Osinkolio - The Jumping Dance | Maasai Mara - Kevin Cottam
Kevin Cottam, Author, Leadership and Motivation Coach & Keynote speaker, is researching his new book - The Nomadic Mindset which took him to the Maasai Mara......
"As I awoke to the sounds of the birds over the Mara, I reflected on the beautiful day yesterday. I awoke early to see the sunrise which was spectacular. This led to a private exhibition by the Soit family doing the men’s dance and the famous jumping.
They do this to see who is the strongest and it will give you greater opportunities of having a beautiful wife. It pushes them past hurdles in life by extending past limitations as well.
I then wandered with my guide Joel Soit to find a herd of hippos! We found them all huddled together in a small area of the Talek River.
As the day went I on I had a couple of interviews with a couple of young Maasai at the Maya Simba Lodge who are working in the F+B area. Very revealing and one spoke of his warrior status and killing the lion.
In the late morning I also visited the children again. They hold onto me and run their hands up and down my arms as being a white person and having hair on my arms is unusual to them.
A wonderful day!" - Kevin.