I just posted to Twitter (2019/05/23 05:50:50):

in vs2019 •  6 years ago 

If you are using MSBuild.Extras in your projects, do yourself a favor and avoid installing #VS2019 v16.1.0. It will break your projects. Reason: Spent the whole morning uninstalling and reinstalling v16.0.4 already. #devproblems #visualstudio #share2steem

External Link : https://github.com/dotnet/project-system/issues/4854

Package restore should be using NuGetTargetMoniker if its exists over TargetFrameworkMoniker · Issue #4854 · dotnet/project-system

For all projects except UWP, NuGetTargetMoniker is equivalent to TargetFrameworkMoniker. However, in UWP, NuGetTargetMoniker represents the TargetPlatformMoniker: https://github.com/dotnet/sdk/blob...

Posted from Twitter via Share2Steem

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