and rewarded.
Want to learn more about VIDDO? Give a looksy to see what’s happening with our ICO, or play around with our platform demo here!