Developing a Video Game

in videogames •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hi, I'm a indie developer, I am 15 years old, two years ago, with my best friend we decide to make a video game, the history he is writing is close to the end, that means, is my turn to make the game. The game isn't "lineal", is like a sandbox. I'm still studying Unity, so I need ideas for the game, not how use Unity, I need ideas for the game.. Like minigames/activities or something. I'll appreciate the help:3

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My background is cognitive science. There are a lot of interesting paradigms used in cognitive psychology to examine particular cognitive skills. You might find it a useful approach to have a look at the mechanisms of some of these paradigms to give you some inspiration for game mechanics. A good starting point is PEBL. This is a free battery of experimental cognitive task you can download and play around with on your computer. Hope this helps.

Thanks! But I don't understand for what this program it.. My english isn't very good, I found PEBL, and I'll download it ^-^

Research psychologists use programs like PEBL to conduct experiments. The different tasks/games contained in PEBL examine different cognitive skills. In my work I have recently been creating games using these tasks as a starting point. PEBL is not very user friendly but you should be able to get it working if you play around with it. I do not have PEBL my self at the moment as my computer died two weeks ago therefore I cannot talk you through the process of getting it to work, sorry.
