This car is a brand that most of the world probably doesn't know about. It is called a VinFast and they were seeking to launch internationally, particularly in Europe right about the time that Covid shut down the Earth and those plans were scrapped. Now as far as I know they are only available in South East Asia and for the most part, don't really sell outside of Vietnam all that much. I think that they have a tough road ahead of them in any country that isn't Vietnam because other countries don't trust Vietnam to make quality cars and it would be a huge investment to open a factory inside of these other countries in order to avoid massive import tariffs. Are they good cars? I have no idea. I know that they are managed by BMW to some degree and they look really nice.

I was a bit judgemental of the person who owns this just parking it on the curb because someone parking a bike could damage it but then again, there is nowhere else to park in this neighborhood and no one has car garages in this part of town. So I suppose he or she doesn't have any other choice.

There's just something about the sleek lines on this car that make it so damn good-looking to me. It looks like a Bentley that was built for racing. Of course, even if this car is super-fast there is no way to find that out in Vietnam. Despite the fact that the government here is pretty lax about a lot of laws one that they do not eff around with is speed-limits. That is the one thing that I have heard from many people that you will definitely get busted for if you violate it. It is done, according to a taxi driver I hired one day, via speed cameras that are all over the place and while there isn't a car chasing you to pull you over, there is a hefty fine that will be levied on the vehicle's owner once they go to renew the registration. It isn't a blanket fine either, it is based on the type of car and the wealth of the owner so there will be no situation of someone being rich enough to not mind paying the fine. Seriously, I have never seen a car speeding in this country in 5 years.

I would quite like to ride in one of these things at some point in my time here. I don't really see that happening though. These cars are out of the reach of most people and especially out of reach for your average Vietnamese person who probably makes less than $1000 a month.
Who knows, maybe I'll strike it rich and buy one one day.