Kutuk Tindakan Pemerintah Mnyamar, Ratusan Warga Muslim Rusia Lakukan Shalat Berjamaah di Depan KEDUBES || Condemning The Cctions Of The Myanmar Government, Hundreds of Russian Muslims Praying in front of KEDUBES

in video •  8 years ago  (edited)

By @nasrud ||


DIATAS adalah sebuah video aksi unjuk rasa warga Muslim Rusia. Dalam video yang durasi 1: 35 menit terlihat ratusan warga Muslim Rusia sedang melakukan Shalat berjamaah bersama, didepan kantor Kedutaan Besar Myanmar, di Moskow, Rusia.

Dalam aksi tersebut mereka mengutuk keras tindakan brutal pemerintah Myanmar yang telah menyebabkan meinggalnya 400 orang warga Muslim Rohingya sejak koflik baru yang memanas selama Agustus lalu.

aksi tersebut berjalan damai dengan penamanan sekitar 20 unit mobil patroli polisi. dalam aksi tersebut mereak meneriakakn "Allahu akbar" seraya berorasi.

sebagaimana diketahui, konflik yang sedang memanas saat ini antara pemerintah nyanmar dan etns muslim rohingya yang sudah 75 tahun berlangsung. PBB menyebtkan lebih dari 22.000 warga muslim Rohingya yang terpaksa lari kebeberapa negara tetangga. 20.000 tertahan di perbatasan bangladesh.


ABOVE is a video of a rally of Russian Muslims. In the 1: 35 minute video, hundreds of Russian Muslims are performing their congregational prayers together, in front of the Myanmar Embassy office, in Moscow, Russia.

In the action they strongly condemn the brutal actions of the Myanmar government which has led to the death of 400 Rohingya Muslims since a new chaos that heated up during August.

the action was peaceful with the security of about 20 units of police patrol cars. in the action they shouted "Allahu akbar" when protesting

as is known, the current heated conflict between the nyanmar government and the 75-year-old spiritual spirit of Muslims. The United Nations shed more than 22,000 Rohingya Muslims who were forced to flee to several neighboring countries. 20,000 stuck at the border of bangladesh.

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Membakar semangat ya bang... Hehe

Neu folback beh.

bukan membakar, nanti dibilang rasis, ini cuma menampakkan kedunia bahwa walau cuma segelintir (dinegara itu) tapi kaum muslimin berani menyuarakan.

This post has received a 1.11 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @nasrud.

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