Tiger Nut(Cyperus esculentus) And it's health benefits

in wafrica •  7 years ago 

Cyperus esculentus is a crop of the sedge family widespread across much of the world. It is found in most of the Eastern Hemisphere, including Southern Europe, Africa and Madagascar, as well as the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent.
Nigerian tiger nut, yellow nutsedge, or nut grass. Although people call them “nut”, they commonly found as wild weed in Africa, Middle East Asia, Mediterranean, and South America. Well, tiger nuts are actually the tuber of a weed plant. Since they have the “nut like taste”, and also the size which is in a size of a nut, people acknowledge them as a kind of nut.download-3.jpg

  1.           Anti-aging agent

As mentioned above that tiger nuts have many nutritious components, they also act as a source of antioxidant. Vitamin E from tiger nuts perform its role as an anti-oxidant agent which able to slow down aging.
2 Healthy Substitute For Lactose Intolerance.
Milk derived from Tiger nut is a healthy option for those who cannot drink cow’s milk due to lactose intolerance. Tiger nut milk is free from lactose, and hence anyone can drink this milk, which is rich in calcium and supports bone building and growth in young children. This milk contains highest nutrition and fat content among all the other non-milk substitutes.
Tiger nuts are also loaded with plentiful of amino acids of various types, especially Arginine. The Mayo Foundation suggests arginine as the nitric oxide precursor, which maintains the width of blood vessels to ensure normal blood flow. Arginine is helpful in providing solutions in conditions caused due to restricted blood vessels, including clogged arteries, chest pain, erectile dysfunction, heart disease or failure, artery diseases, muscle cramps, and headaches.

  1. Regulate blood pressure
    Tiger nut is a rich carrier of potassium. And potassium is said to be very useful when it comes to lowering the blood pressure.

Besides potassium, the magnesium in it also helps regulate the heartbeat and maintain normal blood pressure levels.

  1. It helps to prevent colon cancer
    Colon cancer is cancer of the large intestine (colon), which is the final part of the digestive tract. And most cases of colon cancer begin as small, noncancerous (benign) clumps of cells called adenomatous polyps.

However, tiger nut is wonderful when it comes to cleansing the colon due to fiber contained in it.
And according to the American Cancer Society, foods like tiger nuts that are rich in fiber and antioxidants property are excellent when it comes to the prevention of cancer.
How To Make Tiger Nut Milk
Now that you know what Tiger nut milk is and what benefits it offers, let’s take a look at how to make this amazingly delicious and supremely healthy milk.

One cup of tiger nuts (soaked for 24-48 hours)
A glass of water
Jaggery or honey
Soak the tiger nuts in a bowl of water and cover the bowl with a cloth.
Let it stand for around 1-2 days.
Remove the cloth and add the nuts to a blender.
Add the spices and the sweetener of your choice to the blender.
Blend the nuts well until the mixture becomes thick and smooth.
Now using a strainer, strain the tiger nut milk into a serving glass.
Your tiger nut milk is ready to drink.
Thus, tiger nuts are a package of complete food and their inclusion in your regular diet is sure to help you keep healthy and fit. TigernutMilk.jpg

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That's awesome

Never knew that it helps in preventing cancer... Nice post

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