vrill master Qi/Chi <=== the truest Q

in vrill •  7 years ago  (edited)

do good in the world if you cannot do good at least do no harm


special thanks to youtube channel bodhi mantra

Bodhi Mantra
Pinned by Bodhi Mantra
Bodhi Mantra
6 months ago (edited)
Physicists have determined conclusively atoms are mostly empty space, so what gives matter form? Resonance caused by electromagnetism, this can be manipulated by the masters. This is the supermen, the Übermensch Germany was working to develop, evolving man to his highest self to protect the volk, to raise men to our full potential. This is why they were getting back to their Aryan roots, rediscovering what the Church and their dark wizards have destroyed in the west and what the (((communists))) and Islam are trying to destroy in the east.


bruce lee 1967

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