The next installment in the series about foiling has been released. It follows Ben's first ever attempts last year and is an interview with one of the pioneers of the foiling world Bruno Andre.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
I'm currently working on Part 4 which is a more in depth look at the world of foil racing from Ben the idiot getting the perspective of the best in the world. The film is in draft form at the moment but should be ready sometime next week.
Back in the garden and Bunty's Blog has the latest episode about late June, showing how the early crops are doing and seeing some of the results from the harvest.
It is such a nice time of year when the increase of variety of new vegetables comes but very soon it's more about staying on top of the harvesting and processing than just picking for each meal. Compared to the Bunty's Blog episode our weather this year has been much colder and wetter through June and some crops are a bit behind because of this but now summer has fully kicked in I think everything will catch up now!!