5 Reasons you shouldn't Vote - Dave Painter

in voting •  8 years ago 

Below I will list 5 reasons why not to not vote in any Government election or referendum ever again. Feel free by all means to rebut with evidence and logic for any of my claims towards this subject. 

1.  The easy one: Gerrymandering 

In the process of setting electoral districts, gerrymandering is a practice intended to establish a political advantage for a particular party or group by manipulating district boundaries. The resulting district is known as a gerrymander 

Take a second and go find out what district you vote in, now pull it up on a map, doesn't it seem odd? almost like a soft rigging? "hey all these x people will vote this way lets draw a line around them and make sure they can't mess up our plan"- Mr. Republocrat. 

The idea that this is even plausible in an "open and functioning republican form of democracy" should give you reason to ponder..."since my district is gerrymandered why even vote?"

2. If it fails, they will vote till it passes (Rider Legislation)

 In legislative procedure, a rider is an additional provision added to a bill or other measure under the consideration by a legislature, having little connection with the subject matter of the bill. Riders are usually created as a tactic to pass a controversial provision that would not pass as its own bill. Occasionally, a controversial provision is attached to a bill not to be passed itself but to prevent the bill from being passed (in which case it is called a wrecking amendment or poison pill). 

If the government is letting you vote on something, it means that they think it will pass in their favor "How bad did they vote no on this? Fine lets rename it or put different parts of it into different bills and name them, something more marketable like Freedom Bill and Liberty Bill and Save The Puppies and Children Act. Who would say no to that". 

If you disagree with me take 10 minutes and just go look at SOPA or the Patriot Act  , once you realize every level of the government (yes, even your local city council) works like this it should make you want to not vote. It sure as hell pisses me off. 

3. The "If we don't vote we can't fix it" lie. (aka If you didn't vote then you can't complain lie)

The legislation gets written by the highest bidder. Don't believe me? go see with your own eyes, ask your local city council member who helps them write the laws they enact, oh and good luck getting a straight answer. 

The political positions go to the corruptible or at least so much so that the non-corrupt politicians have no effect. see: Ron Paul, a billion years in congress, and accomplished nothing with it. 

You get told this whole time "You have to vote! its this magical civic duty that you must do!!!". Well if voting isn't a fraud, wouldn't voting be the root cause of the problems you face?  If you stop for a second and break that down in your mind one could only come to the conclusion, Voting isn't working and a waste of time. So what is it? I get to vote on our leaders and legislation? or I get to choose from preselected candidates and legislation I had no say in writing?

4. Most of your Government is not Elected. 

Take for instance the USA, upwards of 80% of government officials are never elected they are hired or they are appointed, Hell half of them are Education Jobs. Let's say that when you and I go out to a restaurant you got to pick where we eat 20% of the time and I got to pick 80%, would we be going out to dinner much? I doubt so. 

Why is this important? Deep down when we vote we think "I'm making a difference" but being able to change at best 20% of a system is a recipe for a whole bunch of nothing, try going to get a glass of water right now without using 80% of your body. Still wanna vote? the next one is for you 

5. The State doesn't exist ( Saved the best for last)

State -  A politically organized body of people usually occupying a definite territory
Exist - to have actual being : to be real 

The State is a superstition, it is an indoctrinated faith based belief system based on tricking people into thinking they gave consent the "Authorities". Don't believe me? Prove to me then. Here let me go ahead and knock a few out!. 

"Points to map" 
The map is just an amalgamation of arbitrary lines drawn on pieces of paper. 
"Points to government buildings"
Buildings aren't the state they are just brick, steel, and mortar shaped in different ways. 
"Points to the flag"
Just a piece of cloth. 
"Points to the Constitution"
Just a piece of paper. look I just wrote down that I'm allowed to murder you, it must be legit. 
"Points to government employees"
They are just individuals who believe they have authority. 

So if you still believe the state is real then I can't help you. For those of  you with an open mind, if the state doesn't exist then why the hell would you vote? Government is a gang, no different than the mob, You just believe it isn't because supporting terror is never something good people want to admit to. If the mob let you vote would the protection money feel a great deal less than robbery? 

If you still wanna vote after reading this just know I left out 100's of more reasons, the biggest reason you shouldn't vote is because its lazy. Change comes when you take action, not by getting the individuals who feed off you like a parasite and call themselves government to do it.  Ultimately you decide your actions, vote if you must,  just know you vote in spite of logic and sanity. 

Whats my Answer?

See: Voluntaryism 

About the Author

My name is Dave, and I am a co-host on The Seeds of Liberty Podcast and on the Downfall with Jared and Dave. Check out our RSS Feed here http://seedsofliberty.libsyn.com/rss we are also on Itunes and Stitcher under Seeds of Liberty

If you’re asking others to not collectivize you, then stop collectivizing them. Only Individuals Act. - dp

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George Carlin .... gets it right again!

Carlin is amazing. He makes fun of how stupid contradictions of society are.

I wish people would stop electing rulers, but if there's going to be elections then Let's at least give them some semblance of legitimacy. I'm with Spooner. I think they should be public affairs and voters should be held accountable for the actions of the people they chose.

The idea of implementing a political establishment was to push an agenda. Any establishment politician is going to be pushing the same crazy ideas to manipulate the perception of the masses.
If his presidential campaign were a prank, he would never openly admit it at this point. His life would be in serious endangerment if he did.

The entire media coverage makes me sick. I have never seen it so biased. What about some balance reporting? They are basically telling us not to vote for this guy and vote for Hilary. They are the ones that manipulate people to vote for Obama and we were going to have hope and change. They tell us who to vote for and the sheep fall in line. In other words, the leaders are selected for us and not elected.

TV is biggest propaganda machine ever invented. The solution is very simple. Just ignore the politicians and become a self-sufficient critical thinker. Do not vote for anyone and focus on your own businesses.

Thanks for reading.

Upvoted, here's a Satoshi!

thanks friend. Don't vote. -Dave

Would you vote if you could vote "No Confidence?" ie, for no one?

Isn't not voting deriving the same results as a No Confidence vote?

There are a lot of reasons why one might not vote besides having no confidence in the system. Casting a "no confidence" vote would make that reason clear

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Good post!
Not sure about the state not existing part though. It's hard to dismiss the existence of jackboots coming through your door or the pressure the state can put on you in so many ways. Cognitive dismissal is one thing, but their chains are real. The invisible ones are easier to strive to shake, but if they lock you up that extension of the state exists.
Nock's excellent book, "My Enemy the State", he makes the case for the state being, in some ways, distinct from government. The government is simply the administrative body. The state is the coercive element. The state uses the government and can't exist without it, in fact, not without taking control of it. But government can exist without the state, and be quite efficient and accountable. Maybe, someday, we'll see a good example. I'd move there. :)

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

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