Maybe our youngsters today trust the government.

in voting •  7 months ago 


I wonder if they know our government gassed our own soldiers with mustard gas as an experiment, turned malarial mosquitoes loose on two Mississippi towns, set off a particularly radioactive atomic bomb and then tested the natives in the Marshall islands, gave pregnant women radioactive cookies to see the effects, transmitted syphilis to unsuspecting servicemen and prostitutes to study effects, and engaged in a multitude of human control experiments on prisoners, citizens and servicemen using drugs, sensory deprivation and torture. All this and more SINCE WW2. In my lifetime.

Have they listened to GHW Bush's NWO speech? Do they know what Habeus corpus is? Do they know what the Patriot act allows?Are they aware Obama killed American citizens with drones? Gave 150 billion dollars to Iran. Do they know Russia paid Hillary 150 million for our uranium. Are they aware Bill Clinton gave the port of Los Angeles to China? Have they ever heard of Haliburton? Or Seth Rich?

The answer to all of the above is NO. But they vote.

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