UNITED STATES CITIZENS: Hereon, NORTH-AMERICAS, geographical land-lot-locations. Living lazy leisurely lifestyles loses longevity. Directly and indirectly due trying to be blissfully blessed bio-bodily beings, but remains cursed corrupted criminals and collective citizenry. Pretending to be somebody what and who they aren’t and can’t ever be; “the American people”, “the American public”, “we the Americans”...= An artificially affixed Americanization as Aryans – Ashkenazim – Anglicans, Anglo-s, also aberrations and affectations as Africans and Asians. Acting as if they truly are the ascendants of ancient ancestors as Aboriginals and American-Aborigines. Consequently causing correlating; “Coronavirus-COVID-19” contagions, common colds- cardiac congestive coughs compromising cleanliness and clinically converts into inflammatory – infectious immune-system sickness and severe swelling and suffering and self-suicidal situations in societies. They choose to live far up above their monetary means, in a crazed-credit card and dollar-debt based belief, economy = $$$ And foolish faith followers, fundamentally faulty and flawed financed funded foundation = $$$ failing to foresee the future of finalizing fatalities!
CHARLES’ CoronaColor-CODE-09, cures, co-creates clean cultivated capital cash currencies = $$$ and cultural cleansed commerce commodities. Yes, y’all it all starts within the deeper inner mastermind, subconscious studies sciences of the Spirit & Soul. Far in advance to manifesting into the consciousness and conscientiousness. And afterward, we tend to act upon what is materialized
from a mass marketing, major mainstream media maimed mentality that is maintained inside of a man-made mesmerizing maze Matrix. Melanin-More majority members and also, Melanin-Less minority mutant members, meaning basic Brown-Skins and Paleface Pink-Skins.
HENRY HAPPY HEALTHY HOMESTEADS: http://huemain-homestead.blogspot.com/
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