Our first Christmas in Mexico was PAINFUL

in vlog •  6 years ago 

"Christmas? But it's March!"

You're right, we have some catching up to do with our YouTube videos. We spent this past Christmas in the Mexican state of Yucatán, specifically Mérida.

Mérida has become a huge hub for American and Canadian expats - which is what brought us there in the first place. A really nice couple reached out to us and offered for us to stay and their beautiful Mérida home, free of charge, for as long as we wanted. It was like being put up in a 5-star hotel and we're incredibly grateful for that.

However, despite their wonderful hospitality, it didn't make Christmas any easier for us.

Watch the full video below:

Or, watch it directly on YouTube here

We use this action cam to shoot our videos.


Until next time,
@sharingeverybite (Maddie)
@shenanigator (Jordan)
@laska (the Siberian Husky)

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I understand how this feels; being far away from home with family and known friends especially at a time like Christmas. I know they missed you two as you are both missing them. You have each other, that should make it bearable, right?

I am at a restaurant so I am unable to watch but I am giving you a follow! I look forward to consuming more of your content.

Cool, thank you!

This is beautiful