The unmistakably South African super sandwich had its humble beginnings in the Cape Flats (where it’s still most widely available). It was accidentally created in 1976 by Rashaad Pandy – or so the story goes. According to Pandy, he serendipitously invented the gatsby in the 70s after putting together a few odds and ends comprising a Portuguese roll, hot chips, polony and atchar to feed a few hungry workers. Since then, the sandwich-on-steroids has evolved into a favourite, particularly among workers and clubgoers, prized for being both budget-friendly and mouthwateringly deliciousIf you’re going gatsby guzzling for the first time, it’s important that you bear these four rules in mind:
- Go hungry (or hangry, if you can manage it).
- Prepare to share.
- Roll up your sleeves (it’s going to get messy).
- Have a drink by your side (you’ll thank me later).
- The unwritten rule, which I have just broken: do not take a nap after eating. I repeat: do not take a nap after eating.