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Hey all! I am so stoked that so many of the amazing Steemians who I consider friends are on this list or involved in some way!! You all deserve every accolade, every positive thing! Congratulations!

I'm going to throw my vote in for @spl and @nicnas, as so many others have already done. @SPL (Steem Poker League) was my gateway into Steemit; the first place I found on Steemit where I felt welcome, the first place I made friends and started to understand the concept of a Steemit Community.

You may not be aware, however @spl is funded by the Steemit Community who vote on the blogs content. Payouts are generated by an algorithm called 'Proof of Brain' that encourages people to create and curate quality content... all while interacting and creating relationships - creating community - on Steemit.

@SPL has rather stringent rules on who may or may not play on Those rules include:

  • Having a presence on Steemit; interacting, having valid blog posts, etc
  • Earned a reputation above 30
  • Verifiable Introduction post identifying you as a viable individual on Steemit

I truly feel like most of the Community in the @SPL love the interaction and the camaraderie we find there. I know that having more funding will help @spl continue to host the free tournaments that are currently available, as well as be able to grow and support the community that surrounds it.

As for @nicnas, he was the first friend I made on Steemit, and it was at the poker table. He is now one of my best friends; my partner and my confidant.

Since @nicnas joined Steemit, he has been involved in countless communities, from his early work with the Minnow Support Project, to the Buddhist Community, from @spl to @buildawhale as Chief Curator and finally as Co Founder of @ccasino, he helps everyone he comes into contact with with an open heart, kindness and humor.

I sincerely hope you will take a good look at my suggestions. I'm available to chat on Discord or on as @bethalea.

Thank you all for this great idea to help counteract the spammy, vote-selling nonsense that has gotten way out of hand on Steemit. I'm excited for the positive change!



  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I agree wholeheartedly with @bethalea! The Steem Poker League is a great community with wonderful people. I've been playing poker my whole life and this community really stands out for it's comradery and dedication to the Steem blockchain.

Poker is a timeless game and one of the biggest with 100 million players worldwide, more people than play golf, billiards and tennis. It is a perfect match with the Steem blockchain and the potential is huge. It adds a lot of value for the Steemit community as well as great potential for attracting vast amounts of people.


Hey @reko! Thanks for the support, as always! You are one of the greatest Steemians I have met to date and I am so glad others recognize your great worth to this community!

And you're so right about poker, it's such a timeless, community based game, it's perfect for Steemit and Steem!

catch you soon, we're chatting if you are around!

xo! b.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I believe @bethalea is a good candidate. She could fit into any of the categories mentioned above and it very selfless. Second the SPL support.

thanks nic. i'll pay you that 100 sbd later ;)

@spl folks have certainly helped me learn how to be a better steemian. @bethalea your awesome also.

Best community possible

aw, thanks @potplucker! I agree about this community... I didn't even know how to be a Steemian before I got here, it was all so confusing and seemed kinda chaotic.


Supporting @spl is a no brainer! One of the many REAL communities out there. I don't even know where to Start, The only thing I could say that could match my feelings is that @spl is practically A second Home and have given people (including myself) a lot. We have a bunch of good lads and so many good steemians that if you ask me, I'd say they should be all on that list. @bethalea is a pure soul full of love and compassion, @nicnas is a big Enthusiast who never stops helping; They deserve to be there!

You're one of the greatest parts of our community, @jonsnow1983, I'm so happy we are such good friends!
xoxo ;)

@SPL is the first community I stumbled upon when I joined Steem, and I can tell you that what @Tuck-Fheman and @bigpchef have done in the last couple of months it is amazing. The amount of work, money and time they invested into this thing is just tremendous. They deserve all the delegations possible.

I agree. @Tuck-Fheman is a beast keeping going. I have only scratched the surface of all the other activities he does. I hadn't really got to know @bigpchef or @internetguy (except for kicking my butt on the tables) because they do so much of the work behind the curtain. Just happy to be playing there and look forward to player pool growing and games being attended by +100 players. If/ when those guys read this they will probably think "OMG, we are going to need some staff members".

Agreed. What makes @SPL amazing is not the free money but its community because you can win money from poker like anywhere in the world but to meet such a lovely community, it's harder.
As Tuck's initial idea was, playing poker with friends.

You are so right, @guyfawkes4-20, the work those two have done and continue to do is amazing. It would be great if the League had some delegation to help people like you who show such commitment to the community!



Huh, my commitment was lacking lately due to Real Life but I remember the good days when I used to be online for even ten hours straight. Those were good times.

I wish I could stay online for the whole day and chat and play poker with you guys. Goddamn real life.

I second this!

i second your second! ;)

Add another vote for @bethalea and @spl they certainly welcomed me to the community

that's what it's all about though, right @davedickeyyall?? I'm so glad to know you and I would never have had the chance if it weren't for @spl! You're a great part of the community, The Anti-Social Hermit Club!



The Anti-social Hermit club... I'm not just a member I'm also a client 😁

Call on the @SPL community and we will come out to show the love!!!! $12.27 comment so far!

dude! it's up to 18 bucks now!!

Woot @spl Community!!

My favorite part about Steem is @spl. IMHO, by far the best application of community and the Steem network.

High praise from the dawg! I agree completely though... I am happy to be a part of a few great communities but none have the feel of @spl!!

xo! b

The SPL supports this message. :-)


such approve, JP


Go to sleep!

Don't tell me what to do!!

Lol xo


Hi @stellabelle. Thanks for this awesome project you and others are working on to develop steemit and the steem blockchain at large. I would love to make a suggestion of @airhawk-project to your team. @airhawk-project is a telegram based community catering to about 1,300 steemians (last count and growing). The admins support this community with leased SP to vote their community members' posts (according to their quality) just to encourage them to get a footing on steemit. The community for example had undrgone a 30k+ SP and currently on a 50k leased SP (thanks to @rageamuffin and @thecryptodrive 's @minnowbooster for the community discount) at no cost to community members. I don't need to say a proof of how these SP is being used can be gotten from the profile of the account.
@airhawk-project in contribution to the blockchain also created an escrow service for easy conversion of SBDs/steem to cash just in the bid to have a tangible participation on steemitdotcom (anyone who knows he can easily convert his earnings to cash would easily embrace the platform). This escrow service comes at no cost.
@airhawk-project also has a blog that contributes varying contents, contests and all to the platform, especially working with a system that engages and compensates members of the community who make contents for the blog.
This is not to talk more of the series of education that comes up on the community's telegram group here, their exchange could be assessed here
I think I won't be wrong to humbly call on @ned, @fulltimegeek and yourself to please take a cursory look at this project and what they have done in their almost two months on this platform.

A good day to you @stellabelle. This is indeed a grand initiative, one deserving of great applause. So many minnows are lost and getting scammed because they have been neglected by those in position to help.

This is what @airhawk-project has sought to correct from inception. To give a voice to the voiceless and be the face of over 1,300 steemians. We've gone out severally to aid our ever expanding community of steemians, giving tips and encouraging them to fully explore their potentials. I and many other steemians would be long gone but for @airhawk-project which in itself is a minnow.

You can be rest assured that if @airhawk-project is given this delegation they will put it to judicious use and you will be aiding thousands of red fishes.

kudos once again to you and the team @ned, @fulltimegeek, @lexiconical, @beanz, @inquiringtimes and @kubbyelizabeth.

I remember when I wanted to join steemit, I was a little bit lost, I remember seeing someone who told me he was on steemit, he invited me to the @airhawk-project group chat, there I saw a community that actually helped steemit members directly by helping with advises, lectures and even an escrow service to help team members buy and sell steem and SBD easily, be it in Fiat money or any coin both seller and buyer agree on, this is a very cool initiative and I can say this is really having a positive impact on steemit. I have had countless chats with @dorthmaen one of cool team member, and I can say he's a cool guy, gave me my first advice on what to and how to post on steemit, and that's what the @airhawk-project is all about, cool guys helping other cool guys, my transition here is smooth thanks to them, I am happy to be on steemit through @airhawk-project. Thank you.

Thank you for this post and the list @stellabelle.

Over the past weeks, @airhawk-project has shown to be a prolific writer as well as being ethical and empatic in curation.

She was able to achieve the above feat by
leasing SP from @minnowbooster.

These are the kind of people or accounts that should get some recognition on this platform.

Kindly check her out @stellabelle.

Sincerely, airhawk-project takes care of every detail that helps members have a firm footing on steemit. It is a wonderful community. They get you exposed to quality contents, contests and your steem trading is 100% safe in the community. It is really a place to be.

@stellabelle, a big well done to you
Base on the issue , I would suggest @airhawk-project too. with the help of @airhawk-project , many minnows just like I am are being encouraged and given support to so as to keep our spirits up. Despite the fact that @airhawk-project is also a minnow, yet she's doing great and supporting over 1,300 steemians . @airhawk-project built a community on telegram for Steemit transactions with no charges. Would be glad if you can look into @airhawk-project too.

Airhawk-project has helped me on countless ways i didnt expect

From learning about cryptocurrency
To learning on how to be a better steemian
And getting rewards from contest held by them

Ey @stellabelle. Great to see that there is people actually concerning about the growth of the platform. We are trying our best promoting the spanish language in the Steem. The community is growing. The potential still enormous. I would like to nominate one or several curators which are working with us 24/7 since months discovering gems in the spanish language and helping the tag #spanish stay high in the list: @dresden, @tincho, @nelyp, @wartrapa, @angielb, @anneblueberry, @rafarosado and @handmade.

Thanks for this iniciative! By the way, did you see our presentation at steemfest?

Yours sincerely @pgarcgo and @gargon.

Hey there @stellabelle , A big hello and thank you for this awesome post! I would like to nominate @btcvenom ! He has an amazing project called @paywithsteem where steemians can go and buy anything that you could on Amazon, with STEEM! as a tester for it, I can say it is an amazingly cool and simple process. There are some awesome items as you can imagine! Thank you! STEEM ON!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yes I second your nomination for @btcvenom and I think I should message @stellabelle and tell her about my interactions with btcvenom and why I think he deserves this and how he would use the delegation for useful things..... Hes a young talented developer who will develop all sorts of new features for @paywithsteem and allow us more economic freedom. With enough money he could buy a payment processor all our own for steem, with enough money he could strike deals with all sorts of stores around the world to just accept steem and he would buy it all back at a set rate incase it goes down later, I mean with the right funds he could do all sorts of amazing upgrades for @paywithsteem

Also he is doing a lot with his new @paywithsteem Discord server

And We will see a lot more success from him, he's shown dedication to Steem blockchain and yes I agree, i have seen a lot of cool stuff of his over on run by @fyrstikken and over on that channel he has shown me all sort of cool stuff just today like how he has the Golos and Steem and BTC prices on his Keyboard, and also yes that Amazon wishlist he has setup on pay with steem is great one day we will have a direct button on steemit or our own front end where you can just login with active key and browse Ebay or AMazon catalog and buy whatever you want with your SBD or steem.... it will be a great day....
and with @btcvenom getting this steempower we will see MANY great things happen, see he is a human being that actually takes value and adds more and does a lot of work, i believe he is already a workaholic and stays up for long hours burning midnight oil.... we need more like this....

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great initiative @stellabelle, @lexiconical, @beanz, @inquiringtimes, @kubbyelizabeth! :)

Might I suggest adding a section for individuals promoting the Steem blockchain!

@dan once said that the most important focus in the beginning is to promote the Steem blockchain which still stands true to this day! :)


If you could work on creating a list, then I will create a second menu....this menu was pretty big...yeah, that's the idea, to add more sections.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@stellabelle, love this way of thinking, it aligns perfectly with ours at promo-steem. we had a great chat with the people who have been working on promo steem on how to provide a mechanism that will help us support steemit promoters on the platform using the steemit ecosystem. we will release the video we did tomorrow. i will keep you informed when it comes out incase you are interested. a quick summary of our plan is as follows:

We have exciting developments with promo steem and are pressing forward well with what we have discussed previously with @andrarchy, this will cumulative in a centralized steemit promo / ambassador page where we will feature promoters, run promo competitions, provide examples of how we promo and the story of promo steem. We are also working on a webpage dedicated to steemians who are promoting steem, this will include Steem Ambassador Programme (working on specific privilages for steem ambassadors in the medium term), structured community upvoting guild for promo works, on-bording page, map of the steemit promo world, chat area with public block chain logged promo chats and private chat options, newsletter, promo Applications area, Promo Merch shop / supported use of logo designs, among others. we are planning to get a skeleton site out in the coming weeks and populate with content into early next year. Promo team did a ten minute video last night, plan to release tomorrow / day after following edit. exciting times ahead. any collaboration on this initiative is MUCH appreciated!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

hope is that steemit ambassadors will receive delegated steem from the community. this will provide the platform with many more, human, trusted eyes with a proven record on the platform.
last but not least, please see my talk at steemfest which describes how we are using steem in an ethical way, without bots to support these promoters HERE

i saw your talk. it was impressive.

Thank you! I am hoping to contribute to the discussion of ethical use of steem power and supporting initiatives that create added value to the blockchain, be them profit making initiatives that provide a buying pressure to the price of steem or social added value that increase the social value of the blockchain. My way of showing that I practise what I preach at the moment is the work I am invovled with in promo-steem. I have seen with steemit that providing / setting an example can inspire many to duplicate value added behaviors.... so i have high hopes going forwards!!

i have seen the same thing happen when i delegated SP to cultivators freely.

Putting a place marker here so I can pull up your talk in the morning for a good watch. I definitely hope to become a Steem ambassador in the community sooner rather than later. As soon as they can find a cost free method for instant account creation, I hope to have onboarding classes at local universities once a month or so!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It's being worked on already as well as coordinating our efforts so stay tuned! :)

All, we are rolling out a Steemit Ambassador Programme in the very near future. we have been working with a list already, we have approximately 30-40 candidates already with proven records in promoting steem and have started to map them. please see links below. I hope this helps and that we are able to coordinate this effort together.
List of blggers posting to promo steem tag HERE
List of steemit promoters by location: HERE
promotion world map HERE
discussion with @andrarchy about steemit ambassadors programme and way forward with promo steem HERE
Massive shout out to @stephenkendal for putting most of this togther.

i hold promoting steemit dear in my heart. I am of the fact that the more users on steemit, the more value it has. Since we call steemit a home then we should try to bring value to it. I am trying in my own little way. i have been attending series of programmes organised in my country and doing my part on preaching the gospel to non steemians

Hi @starkerz, I have a member on my discord community who wants to organise a steem promo event in the Philippines and I recommended they speak to you. Maybe if you join the discord you can give them some advice on it?

@beanz, thanks very much for the info. no problem to refer to me on I wont visit discord yet, as things are getting very busy and I wont do a great job at handling additional traffic from discord for now.

Nice to hear from you @starkerz I'm working together with @oscarcc89 who was at Steemfest @osmerj and a group of Steemians behind the scenes and pretty soon you all see the big community project we have in mind. I've read your ideas and I'm pretty sure that together we can change the world!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I smell something rather big coming as well! looking forward to hearing more! regards to @oscarcc89

thank you. A part 2 is going to be necessary, or better yet, perhaps you have already done something like this?

Would love to be considered for the ambassador program, still interested in having you on the interview show @starkerz!

ok! great, can you contact me on steemit chat and propose a time & date?

@starkerz man!!!

Great! Do you need help on this Reko? We might find new promoters along the way.

Yes, congrats @futurethinker, we're heading for next level! ;)

Do you have Dan's quote about promoting Steem? I don't ever remember having seen Dan saying something about this subject but I don't everything Dan as ever said. I'd be interested to see the quote or post if you can remember.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hey @teamsteem, I haven't seen it myself as I'm quite new here but I'll look into it. Just came up on the @votu podcast yesterday!

Thank you for this answer. :)

Let me inform others that @beanz have been downvoting on my posts for a while. The first one was in which I called minnowbooster operators liars for being liars with evidence.

Wow thank you for including me in the list @stellabelle. I have yet to announce my project to help newcomers to steemit as we are coordinating our project with the promo-steem movement led by @starkerz, @stephenkendal and @anarcotech.

This is their recent talk with @andrarchy

Any delegator who wants to know more about what I am doing please contact me at discord or (@futurethinker ) and I will show our discord group.

I pledge here that I will use any delegation small or big to help Steemians, which in turn will help Steemit grow.

Thank you for bringing the message we need Stella.

I do not doubt that the future of Steemit will be bright!

I'm really looking forward to speaking with you @futurethinker. Your work is inspiring to me. We are all on the same quest I think, to help Steem and Steemit grow!

Me too man! I am waiting for the new video to see what you have discussed!

I was kind of blown away in our long conversation before we made the video. I was a little bit in my own head at the time, creating worlds. I can see, hear and feel so many incredible possibilities, and things that can be done.... I see the Steem Blockchain as a major part of the future of recorded history, monetisation and digital asset rights management. More so than perhaps any other. I think the challenge for me is to realise best where I sit in this, and what are the projects that I should focus my attention on...there are so many possibilities, and I need to be very clear about working on the ones which utilise me and my skills the best. You have come to my attention a lot recently, and I really do feel that there is tons of crossover and stuff which we (and I'm talking about me, and also my colleagues in #promo-steem, notably @stephenkendal and @starkerz) can do together. I'll come and find you later for a chat. Thanks for your time dude.

Oh wow I am honered by your kind words. Yes, there is so much possible. As I am working on this project I see what an impact Steemit or blockchain could have on the world. What has amazed me is wealth distribution that it could bring. For some people a few dolars is enough to get them through the day. It amazes me how incredibly easy it is to reach those people with steem, and it just takes a few clicks. Doing promotional work does not only benefit the steem community but it also benefits humanity.

I am looking forward to hear your views on the changes blockchain can bring.

Till then!

Lmao! Excellent menu, would love to see an updated version of this!!
Hopefully when I become a big whale i will be able to choose a delegatee from the ehtical section haha.

:-) as a person in receipt of delegation, I would like to say how important this is and how much impact this has

The BI team and myself will be supporting this initiative fully and we are happy to produce any data required to keep this on track and carry out necessary due diligence.

I have resteemed this post and shared it with communities on discord

Your data analysis is amazing @paulag. Thank you for your efforts so far :D

Well Stella I have to say that being on your list has given me a smile so big I almost bit off my left ear.... almost.

As you might know already (I have reasons to think you do) I pretty much agree %110.23 with everything you have pointed out (yes i know there are decimals, I may have mental issues)

Steem is a place for investors of course, and we don't ever want to make it a place that is hostile to "money" but at the same time, the valuation of Steem comes from its people, from it's Steemians... that's not an outrageous statement to make, and it's awesome a loud voice is saying so.

In any case, i hope your thoughts ninja their way into a good whale's heart and this idea takes off. I would like, if I may, suggest you include @Shadowpubs in your list of Community builders, what she does with her Steemit Ramble group is priceless for us little minnows.

Thank you for setting an example...

thank you for the shout out @meno .. much appreciated. You'd be welcome to come by the Pimp Your Post Thursday anytime @stellabelle .. we have some great sessions

i fourth that

I 2nd that.

I third that

Well, I'll take the fifth then ;)

It is an honor for me to be on this list and rest assured that I'll put everything I have in order to improve the Steemit Community. You all pretty soon will see What inspiration and good intentions can build! Maybe I'm just a dreamer but "Where there's a will, there's a way" Cheers!

Also I Suggest checking out our friend @reko who is also helping our great cause! Which is making Steemit a better place!

There are enough of us, and as we unite in a more coherent way, we will attract people like us. We understand how to grow communities.

I'll put in a good word for jonsnow and reko.

you could not have picked a better Steemian and friend than @jonsnow1983, @stellabelle. Whenever I ask, he is always willing to help and be ready with a cool head and amazing insight.

Congrats, @jonsnow1983, this is greatly deserved!


Thank you so much for mentioning me among these other amazing Steemit community leaders and curators! I'm very humbled. Being an active curator on Steemit is something I'm very proud of. I love to feature Steemit community members on my @msp-waves radio show , as well during curation live streams & voice chats on my twitch channel. I'm proud to be a curator for @ocd, @Muxxybot, and @minnowsupport. Any delegations are greatly appreciated, and will help to increase the rewards of the undervalued authors I'm trying to find daily on Steemit. Thank you again @stellabelle, @kubbyelizabeth, and everyone else involved! Your support means a lot!

I think ocd as a hole should be mentioned here. Since @acidyo lost a part of his delegation the @ocd account could realy need a delegation.

He failed to mention he's been an avid supporter of #thealliance and valued family member. He would make great use of a delegation.

And an awesome supporter of #steemusa as well as #thealliance (this has already been pointed out)

Great to see you on the list so deserving



Your dedication to making this place amazeballs and creative thinking ways are an inspiration to The Steemiverse and beyond!

Doing a happy dance over here!

okay... this gets upvoted just for the gif alone. LOVE IT...

And you know... the colors remind me of something.

I may have to steal this!!!


Steal it
Make it yours
Spread the weird wonderful gif around!
I think I might have to do a weekly post on the crazy yet amazing gifs I find on my hunts through the giphy universe!

Done and Done! You can check out the results here: Mike's utopian gif entry

And you are certainly in the right place for crazy giphy! Stella is the queen!

I need to learn how to make AMAZING gifs.

I love this, Stella. Your belief in myself, along with some many wonderful people on this platform, is exactly what we need to keep moving forwards in bringing real personalities, real content, and real success to the platform. I so love the people on this list, and their efforts. Teach the posters, teach the curators, teach the humans. You and your team are doing an excellent job finding those who will keep this ripple spreading outwards. KINDNESS👏 COSTS 👏 NOTHING 👏

It starts in the pond, and travels the entire ocean. <3

Educating, teaching, mentoring is what most new people need and by doing this they will teach others which creates a chain of support.

Indeed with the right people a wave can become a tsunami! If that makes sense :P

@stellabelle, it's initiatives like this that I believe will make a positive long-term difference. So much conversation has happened lately, much of it among people who have so little influence on the platform that all we can do is talk. But I'm in this for the long haul, having glimpsed the possibilities of everything Steemit has to offer, and am thrilled to share my vision with so many people in @thewritersblock and @sft, our manual curation team. I extend to you the warmest welcome to visit our Discord any time. We have big plans to organize a Steemit-centric publishing house that will market to the mainstream, and we'd love to tell you about it. You're known for being very committed to community needs, and this post proves it. It also makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but I digress. . . .LOL

THANK YOU for speaking out about these issues and for presenting such a positive challenge to the community. :-)

I have seen @sft being mentioned sometimes. Do you guys also have international curators? We may can work together.

How can I contact you?

You can contact me on or discord.

As far as different languages, no. So far we only curate posts written in English. We've discussed options, but it would be very difficult for us to gauge the eligibility of posts written in languages our editors can't read. I'll contact you on Discord. :-)

Wow, glad to be listed in the Ethical and Empathic group. I was blessed last week by a generous 5k delegation from @fulltimegeek, a selfless whale who gave all his SP in delegations without asking anything in return. If that's not exemplary, I don't know what is.

oh cool! I didn't know about that!

That's because he doesn't go around bragging about it. Gotta love that guy.

yeah, that is cool...even though we have very different philosophical beliefs....

yhu dont too. i love yhu bruv

yhu see one thing i believe in life is that if yhu can give freely then yhu will surely receive freely. it is just the way it is. You dont know me in person yet yhu feel i deserved a tip. in that way other people will surely give you tips

I believe in karma too.

yeah. all real

This is a refreshing answer to the bellyrub debacle - but I would have expected nothing else from you @stellabelle. I doubt you would remember it but you pretty much changed the entire way I look at Steem when I ran into you in a comment thread one day within the first week or two I was on platform - you gave a big upvote to a comment I made and we exchanged a few comments, culminating in you laying the "steemit is a gift economy" idea on me, which really resonated. I have taken that to heart and it really transformed my entire experience here. So, thank you! I hope some whales bite, I know most of the good folks on that list and couldn't pick a nit with a single one of them. Really wonderful initiative. Cheers - Carl "Totally Not A Bot" Gnash :)

@carlgnash from the @humanbot Human Certified Original Works Initiative has manually determined this post to be the original and truly creative work of the post author.

Learn more:

Thanks for being an original and creative content creator! You rock!

i was hoping you would do this....and i think i didn't include everyone....there can be a part 2.....this was a long enough list...

Can I have a place in that list ? I tried to get delegation bcuz I am trying to give undervalued posts few reward for their hard work . How can I personally contact you @stellabelle ...

I think you misspelled my name. ;)

You stinker, you made me read it twice.

You are actually on the followup list...hence my confusion.

I am beyond honored that I was on this list of people. I would be humbled to be a recipient, but ultimately, I hope that the people delegating SP can get a good return on their delegation and reach as many users as they can. As someone mentioned in earlier comments, this won't replace voting bots, but I think it can have a seriously positive impact.


Heh there is no day that lexiconical isn't spamming me :D

lol thanks Lex

I sincerely hope @themarkymark is on whatever next list you create, @lexiconical! I have never known anyone more earnest, helpful and intelligent as this man, and everything he does is for the betterment of our Steemit Community.

:raises hand to vote for @themarkymark now and always:



Well, that's what I get for failing to track mentions =p

I really had no idea you were talking about this on the PAL discord.

Oh hey, thanks for the poke. I wasn't paying attention here and didn't even know I was mentioned until I got a heads up on Discord.

Wow, such an honor to be included in this list alongside many other worthy curators I know! I think this is a step in the right direction, supporting human curators who go out of their way to help push worthy content along.

I have always been uneasy about vote buying, and the latest fiasco with bellyrub has done nothing to change my mind.

Communities of curators helping other members out by upvoting and resteeming their work is the way to go.

Im not surprised to see you on the list Muxxy... ;)

I have actually interacted with most of the people on that list I agree entirely with the assessment of the "type" of individuals they are. It's pretty humbling to be listed among people that I hold in such high esteem as well. Thanks for including me and so many amazing people that want to see this platform succeed.


Clay bro... i tried to give you some claytrees love but its not working :claytrees:

can you fix it?

@clayboyn Yes!

Absolutely honored to be on this list. Seriously, it means a great deal.

Edit: I am available for questions on various Discord servers, but we do have to share a server. @discordiant#0495

Good initiative. I haven't delegated to anyone in particular yet but I've delegated to a couple projects, utopian, spaminator, and openmic (vote following) and I'm looking to possibly delegate more in the future.

Awesome that you are looking around to do this @teamsteem! And Projects are a good place to delegate to, Though they may be a bit more limited in the scope of how the vote is spread around due to their particular niche, helping projects get exposure can never be a bad thing.

I'm by no means telling you how to use your SP, but since both Utopian and Spaminator have large delegations from other whales, perhaps consider removing those delegations to free up the SP for smaller projects who haven't gotten to that level yet? I think the appreciation you will see will outweigh the sense of loss from the accounts that lose the delegations.

Thanks again for considering taking part! As someone who is currently enjoying the benefit of a Stella Delegation, I can tell you it means a ton!

Thank you Mike! I'm considering delegating to other projects too. I can still delegate to this other project. I don't delegate that much to them. I just need more time in a day.

Yes! More time in the day is probably the one thing I would love more of! There just isn't enough to do everything I want to do!

Thank you for vote following openmic and supporting musicians! <3

Very humbling to see my name appear on one of your lists. Whoever nominated me: Thank you very, very much.

While I love the idea, it doesn't seem like it fills the same niche as vote-sellers. As someone who utilized vote-sellers and even @bellyrub, I used them to give my posts initial exposure in hopes of reaching a wider audience on steemit.

I highly doubt any of the individuals on that menu have ever even thought about reading a post of mine, and I would be surprised if any of them have even seen a post of mine pop up on their feed or in a tag they frequent. I think this further silo's the individuals that post in tags and about topics that these folks don't frequent.

I don't mean any disrespect as I do love the idea, I just don't think it's fair to say that this can replace vote-selling in any meaningful capacity. I would love to be proved wrong though.

it sounds like you are in need of perhaps getting to know people in discord channels? Part of the issue is that people on steemit operate in silos, isolated. As you get to know people organically, it changes your experience.

What might be useful here is a good list of Discord channels that would help exposure for people who are willing to put the time into those channels in terms of socialising and networking.

I'm not good at it, but maybe I need to get more involved in Discord myself. Half the problem is not knowing where to go.

An updated list will be available in the next few weeks :)

Just wanted to say Kudos for the nomination, you deserve it!
Always helpful and always giving great ideas.

I learned a lot in the PAL net one, for Minnows. That's where a ton of people are.

whats the invite link for this one?

well, what are your interests?

I have very varied interests :) Primarily photography and videography, but i'm into crypto and i'm also developing a new Steem frontend in my spare time so software development too.

@markangeltrueman ... @sircork recently did a post on 20 communities he's part of on discord.. that might give you a starting spot

Thank you. It's a recent post on my blog, should be easy to locate @markangeltrueman

I started here, and got all the rest of my invites through networking from PAL:

Cheers. I'll spend a bit of time discord-surfing :)

Please correct me if I'm wrong (seriously please do), but what your suggesting is to contact the folks on the menu through their discord channels (a whole other thing I need to figure out apparently) and hope they like my stuff enough to upvote?

Getting connected to people is how you make friends. Having friends means you help eachother. Helping each other in Steem, means upvoting each other based on real authentic social bonds.

its has simple has that. if one does a job and he deserves 1$ a friend can decide to give him 1.5$ instead because they are friends. never underestimate the power of friendship

Wise words my friend and in line with the espirit of the more you give the more you receive

Very true, I hope we will see more communities in which steemian can find their place to make such precious bonds.

This! This this this!!

Make connections, realize there are people on the other end of the Ethernet wire, figure out how you connect and become a part of each other's communities! That's how this works for the long term.

I'm stealing this quote and making it into a whole post tomorrow Stella! This needs to be expounded upon!

no. This is a list of people that the whales can delegate $5K of Steem Power to. This menu is for whales and dolpins who have extra SP lying around.

Ah ok. I misunderstood the basic premise of the list. That makes a ton more sense! Thank you for the help. I will look into the PAL net discord channel.

Better yet, create your own community. You are rep 61. Start reaching out to minnows and interact with them, support them and the in turn support you. Fans font come from posting good content in a corner. ;) im not into sports but if u want i can ask around. Im sure there are sports fans in msp too!!

Here's a link:

It may be the single best place to start networking on the platform, which is probably what Stella means when she means "get to know people." The more people know you and like you, the more they will be willing to support you in a world of fundamentally limited resources.

Check out our radio shows in particular, they are great live community builders:

If you have not joined PALnet discord, i think that would be a good place to start.

i started on PALnet. a lot of amazing people. help me through setting up my accounts to receive votes then. wow i can never forget my first gift on steemit. it came from @clayboyn in that channel. I also tryb my best to reach out to people and assist in any possible way because i believe the world will be a better place if we all are cheerful givers

I remember your first days there months ago. You've come a long way @ewuoso

i remember very well. U guys were wonderful. yhun helped my journey become a success. thanks

"I don't mean any disrespect as I do love the idea, I just don't think it's fair to say that this can replace vote-selling in any meaningful capacity. I would love to be proved wrong though."

I agree with you that this initiative is not a viable substitute for the function of vote-bots, which currently should be probably served by /Promoted.

The idea here is to provide other opportunities for large holders of SP, such as Freedom, that we hope will lead to valuable increases in the price/demand for Steem. This means far more than the curation rewards or daily payments from lessees would to such large account holders.

The best we can do is attempt to lead by example and hope others are willing to think a little more long-term and a little less about short-term gain.

I cannot more strongly agree regarding the promotion feature. This is exactly what I think should be done.

Actually, I recommend @bitopia for this initiative. He has very good ideas, and develops them well.

Thank you very much for the shout- out! I am definitely looking towards aiding the issue through innovating solutions!

Yes I misunderstood the basic premise of the menu. I thought @stellabelle was saying that these would be folks to solicit for votes (which in and of itself sounds contrary to much of what she stands for. part of why I was confused). I understand that these are for folks to give SP to.

Vote selling works because people are isolated.

Vote selling works because people are disconnected and don't really understand the importance of reputation. I would guess that many don't know how to build authentic bonds either. Vote selling is a short-sighted quick fix to the imbalance of power, but actually, all you're doing is making the imbalance worse.

A valid point you made @brandonp , like you siad they didn't check your post cos maybe you are never in their Discord channels and trust me when they get the DSP they vote only on posts of users from their channels alone- Another problem created i think!

I vote on every real comment on my posts as well as comments of the posts I visit. Most real posts in the tags I frequent get voted on, and yes, people I keep in touch with on discord get some votes too...

I also use some of the SP to flag spam and help clean up tags if it gets crazy where I can't find real content, and people aren't responsive to communication.

Thank you, and thank @stellabelle & company!

then make your own discord channel and start your own group.

No need for that, Steemit is a Group already!

We are only human, we can not be everywhere at once.

"when they get the DSP they vote only on posts of users from their channels alone"

With the exception of our curators, who are specifically looking to support new and unknown creators, this is just the normal nature of human interactions. Of course community leaders and builders will be best suited to applying their voting power in the communities they already know.

This is why we have carefully vetted both the communities, and the community members, and we have also tried to include a wide range of users and communities in the initiative. We are happy to take suggestions for additions if you have any.

Yes you are very right, we are but Humans.

I have been in so many channels where you try to communicate and you get ignored maybe they think all users in a channel are newbies.

I have been on particular channel where my salutations was ignored for days non stop and i had to eat a humble pie and left. To me such channels are many and i find them irritating, my only suggestion is to clamour on user interactions more often if networking is really the key...Like @stellabelle adviced to start a group, but why start a group where people don't interact but only want more upvotes?

So i'll rather stick with PAL and some others where even the whales acknowledges my interactions than start a new one.

actually @oluwoleoaide .. you are not correct on that assumption. I have channels setup for people to nominate other posts in the Steemit Ramble and in turn I do review the nominator's posts.

I also spend hours combing through RSS feeds from Steemit to find other posts for the Ramble from people who may or may not be on Discord. Posts are not easy to find on Steemit and the more visible you make yourself by participation in places like the discord servers, the more likely you'll get noticed.

There are people who attend the Pimp Your Post Thursday who do an excellent job of finding people new to Steemit who are showing potential.

There are a lot of good people looking for quality content on Steemit not so much for the curation rewards but to do actual curation by finding the quality work.

I think you are suggesting a problem that doesn't exist and not giving credit to a lot of good people who work to make the platform a place to call home for many more.

I think you are suggesting a problem that doesn't exist and not giving credit to a lot of good people who work to make the platform a place to call home for many more.

  1. I just got to know about your Ramble channel so i don't think you got that right to tell me am suggesting a problem not existing i joined immediately i saw that comment last night and i haven't navigated it that well, i commented based on my experience i think i have the right to share my own experience.

  2. I don't know if you are a curator or a Discord Channel owner so what i said shouldn't bother you that much.

  3. And i give credit to people who do a lot of good work, you haven't seen my blog or any of my post so don't jump to conclusions.

I'm both a curator and a discord owner. The curation led to the discord to expand the curation effort and give exposure to more people for their posts.

While you are suggesting what should or shouldn't bother me, you may want to consider that you are jumping to your own conclusions about what I may or may not draw conclusions on.

Your original post suggested that once people get into discord they only vote/curate people on discord and my response was that is not true. It's not only not true for me, it is not true for many other curators.

I do have every right to respond to your statement about your belief a problem exists and disagree with that assumption. I also provided cause why it was incorrect.

If no one provides a rebuttal to your belief there is a problem because you feel they don't have a right to do so, does that not just create a false belief on your part?

So putting aside the philosophy of it all. I saw you joined the Steemit Ramble last and did welcome you. I'll be posting about the next Pimp Your Post Thursday .. it takes place at 11am and then again at 7:30pm EST on Thursday. Hope to see you there.

Well @brandonp while she's not on the list, here's a suggestion. Instead of waiting to pop up in someone's feed, why don't you come onto @shadowspub's Steemit Ramble discord on Thursday and join one of the two sessions of Pimp Your Post Thursday.

There you can get to know some other Steemians and present your post for others to have a look at and hopefully support. You'll find an invite on her blog.

I had no idea these type of things existed.

they have it on whaleshares discord channel too. You even get a chance to win whaleshares just for participating. yhu can contact @akrid.

Hey @brandonp if you want to join our group feel free contact me on or discord. We need early adopters of Steemit like you!

@bitopia has a great idea for the promotions feature that can dramatically improve the bot situation, I believe.

Check it out here.

Thank you so much for including me. I'm humbled.

Wow I need to read this with completely calm :)

Well deserved you are there, Wield your power wisely.

I reread calmly, turn out you are on a suggested menu, best of luck being ordered/granted

@bleedpoet Ohh my I did not see my name until now,
Thank you friend and thanks to @stellabelle :)

One of the few I recognized right away. 👍🏽

No doubt one of the most beloved community creators who made the list.

What didja think I was bugging you about over Discord? =)

Yes :) everything fits now, I answered you without thinking it was so important: I thought it was a normal chat hehehe I'm extremely grateful with all the incredible utopia that you guys are forming with their ideas and words here. every time I analyze more, you guys are part of the visionaries of the world.

I am thoroughly honoured to be included on this list! I was very surprised when you invited me to the art curation Project the other day and even more surprised when I was contacted by Lex on discord. I think this is a fantastic step in the right direction and I'm excited to see what kind of impact this will have on the community ❤️

Thank yhu for yhur services. love yhu

Aww thanks ewuoso, right back at ya❤️

hahahaha. cool

Julia, you are a perfect choice for this list!

Thanks Isaria, as are you :)

I just made that post payout go from 7 to 8!!! You may be literally changing my life here! I feel determined to share the wealth and i will also avoid food and overly sentimental things ( but maybe not twisted deep poetry lolz) i am wondering about self voting and voting for each other since thekittygirl and i are on a team together. It would help us to get the @teamgirlpowa page going as well so we can start inspiring those amazing gender studies articles i keep talking about. 😜✌🏻🌟 But if anyone thinks its unethical we will refrain from upvoting each other or ourselves. 🙌🏻🙌🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻Again. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

go ahead and vote for yourself. Your SP is very small, so you need to build it up.


Pretty pleased to see that 6 out of the 7 people you picked grew up or have been highly active in PALnet. Feels like we're helping to foster some pretty awesome Steemians. Nice idea Stella. I hope they bite.

Now you see the (nepotism) inherent in the system!

(j/k, just lotta good people at PAL)

@aggroed that is exactly the problem! How can it be that 6 out of 7 people are highly active in PAL? Isn't this pretty much biased?

Scrolling through the comments I realised that everybody knew each other - probably because they are all active in PAL. Doesn't mean that they're not good, but there lies the problem ...

Not everyone has the time or desire to be part of a community inside of a community.

Steemit is already a community and I personally don't want to spend my time interacting with other people in discord chats (PAL, VOTU etc.) just to be noticed. The worst thing in my opinion about these groups is that 90% of what is happening in there is smallstalk. Something very unproductive - in my opinion. (I don't like smalltalk in general - outside of steem - time waster)

Yes, it is a personal preference, but there are a lot of people like me right now on steemit and this number will grow even higher, the more mainstream steem becomes.

hundo vote and resteem

Also, a special thanks to some of our early recipients of delegations via this project:

and especially...
@beanz who is working on this stuff on her own time, all the time.

The only reason the above users are not already on the menu is that they've been lucky enough to already get a delegation (minus possibly @beanz !)

you're the best, you goof. I love that you're right in this.

Thanks lex, I'm good with what I have from @smooth for now. I would just like to see more valuable curators get something similar to what I have if not better.

Well deserved! This is such a wonderful initiative. Thanks for helping to make Steemit a better place Lex!

I am a beneficiary of @fulltimegeek's generosity and faith in me. I am committed to steemit and am here for the long haul. I do not think good bots, bad bots whatever should be used here. I think people should get where they are going on their own merits and not have to buy their votes.

I want to see more engagement here on the platform. We have a lot that post nice post or good job and the ever present follow me, I follow you. I want to see folks who want to engage and make steemit a better place by adding value to their posts.

To that end I am on a hunt through new posts to find people who are like minded, which s committed to bringing value to steem in the form of good content and active engagement. I came up with a few today.

I am forever grateful to my son for pointing me in the direction of Steemit. There are lot of quality people here and have so much to offer. I am still learning. And hopefully I can pass on some of what I am learning to other newbies. We all have to start somewhere.

Yes engagement is what we really need. Join our community if you want to bring this change!

Contact me on discord or if you are interested!


I am interested but my Internet connection right now is pitiful. It is not fast enough to hardly get my posts out...

I wish to speak to you about your kind offer. What's the link for discord?

What is your discord name?


"I think people should get where they are going on their own merits and not have to buy their votes."

"I want to see more engagement here on the platform."

IMHO, that is why this is a social media platform, and I couldn't more strongly support your position (except I already drained my VP too much =p).


If it is good people you are looking for that leave comments, and engage the other commenters and Authors, I think @kiwideb would be a good choice. I think she is a whale or almost a whale, so she might be one to ask or bring into your fold. I have seen a ton of comments from her on post that I visit, (mostly the fiction writers), but also on some other post. I don't follow her, it just seems that I see her comments on a lot of places and post I visit, so she is certainly an active commenter/poster. I don't know which spot on your menu she would fall, but if you had a "REAL PERSON" menu spot she could certainly fall there.

Great to see the likes of @stellabelle, @beanz, @inquiringtimes, @kubbyelizabeth, @ned, @fulltimegeek, and many more continuing their great work in our amazing community!

The concept sounds like a step in the right direction. Delegation would definitely help work around some of these issues.

are a few good humans that might be useful in this pilot. They are pretty much always checking out other peoples content & also putting out some great stuff themselves.

hope this helps ;)

You bugger😂 I already nominated you to be on the list😄 Great minds and us too😝

haha, I know... after I finished suggesting you and @artwatch, I was reading the comments and saw that...

The two of you cover a lot of ground on steemit. I think the delegation would be well spent on you guys.

I am supremely honored to be entrusted as part of the beta test of this project! I cannot say thank you enough to Stella and Geek for their generosity. Stella is someone I hope to continue to engage with and build with for a long time to come. I've had no direct interactions with Full-time geek, but I hope to have the opportunity to say thank you to him in person at the next Steemfest or something!

I could probably make an epic response here about all the good curating I hope to do with my loaned SP, but I spent too much time reading all the wonderful comments, and should have been asleep two hours ago, so I'll just give me pitch and go.

As a potential add to the list of HQ Curators, I would highly recommend @carlgnash. Carl is a highly valued member of the Curie team, as well as the creator of Humanbot, and cocreator of R-bot, both of whom endeavor to curate content verifying originality and promoting solid posting habbits.

Finally, @stellabelle, thank you for all that you do for this community. There are people who are the linchpin, holding everything together. I believe you are one such person. This community is better off for having you in it. And anyone looking to delegate larger chunks (say in the 100ks) and see it well utilized, Stella could find good uses for it!

Thank you Stella!!

I second the recommendation for @carlgnash

This is an awesome initiative and an actual constructive use of SP. Definitely more in line with the concept of a gift economy and the value of Steemit being related to its humanitarian potential. There's a lot of great mentions on your list. Every time I see something disappointing transpire in the Steem community I am heartened by the quick and optimistic response of the collective to moving forward and improving things. Thanks for playing your part @stellabelle, @fulltimegeek, @ned and others!!

Wow @stellabelle. Thank you so much for including me in this list, and thank you to whoever mentioned me for consideration! I think this is a really great idea and I'm curious to see how it will all play out! It definitely feels like a crossroads time for steemit, and I really hope to be a positive contributor to the community and the platform going forward!

Someone I did not see listed, but who I would recommend for his heart and passion for implementing positive change is @sircork!

Well deserved Uni! <3

Thanks @isaria Ditto!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Congrats on making the list. You do a lot that goes unnoticed here. It should be noticed more. And it should be your merit that causes that. You deserve it.

Thanks, Cork. :)

Totes welcome :)

I like your graphics and I see alot of good ppl in those lists that not only do I like, I trust. Cool initiative, I'm glad some ppl are helping make steemit a better place and trying to add real value for everyone's benefit. I just did a post on @zeartul and his shady behavior, I'd be tickled pink if you checked it out 😎 I may catch my first flag but whatever, i been doing pretty good for all my shitposting lol Cheers

Your shitposts are funnier than most.

yeah, maybe work up a list of people who are sarcastic and hilarious...

Thanks but I'm not asking for anything. I just want to be friends 👫

WOW! This sounds like such an amazing initiative, @stellabelle! I'm friends with several of the people you listed above through my involvement in the @MinnowSupport Project, so I am so happy to see that they have been selected as the initial wave to test drive this awesome idea. I know that they will utilize the delegated SP well, because even without much SP they are already doing amazing curation and really trying to help the community grow in a positive manner.

I hope to one day live up to the examples that they set. I started out curating a lot when I first came to Steemit but for whatever reason I started slacking on it and now I don't curate much anymore. But seeing this post, and seeing so many of the people I call my friends on Steemit/Discord being placed in the spotlight for their great efforts to build up the community, inspires me to get back on that curation train and start looking for and uplifting great posts on here as well.

Great my friend :)

Steem on!

Dear potential givers,

These are community members that give more than they receive. These members are highly appreciated by those they work alongside them, but often time run thankless for the work they do.

Maybe, you don't know them. Maybe you don't know or haven't seen their contributions to the platform.

You may be asking yourself, are they really curating, are they really connecting with members, are they real?

People to vouch for them is not a short list, but what is important to you? Why should you delegate? Well, check out our steemit blog, check out our wallets, our vote count, our delegations to and from, our witness votes, check and check. Just remember the only action that counts is the one taken. The one observed does nothing, changes nothing, creates nothing. GIve them a shot and see what happens. What's the worst, we could be right? You could be wrong?

Thank you Kubby for all your hard work, your selflessness, and your generosity. <3

Thank you so much too. Proud to work alongside you.

Hear! Hear!

lol, you are hilarious! Love your support. :)

how do we make it so cool to do what fulltimegeek is doing? It does feel amazing to give. It takes a huge weight off one's mind.

It starts by leading by example, which you have done. It helps to reach out to friends and challenge/encourage them to do the same. It helps to call them out like you did here. There is only so much you can do. Give it time.

Gotta agree with you Kubby. Good deeds around here rarely get noticed, but you've provided the clues people need to find them pretty well here.

I think this is a great initiative to add more to the Steemit community along with helping it get back on track with this big zeratul mes.

I am hoping this can help a lot in Steemit's continual growth!

@stellabelle I wanted to get your attention to an initiative a few of us have put together and would love to get your feed back. Here is the post to it. Essentially, helping vet/screen our witnesses and get more people involved in the voting of correct witnesses. After this incident with BellyRub it would help if we knew our witnesses better and even understood things better. Thanks!

@airhawk-project cummunity good, giving delegates to @airhawk-project is the right thing either.

@airhawk-project always upvote me every day, @airhawk-project is the best.....

Thank you for this Stellabelle! Always looking for wonderful people to follow and word of mouth goes a long way here on steemit. It really sucks to hear what happened with bellyrub such a shame but one of the downfalls of not having a regulated system I guess?

#RESPECT@stellabelle you told us about this post but i didn't expect that i relly didn't expect it at all :) finally i can feel human presence in the #steemosphere thank you for what you are doing for all the #steemians

no I think this list is meaningists.. there are mentions that er right but also there are mentions that absolutely make no sense at all.. like being a social builder all of a sudden while a week or 2 ago there was a ''first time ever radio appearance'' yeah right

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The initiative I like. The lists are somewhat arbitrary. Also interesting is the fact that at least one of the core members of the initiative bought with a lot of SBD votes from various of the vote bots not so long ago (weeks instead of months ago), right at the last minute of closing of a bid window. I don't call out names here. I know this because I was testing with these vote services to check how they work, and saw this user buying the votes over and over again...probably with a bot, timing was too perfect and it was constant, many of the bid windows. Anyway, I like the initiative, I think the lists are done too quickly and many Steemians are simply left out of the list.

EDIT: I correct, on this users last post of 5 days ago buildawhale vote was bought by this core team member against vote selling. And at the same time, this user has a pretty high rep.

Thank you @stellabelle, I am honored to be on your list!
I’ve been doing what I can to promote and reward quality content for some time now.
For the last 3 months, @swelker101 and I have been hosting The Steemit Creative Show where we promote and curate creative posts from the Steemit Community.
I’m very excited that in this past week we have finally launched the Minnow Support Community Curation initiative!
As a Community Curation leader, along with @juliakponsford, I created the curation plan, put the curation team together, and manage the overall weekly curation.
I’ve also just launched MSP-Music to help curate musicians along with promoting them via the Steemit Musicians show every week on MSP-waves.
Along with @kubbyelizabeth, I also help with Minnow University which was created by @swelker101.
Our goal is to create successful Steemit users that produce high quality content, which will ultimately help with overall user retention.
Thank you for taking the time to create this list and for helping to make Steemit a better experience for everyone!

Great job @isaria!

oh that was definitely worth the wait !
Excellent initiative. I am happy to see so many amazing people willing to make that step towards improving the ways things flow in steemit.
Big thanks to you and everyone contributing to this.

Yes stella and her team are amazing!

@zoethehedgehog, maybe you can work on something like this for the Korean community?

This is a great idea. I know so many that are probably strong candidates for this, but I'll let those with better opinions weigh in on the lists.

This is taking the right step and it’s great for the community to grow itself and not let things bring us down while some people may get greedy and bring others down , with the help of others anything Ian possible .

True small steps could become big steps if we have dedicated people behind it!

Please consider @not-a-bird, @sharoonyasir, @gardenbsquared, @mariannewest, @eco-alex, @critic-on, @battleborn, @carrieallen, @cryptofarmer, @samic, @hopehuggs, @gabchik, @vangelov, @sanmi, @pathforger, @nehab, @mountainwashere, @stortebeker, @xyzashu, @aejackson, @simgirl, @chrisroberts, @snook

Oh and @buttcoins!

Each of these are people I now consider friends, some more than others, but real people with whom I have had real conversation and whose names I remember to go look at when I haven't checked steemit in a while.

They post good content, each according to their own skills, to the best of their abilities. I would be thrilled to see any or all of them supported by this platform. Without steemit I would only know one of these people, @snook, since she is my mother.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you @ecoinstant for recommending my name here! But honestly, I'm a complete misfit for this. I ain't a very good curator and I myself use many of those paid upvote bots. I generally give all my earnings to these bots ...just like I had sent all my earnings to @bellyrubank, I recently sent all my wallet liquidity to my post telling that story viz. Some Lessons from Bellyrub Scam. And this is the all time high I ever put into a bid bot when discussion about the reward pool rape is at its peak.

Although I appreciate the move and motive behind it by @stellabelle, @fulltimegeek and others to delegate their SPs to several good curators (not just minnows, ...I see several dolphins and witnesses too in the list), I don't see this act an effective solution to the present problem. What these whales are doing is delegating their own SP to curators. But they were already curating themselves before. Now they are just delegating their curation job to good curators to better spread their SP by sacrificing some of their own curation rewards (Here @beanz is an exception perhaps, as he is going to rent SP from others to delegate it for free). But I fail to understand as how will this deter the use of paid bot services unless the whales who are renting out their SPs start to delegate for free in this manner?

I'd suggest to put a restriction on all delegatees to not to curate posts with paid upvote bots. But still, I'd like to use upvote bots if they pay me better and an assured high value vote. I may not refrain their use for a possibility of half a dollar worth upvote from some delegatee here. And even if people discard this bot services in favour of the curation services provided by these delegatees, these people would be quality content creators only only those will get curated. If this happens, then bots will upvote only shit posts which has no possibility of getting curated by these delegatees. But these bots will continue to get business and take a toll on the reward pool.

So terming this as a solution to Vote Selling Problem is a Gimmick.

What do you say @paulag?

I know a handful of whales may not have sufficient SP to counter all the paid upvote bots in existence today. But if they really want to disrupt this bidding bots' business, here is one suggestion to them:

You are all aware about the Bot Tracker tool by @yabapmatt. It was the best tool to date which has successfully reined in the profitability margins of all bid bots along with giving a great tool in the hands of all the bidders .

And this is the very tool whales can use to disrupt all bots' business. We know that there are 10 bidding rounds in 24 hours for every bot. To disrupt the profit margin of bidders, a whale can always put a bid to exceed the total Vote Value of the bot at the end of each voting window. That way all bidders will incur a loss on their investment and will receive a lower upvote. If all bidding constantly start giving them losses, they will turn away from these bots and when there will be no sufficient bidders left, these bots will run into losses and inadvertently get out of the business.

I think on an average just a $50 bid at the end of a voting window (depending on the total bids made in that window) can disrupt the profit margins of everyone participating in that window. So a total investment of $250 per day is needed to disrupt any bot having about 2 million SP. 3-4 whales can take care to disrupt at least 5 of the 10 bidding rounds. And I won't mind if they self-upvote all day for putting their money in such bids. Any thoughts on this @stellabelle?

I only support misfits, vagabonds and ragamuffins - no one philosophy required!

Who else would tell the biggest and best whales in the room - 'Ehhh your idea is fine and all but it won't really change much.'?

The scheme you detail would indeed prevent the votebots from being useful to the users, but the bots would be more profitable than ever.

I'm not againt profit, I'm just not for encouraging profitable vote selling.

Since @stellabelle is calling for delegation to manual curators, this is the only initiative I am aware of that improves distribution of rewards without using bots, and I'm for that.

While this is a test run, such a thing could really be expanded, with levels and sublevels of delegation, if it really impacts user retention, and folks can be trusted to use delegations altruistically.

So, it won't end bots today, or maybe even at all, but it can have a huge impact, and, particularly if the promotion feature was improved, could make votebots obsolete.


We can all be curators. Thanks for remembering it. And congratulations to my colleagues at the OCD team you mentioned in your list. I'm always happy to be part of the OCD team and initiatives like yours and @Acidyo are the ones that this platform needs.

I really like the whole idea
We really needed true Steemians to be active and help grow
@artaddict is a good Steemian she is being very active and helping a lot of people in Discord and on
I really hope will get a lot better now with this initiative
We need to make people stay on and I strongly believe that sharing the Steem Power is a great way
I've myself Delegated $350 to @muxxybot , @msp-shanehug and @minnowsupport
When I will get more Steem Power I will gladly delegate some more to whoever is working hard on
Thanks to all of you that tries to make a safe place to work and enjoy!

Hi @stellabelle, as someone of very low standing (in terms of SP) in the community, we do require people with higher voting power to stand up and create initiatives like this to address the imbalance of power. However, I am curious as to how we can hold people to certain standards of behaviour (be it ethical or moral) when there is nothing to say what it is and should be? I am aware that creating rules means that someone is always going to try and get around it, and so I think a combination of guiding principles plus the use of the collective wisdom of our fellow steemians will be required.

Since I have been involved with bisteemit I know that they will do a good job, but even some of their posts have been disputed so I think putting in some processes in terms of fact checking and dispute resolution to go with these guidelines is going to give steemians more confidence that there is impartiality and transparency in how we go about creating a better community for everyone that is investing their time and effort to improve it.

I know only some of the people on this list (and they are very good people), and I know that many more are wanting to contribute but don't have the means or connections to make significant impact. I have put some of my ideas in the hope that someone or a group of people with more influence and time can consider them, and trust that perhaps the community leaders or those who are ethical and empathetic can put them into action if they think it is a good idea since I think this is the best way that I can contribute:

A manifesto for steemians -
A dispute resolution service -
A fact check service -

In terms of names of people, I think @karenmckersie, @mattclarke, @sweetpea are just some examples of fellow steemians who are ethical and empathetic (this list would be very long if you were to consider the artists who are just quietly contributing in the background as well). Perhaps we should also try to get those people who are on this list to nominate others so as to spread this influence out to the corners that have not received enough attention thus far.

The list is filled with wonderful curators and talent. I'm very humbled to see my name here and I want to thank you for listing me. Many of these members I've interacted with often in PAL. @kubbyelizabeth is just an amazing person and I love what she's doing. @paulag - she's brilliant and so kind, @inquiringtimes, a powerhouse of ideas.

I've sat in on two live curation Twitch shows hosted by @Ma1nevent and I know he's actively engaging the community on his interview shows, too. @gmuxx and @sunravelme are curating wonderful poetry. I have a soft spot for both because of their deep commitment.

@swelker101 & @Isaria very early on here encouraged me when I was really struggling by sharing my invisible posts on the Creative Show and the mspwaves radio with all the DJ are amazing support.

I won a delegation early on of 500SP during one of the msp radio shows & that was so encouraging . I was recently allowed to be a stand in for a minnow not present on the Shane Show and won 500SP for a new but fast growing minnow @mariannewest who hosts a daily freewrite prompt which she now spreads the rewards among th active participants.

@r0nd0n has been inspirational and always kind and a great leader. I support @poetsnake with the new Dolphin Cocoon curation initiative, I will assist her in whatever she needs. I love what @juliakponsford is doing with Art Explosion in getting visibility for new and established Steemit artists.

@krazykrista is a powerhouse of support in Whaleshares and encourages so many with the live curation voice chat. I would go name by name if time allowed and thank you @stellabelle for what you are doing to build Steemit with your delegations and support!

Rose, you have a kind heart and are always looking to help others. I'm happy to see you on this list. <3

Thank you for all you do @isaria <3

❤️❤️❤️ love all of this you hit the nail on the head! So happy to see the PAL representation here!

These are awesome forward thinkers <3

I "know" several of the people on your list and agree with the general idea of what you are doing here. I operate 100% off my phone so am unable to be as engaged in discord as I would like to be (do not have a working PC.)
I would like to point out that I do have a discord for @eastcoaststeem which is a communal curation account I am running for primarily East Coast Steemians. In The effort to push towards steemit meetups and platform promoting.
I make this point regarding what I personally am doing on this platform to help others because there are a lot of people doing similar things that go unnoticed for reasons like mine (unreliable computer) but are still valued steem- citizens.

have you contacted @starkerz?

My brain must be running slow. I'm Confused by this response..

basically he promotes those who are promoting Steemit

Thanks for the info I will reach out. Appreciate it

Whoa!! I'm....humbled and honored for being mentioned on your list @stellabelle!!! I have a LOT going on in my life right now, and can't get onto Steemit more than once a week, it seems. But, I will try to create more content, and earn this much appreciated endorsement!

I feel honered to be on this list! Hard work pays off at the most unexpected moments! Waking up this morning and reading about this project has made sure my day will be bright and I am sure all the other amazing souls on this list will feel the same way!

Building on a project, in my case The Dolphin Cocoon, made sure I have lost many many hours of sleep and I have been running around on coffee for a while now... BUT let me tell you what...IT IS WORTH IT!

If I would get delegation, or the Dolphin Cocoon account, means that we can finally start off the curation guild as well. Curators can start scanning and the first votes can go out! We choose to de everything MANUALLY and every vote given will be checked and double checked.

Again, I am so happy to see lists like these, to know people ( Wonderful souls ) working on this behind the scenes. To give those who need that extra bit of exposure a chance to really be seen!

You all made my day lets make sure we will now make the day of others!

you deserve it friend!

Thank you @bobinson that means a lot!

Shane told me about your new project the other day. The Dolphin Cocoon account is a great idea! <3

Thank you so much @isaria
I hope the Cocoon will become a warm home for many users.
The more souls the more we can inspire and share.

May I suggest @jaybird as a community builder? Besides being half of @steembirds, he also runs the #steemitsandwichcontest and performs original music and acts of sandwich daily.

ok, well i love sandwiches, so i guess a Menu part two is in the works.

If you don't feel like building another menu, at least build a sandwich for the weekly contest. SBD prizes for the top three, plus every contestant gets to eat a sandwich😂

Curator of Sandwiches! We all need this in our lives!

@ma1neevent does outrageous amounts of work building community. @poeticsnake also.
If I'm a kindergarden curator these two are double PHDs.

PS. I checked their vitals.
Both @ma1neevent and @poeticsnake have super high medaclorian counts also. That sh%t matters.

Appreciate your support and comment @happymoneyman!

Hi @stellabelle

As you know, I've been beating this drum for a few months now, and was lucky enough to drop a comment in @beanz post last week that FTG saw and acted on.

I'd like to see some of the members of this group:

  • Spread their voting network
  • Self vote less

Both of these attributes (and more) can be easily tracked by #bisteemit and so if/when delegations are made to these people, if you let 'us' know we can make sure they are doing a good job.


Keep us updates - #bisteemit does such great infovis work!

We will, thank you!

Based on the amount of dialog you've launched here, I'd say you have hit a nerve. I've been following the chaos in the last week or so, and I think many of us are going to be excited to see how your initiative plays out.

I found your post via my Discord friends. It really is a great place to meet people and build community. I find that we end up supporting each other here on Steemit, because of the trust and camaraderie we've built there.

Thanks for your pioneering spirit and leadership.

Thanks for the support that you and @fulltimegeek are giving to members of the steemit community. The selfless act of giving out your hard earned precious SP FREE is super appreciated.

Well, actually, I must be completely honest here. Once I found trustworthy people who were builders, they ended up supporting me. I did not do this on purpose, but only noticed this afterwards, as I saw they were upvoting my posts. This in fact, means that my SP which is delegated is being used to freely upvote my posts, so as you can see, this is a side effect of investing in PEOPLE. The mega whales who don't write or contribute would not be gaining in the same way, but if they were smart they would see that human happiness is the end goal, which in turn creates an envinronment that investors will buy into.

This is everything.

This sounds really poignant.

see that human happiness is the end goal

By the end of the day, it is the happiness created that counts. I just wish many would follow this simple yet proven way of life.

Investors know this. I know this. Now, to make this idea become the dominant culture. That's our work.

If it could catch on, it would definitely have an amazing transformation to steemit as we know it.

"This in fact, means that my SP is being used to upvote my own posts"

I love seeing disclosures like this. It proves the synergistic value of doing good for others.

Loving the image you put together, Stella. Big thumbs up.

i couldn't have done this without your very thorough list. Now how do we make this more appetizing? Well, yeah, if you think about it, SP does more good if it's spread out among a group. That group to whom you give your SP to will feel very happy. It's a no-brainer, but then again, we don't live in a gift economy....I learned this by doing. I learned it by pretending it's my last day on earth.

raises hand Can I be under the "Prolific Creators" Section @stellabelle?lol.

you are well-established and have a bigger SP than the ones i'm focused're already a Steemit Celeb.

Honestly, this entire list is filled with outstanding people that are wonderful on and off the chain and in the channels. You should also add @nicnas and @themarkymark is an outstanding leader as well.

I would love to acknowledge @nicnas and @bethalea for their work on @cccasino, blackjack and holdem are fun and cool.
And for being top curators as well as poker bosses in the @spl.

aw, thanks @blackvapor!


This is amazing @stellabelle, I'm honoured to see my name on that list! I've had a great day actually. First I got made a curie curator and now this. I 💗 steemit!!!

Congrats on being a curie curator Choo!

Thank you @isaria. I'm really excited about this.

Thank you for the mention, this warms my heart <3
Much love

Anyone who wants to feel free to come visit me in whaleshares discord:
I love meeting new people and am available to offer help and encouragement however I can :)
Sometimes I throw stuff....this post and the comments gives me all the good feels <3

Whilst I applaud the idea and the motivations, I am still troubled by the basic concepts.

The simple concept that whales run the show. Whales pick "winners" Whales descide what is non-PC and gets down voted etc etc.
If steem is to suceed the "whale-dictatorship" needs to end.

I can think of 2 things.

  1. get rid of multiple accounts. 1 person = 1 account.
    this means we each have an equal NUMBER of votes (based on 2% drops)
    Whales might still issue 1000 x 1% votes but at least its not 5x or 10x that via multiple accounts. It also helps stem the circle jerk.
  2. get rid of up vote bots.
    If this is a "social" site, then "social" interaction is required.
    A bot is simple AI. If that is the requirement why not write, curate and vote with bots as well & we can all go to the beach instead!
    Any whale who needs / wants a bot to vote is EXTRACTING value from the system not contributing IMHO.

Thanks for what you have done / suggested. But I fear it is not enough. The basic "whale-dictatorship" needs to end if minnows are to grow and steem as a concept needs a big base not selective feeding by whales.

In my understanding, spreading SP between alts does not increase SP, or VP, at all. Whether someone with alts votes with all their SP on one alt, or spread amongst them, matters not.

I agree about bots, but what can be done? I have been on about that for some time, and recently learned that bots do not need to interface with the blockchain through any portal whatsoever.

They can transact, vote, in other words, directly.

How can this be stopped? If I knew, I'd say. I thought I did, and asked about 2FA and captchas, but they only prevent interaction through a website, not direct interface with the blockchain.

Lemme know what you can come up with.


If I am understanding system correctly, the best thing minnows can do is to register for 5 or 10 accounts. that increases the NUMBER of votes they have by 5x 10x (even though those votes are worth ~0.000000001 each)

Bots are the exact opposite to SOCIAL IMHO.

But "verification" or 2FA is worthless IMHO.
It only means "good" people get to give away private info. "bad" people can and will get around it. (I know a guy who knows a guy who can get you a passport if you want one :-) )

To me 1 person = 1 account and ONLY manual interaction (no bots) allowed is a big step forwards
ip addresses would be a simple starting point eg 1 ip / account would stop a lot of 'bad' people misusing accounts. Many other ID methods are avail. Given we want SOCIAL and money is involved, I'd hope these thing have been considered at a high level.


Saaaweeettt, congrats @choogirl !

Thanks Fairy

I'm glad to see you giving more power to those who are willing and capable of distributing it appropriately.

There are many familiar and amazing people on this list. :-)

I like the term that you used -"Cultivators".
These individuals are always prepared to help the people around them truly succeed.

That can make another "dolphin circling" each other :)

We are here to prove everyone wrong! Innocent until proven guilty!

generous dolpins create more dolphins. Greedy people create no one.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow - @stellabelle Thank you for this initiative. A big thank you also to @lexiconical, @beanz & @kubbyelizabeth for your engagement!

MSP has given me a networking platform circling back to Steemit - and with it came my involvement in MSP-Waves, our Broadcast platform for live shows.

I just spoke to @disarrangedJane, who is just as excited about the mentioning as I am! You guys are tops! 😊

That said, I also recommend a friend whose livelyhood depends on Steemit. It's @richq11, who tirelessly writes fiction and current events posts, and a delegation to him would be a lovely thing to do. Thanks again! :)

What an awesome initiative, featuring some amazing people! I am honored to be featured on this list. I hope that people find other things that are more ethical to get their ROI on steemit, and this is certainly a start!

You're a great choice Sun! <3

I look forward to Steemit thriving because of you @stellabelle and other forward thinkers. I am still attempting to navigate this vast expanse of Steemit, and sometimes feel lost and alone.

I will personally continue to put out what I think is good content when I can, even if I feel that no one is reading it (pity party for one, please). My hope is to find like-minded individuals who like to create and share their ideas, art, and other creations to inspire more to do the same. Community building is definitely something I am passionate about.

As always, thank you so much for your informative posts!! :-)

Hello yoginiofoz. Do you want to join our community? We have mentors to guide you :)

Contact me on or discord!

Steem on!

Of course, I would love to join your community and find a mentor. Thank you @futurethinker!

Since I have never been on nor discord, I will do a little reading before I join. Thanks again! :-)

No problem! I use the same name on both :)

See u ;)

hi, @stellabelle I would like to promote @happyphoenix to be your SP delegatee.
he has shown a very good supoort toward the newcomer in Indonesia, We all know there are already some leader in the comunity, but because the number of the Indonesian user is rising very fast, I believe more supportor will be needed.
@happyphoenix also shown the great effort in tackling span and plagiator which may come from the Indonesian user. And he is the the mentor and leader from our still small and growing comunity called #satujiwa or onesoul.
me, @amuchtar @fadli79 @alhasan @coinfarmer @syarff are among other member.

fantastic choice! @happyphoenix supports the Indonesian community for a very long time!

Love the idea, ca't wait to see what @ned has to say
Not to mention the other whales :P

Thank you for this, I was beginning to hear Alice quotes in my mind while looking around Steemit. This feels very much needed and grounding <3

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hey guys i recomend you a person who help everu os us in this network my nominated of great sourse is this user.

who is the user which controler the fotaging topics in @foraging-trail
For help a lot of us who enjoy the nature and enjoy to collect and harvesting our own food
This is a great life style for help all of us.
Best regard @galberto.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@stellabelle. Good post. I like it. But it es real,most of the time steemians under 50 SP don't are reading and our post don't receive upvotes. I think buyng upvotes isn't correct, so I hope your project would be the answer to the actual situation.
I hope you could undestand me in spite of my bad English. Upvoted , resteemed and follow you. Be success and have a nice day.

Cool idea!, so you will be delegating SP to random people (well, selecting them)... This is cool because there more people can curate, the more people get profits... 1 whale cannot curate as many people as 10 dolphin would do...

You know @stellabelle, this just made my day!

I will say what I have been saying since the very first time I say a "purchased" upvote:

"Buying an upvote is like publishing a book and then buying copies of your own book at the bookstore to 'prove' to the world that your book is successful and selling."

Call me old fashioned, but I just consider it ethically sketchy.

I'm delighted to see a lot of people I admire and follow on the list... Steemit needs a lot more of this, so we can get back on a good and right course!

Whereas the vote brokers (and buyers) may feel they are doing something "necessary," a very important point is missed... it's a short term thing. If Steemit isn't interesting and people driven how the heck does anyone think this will be interesting enough to lure people away from other forms of social content sites? It won't matter that you're harvesting $100s a day from your vote bots if your core investment declines from $500K to $5K over the next 12 months...

Again, thanks for this!

Someone who I think would be a wonderful addition to the Ethical/Empathic category of this excellent list would be @torico.
She is the current MAM winner of one month delegation and is doing a great job with curation. She's also one of our MSP curators.
She actually wrote a post yesterday exposing the negative aspects of bidbots.

This is good to hear, more quality content and curators to look for new talent. The whales will make more money if steem goes to ten dollars or more which it should if quality is our middle name.
I have been having trouble curating for @informationwar and finding new authors because of a ridiculous amount of Bot-Spam in #politics.

Hi @stellabelle i strongly believe this initiative you've embarked on will definitely help this community. As we all contribute in growing the STeem community, I'd like to suggest both @Shadowpubs and @ackza. These two wonderful people have been of soo much help.

With @Shadowpubs helping minnows and anyone interested to talk about one of their wonderful post throughtout the week and share with other. Me being a participant and a minnow has helped me immensely as it has given me a some exposure.

And @ackza for helping we Ghanaians on steemit. He's mostly tutoring and helping most Ghanaians share steemit with other people here in Ghana. And even just recently purchased a solar panel for the Ghanaian community on steemit.

@stellabelle i hope you consider my suggestion and see this community grow to become what its meant to be. Thank you.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hey @stellabelle,

This is probably one of the brightest ideas that if followed and implemented systematically could actually bring anout change around here, by rewarding good content creators without them having to resort to buying votes. Also it would establish the basics of steemit, I.e decentralisation (steemit is a decentralised blockchain).

Without further ado, let me help you out with a list of nominees


This is my list. Check them out and see if they're worth it

i was thinking that all the different countries could make their own list, as mine is more centered around my own country

Yea, I was thinking the same thing too. My list is centred around Nigeria

I am helping "My Austrians" as much as possible and will make a list of names. I am working silently on this project and plan to delegate some of my SP but sorry to say .....I have no idea how to do it. I will find out and discuss on our next upcoming meet-up in Vienna

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

cool list

Great list. Also @ejemai should be added


Hi @stellabelle, thats a terrific idea and i definetly support this as much as possible. I can only second that steemit is not the same without having the tools around like Discord, where you can actually meet people and get to know them.
The best on steemit is not the crypto you can make by blogging or the return on invest you can maybe acquire with lending your SP to a bot, it is the tremendous creativity and skill that is lingering around on this platform, ready to be put to a damn good use.
Go out there, get to know people, build worlds and be happy!
Thanks @stellabelle and thanks Steemit!


well stated!

I think better ethical guidlines for newbs as well as better instructions on when to downvote would help.

Hey @stellabelle This menu was pretty big yeah, that's the idea, to add more sections I also appreciate your post 👌

Some people talk, some people do (and talk too, but that's ok when combined with do, I mean talk and do). Good initiative!

Kindly have a look at @bayanihan and @precise, both worthy of delegation.

@stellabelle i got 3k SP from @fulltimegeek, its important to me for help on good art content post, for sure, i never upvoting my own post. is that will be a problem..?

I love this approach! Thanks to the whole crew for working quietly behind the scenes. Solutions like yours are much appreciated and the perfect basis for a solid and effective delegation! I'm glad finally someone with 'power' speaks out.
Loved and restemeed

@acidyo should surely be in the HQ Curators section.

i was trying to highlight people who are unknown and who have very low SP

Good point.

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