in wafrica •  6 years ago 

Nipsey hussle was buried yesterday.


He was well celebrated and people poured out their hearts in their eulogies. There were tears shed for Ermias Joseph Asghedom all over the world.

I had seen his pictures a few times on the shade room and I had recently watched a video on youtube where he and his wife, Lauren London, were playing a game.

I was in shock when I woke up and did my bad ritual of checking my social media every morning, to find out that he had been fatally shot. It was truly sad for me, even though I had never met him or didn't know much about this work.

From the day he died up till now, eulogies keep pouring in. From regular people to celebrities. The work he did for his community, Slauson, is gaining more light. The building he just recently acquired, where he was killed and where his store is located, is over flowing with fresh flowers.

He might have not been so popular, but he touched lives. His death took me back to the loss of my own friend, Franklin Iheanachor. An astute scholar. A young man whose life was cut short as a result of an accident. He was highly eulogized as well, he was not as rich as Nipsey, but he touched lives as well. His death was painful because he had so much to give and he was just beginning to start his life after university.

Since I became an adult, and by that I mean the day I became fully aware of the world, I made up my mind to be happy. Enjoy what I have now, go with the flow of my life force and just stay bubbly. Most people do not understand this, I do not blame them. Sometimes, the easy way out is to wallow in self pity and depression. I have been there as well, more often than not even. Sometimes, it begins with a conversation I have with some one. Other times, it is begins when I scroll through social media.

But the death of some one snaps me out of it.

It makes you remember that when there is life , there is hope. It should take the death of some one to remind us that we should live our lives to the fullest, love with all our might and strive to be the best versions of ourselves.

The journey is not easy, but we all can live a fulfilled life even if we do not have all the things we would wish to have.

When we leave this earth to the great beyond, what memories will people have of us?

Stay positive.

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