in waking •  7 years ago  (edited)

Yea! waking up people across the globe to create heaven on earth.

The articles that I post are created with one purpose in mind, to “wake up” people and help them rediscover their true selves as infinite, divine beings. We are spirit beings but we forgot. We are infinite and powerful beings but we forgot. We are creators of our own universe but we forgot. We are God beings but we forgot. Our DNA has been hijacked, manipulated and downgraded by dark forces in order to keep us under their power and control. They knew that if we were allowed to be our true selves they would have no power of control over us, and therefore, the scheme was developed and implemented.

                   NEW DAY                                                                                                                ![thumb_Sunshine.png](https://steemitimages.com/DQmaR6HXShBwmDoZ1WFQRLHzF3pJSu5jwRTGwgpUWs6Ydx3/thumb_Sunshine.png)

However, a new day is dawning and a “Great Awakening” has been put into action. All across the globe people are “waking up” and remembering who they are and what they were put here to do. We knew from the very beginning that something wasn’t right... we were not living in the freedom and abundance that was rightfully ours. We were not living up to our fullest potential that we were given in the beginning. We knew something was wrong but we just couldn’t figure it out.
You may begin to remember bits and pieces of your past lives. Images may come to you in a dream or through intuition. You may remember yourself in a familiar scene during a previous lifetime, wearing familiar clothes and visiting with familiar people or ancestors. This is not your only life. This is just one of your many lives and many experiences. You are immortal being and you will never die.

TAKING OUR POWER BACK raised_fist_2.png
It’s time to take back our power and be the creators that we were created to be.

Know and understand who you are: Divine beings created in the image of God. You are spirit.
Remember the infinite powers and abilities that were given you during creation. Because of the light code activations upon the planet, everyone should begin to remember these innate powers and abilities.
Set your intentions and speak what you want from the universe. Remember the power of the spoken word. Speak it into existence.
Know that you are pure source energy and nothing outside of pure source energy can touch you unless you believe it can. Change your beliefs and change your life.
Meditate every time you get a chance. Everyone can do this, just stop thinking and listen to source. It’s difficult at first to stop all the mind chatter… but if you practice it for just a few minutes every day, it will soon become like breathing to you.

Get back to nature. Everything is alive and has a consciousness. Yes, you can communicate with the trees, flowers, rocks, plants, animals, etc.  We’re all connected through source. Stop thinking and listen to them and you’ll soon find yourself communicating telepathically with all life forms. It’s a natural, innate ability that we simply forgot how to use.
 Be determined to walk in love, peace and harmony and don’t be swayed or taken in by the negative opinions of others…stop caring what others think or say about you and be the awesome power creator that you are.
Be ready to say good-bye to sickness, disease, pain and suffering and know that the only power it has over you is the power you choose to give it. Give up your belief in it and watch it vanish. It can’t exist where source (God Spirit) is realized.
Be ready to say good-bye to evil, death, hatred, envy, etc. Know that the only power it has over you is the power that you choose to give it. Give up your belief in it and watch it vanish. It can’t exist where source (God Spirit) is realized.
Begin to realize that everything goes back to infinite source where it originated. That which source did not create has to vanish because it is illusion. Begin to understand and realize that your awakening and ultimate ascension is centered around infinite source. Find the infinite source and find your infinite freedom.

Thank You for Reading!

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