Why Smash Brothers is the best video game ever made!!!! Friend me on Wii U to play me!

in videogames •  8 years ago 

I am a huge gamer and i'm in my mid 30s and have been playing games all my life. I have owned every gaming console and handheld that has come out since the original Atari. My favorite gaming platform is the PC and will always be the PC. But for multiplayer in person with a bunch of friends nothing beats Nintendo games. Smash Brothers and Mario Kart are very hard to compete with as far as multiplayer fun goes. I have played enough hours of smash to put me through college and get a masters degree. I have played it since the series first release. The game is magical and i challenge anyone who wants to play me. We can put our skills to the test and see who will split who's ass in three. My gamer name on the Wii U is Mootadoe So please friend me and join me in some smash madness!

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Nobody friended you to play Smash Bros. did they?


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