in video •  7 years ago  (edited)


I apologize to you on behalf of the human race. The shadow work you've done, the searching for truth in a world gone mad, the endless gas-lighting and passive aggressive undertow you have to endure at work. The masks that people wear to conform to this phony world of human slavery. The open minded, empathetic, heart based consciousness you have that gets overlooked and taken for granted by sociopaths and psychopaths. The critical thinking you've done that gets laughed at by morons.

The way that people overlook your selfless morality and mis-label it as weakness. The embarrassing copy/paste humanity that is programmed and doesn't even know it. The base consciousness often mistaken for being edgy or cool, but is actually just "Gucci Gang" low vibrational idiocy. The zombies that stare into cell phones while ignoring you on a first date. Normal is clinically insane and the inmates are running the asylum. I appreciate you even if others don't see you. I see you. I appreciate your depth and unique humanity.


This is my Cosmic Apology directly to you via a synchro-mystic delivery system. If you are here watching this; there is a reason you accidentally backed into this message. You were SUPPOSED to hear this! Like a message in a bottle randomly cast into a turbulent sea, you found this bottle, unrolled the scroll inside; this message is for you. You've beaten the big boss at the top level of the video game and here is your cosmic reward. Much Love & Deep Respect. I hope somehow it resonates with you and raises your vibrational frequency at the turn of the tide. Watch the video my friend. You'll see what I mean. You might even experience tears. Don't worry; it's a healing thing. You are loved. And I'm sorry for what you've had to endure. Here is my Cosmic Apology.

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