It’s time to redefine success. The success trap has cost people billions and set them back decades, leading to great harm in our society. This success trap is student loans, which are often given to teenagers unaware of how profoundly it will affect the rest of their lives. Then those teenagers who took on life-altering debt find they can’t survive on one job alone, and then they realize they can’t thrive ever thanks to the noose of student loan debt. What if there were a way to get job training that leads to a well-paying career with a fraction of the debt?
It’s time to look at vocational training as an alternate path to success. Students who complete vocational training often do so in a third the time of traditional college students and they graduate often with less than a third the debt. What’s more, vocational graduates have half the unemployment rate of traditional college grads and make on average just $1000 less a year in many cases over time.
Vocational training can also be a way to finance your college career without taking on a huge debt load, so it doesn’t have to be an either/or proposition if college is still of value to you outside of career prospects. Learn more about the alternative path to success with vocational training below.
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