Medical Vocabulary

in vocabulary •  7 years ago 

Root words for body parts #1

Body element Greek root Latin root Examples

abdomen lapar(o)- abodomin- Laparoscopy

artery arteri(o)- — Arteriosclerosis

blood hemat-, haemat- sangui-, sanguine- Hemorrhage
(haem-, hem-)

blood clot thromb(o)- — Thromboembolism

bone osteo- — Osteoarthritis

brain encephal(o)- cerebr(o)- Encephalitis

breast mast(o)- mamm(o)- Mastectomy

chest steth(o)- thorac(i)-, thorac(o)- Thoracotomy

ear ot(o)- aur- Otisis

eye ophthalm(o)- ocul(o)- Ophthalmoscopy

heart cardi(o)- cordi- Cardiograph

intestine enter(o)- — Enterotoxins

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r u a doctor?

No, I am teaching English for Medical Purposes to a student these days