create great videos - for free!

in video •  7 years ago 

Hey budding video creators

Now I must add right from the outset that I have no vested interest in this company and this is definately not a sponsored post. I created a couple of videos for a project that I'm involved in - (more about that later!)

If you want to create a free video online you must check this out

Now by day I work in big data (specifically healthcare analytics) although my passion is (and always has been) the charity sector. I am involved in a charity called Schools4Change ( and we're having a 'No Sugar November!' campaign where we are asking people to give up sugar and to raise funds for schools abroad.

Now I needed to make a video and I came across Lumen5 (not a super great or memorable name but hey-ho).

It was awesome!

This is the link to the website: and I have to say that this was the easiest website to use that used free stock images and videos from the web - along with royalty free music and creates your blog post or other such narrative into a video.

Here's a video I created to promote

I don't want to take too much of your time but if you have any questions then please drop me a q in the comments :0)

ps - there are a few features the free version doesnt do and you get a lumen5 thingy at the end - however I think this is a small price to pay for a cool video.

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