~ 98 ~ Walk With Me in Nova Scotia, Canada

in walkwithme •  7 years ago 

A Heavy Fog Was in the Air


Water droplets were beading on everything.


A magical morning to say the least.



These little guys stay green all winter.

The Chickens are Doing Great

There's nothing they love more than when the weather warms up. It got up to +12 degrees Celsius today. The ground was nice and soft and they could scratch in the grass to search for food. Their movements are faster and more lively on days like today.


In the front, Sonic. Behind her is Mr. Pendock.


Your hair looks fabulous today Peter! Just fabulous.


Buddy is so small and cute, and always keeps to herself. I'm not sure if it's by choice though, or if she is shunned by the other hens and roosters.

Well, I've talked the talk, now it's time I walk the Walk ;)


You know I have to go down this street today. I love the boats and fish houses, and especially in the mist. The tide is pretty high right now and the bay is very calm. It looks like a lake during times like these.







My favourite of the day...


A Big Blessing Today

There are birds singing and chirping again. It's something I didn't even know was missing really...just one day they all start coming back to our neighbourhood and I realize how silent and boring it was without their songs filling the day.


Of course plenty of Crows around too <3

Watch him fly from tree to power line...





Sick moves bro!


I love the tree in the background with all of those tiny birds.

Another Crow and Then I'll Go



I hope you enjoyed this #WalkWithMe. Here are some outstanding walks with other Steemians who got out there in the world, and took us with them.

See life through their eyes...

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We may have just turned the corner... By @cognoscere

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Walkwithme~ Down The Cave 7 Which Is Believed To Be Translucent To Mecca By @lidiasteem

Training Ruck #1 - Walk With Me By @stnwllstrtgc

5th walkwithme to work 🕉 By @yogajill

Sled with us Crazy Mountain People Down the Mountain By @skycae

Walk with Me - Newbiegames prize By @themanwithnoname

Walk With Me #2 - My Steemit Hiatus By @herbertholmes


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Wonderful morning over there... I was about to ask why it was so quiet and peaceful around but now I can see...
The punisher have put Darth Layer behind bars on the dock... It was about time... I just pray he is able to lock him down... And keep the security tight! His gang might try to to do a escape moves on him. And then omg... It will be bloody.. I think 🤔 haha... I wish you and your family a wonderful day 🙏

BWA HAHHAAAAA!!! You continue to impress me with your awesome photoshops. My husband and I have had many laughs because of you @norwegianyogis!~

@lyndsaybowes, Yep....It's Magical morning. Water droplets on to the plants created fascinating decorations. Outstanding scenery indeed. It's heavy foggy weather there. But captures real magical under the fog condition. Only see few plants ever-greening. Other once not seems coz winter season.
Today seems chicken family doing their activities very faster and powerful, I accept as you told weather being good. Chickens very lazy with low temperature.
Woohoo...My dream king Mr. Pendock be near Sonic. Mr.Pendock already was steemit king of chicken of their family. Peter and Buddy both are awesome and cute. Peter has outstanding color mix.
Yep..Sea is very silence this season like as a lake. Its unbelievable scene to me. As my country seems every time high tide with huge waves. Your captures really helpful me understand this situation. Fish houses beauty in this time. Catch outstanding surrounding area. Very cool and calm environment. Lot of crows enjoying with group singing and dancing. They are satisfy with weather change..Happy to see them via your click.
Thanks for inspiration and encouraging.
Stay blessed & have a wonderful day!

Thanks once again for such a meaningful comment, you really love our animals and our surroundings, I hope one day you are able to come visit our family <3 A STEEM powered vacation maybe?!

As I wrote in my last article, I have been struggeling around with the feeling not want to be stuck yet. Not in one position or one area, but when I see your pictures it reminds me that it doesnt have to be that bad. I am following you already for a while and everytime you post pictures of your area, and every time I love them again. You love the small things and put the focus on everything that is beautiful. Thats a great personality!

You are right @xsasj, there is always something new to be found even in our ordinary places. If you were to move, where would you travel to?

My travellist is so goddamn long.. First palawan, mindanao and albay in the philippines, than Vietnam, killerfields in combodia, a trip on horseback trough mongolia, hiking trough the mountains of Nepal, seeing the colors of India, The blue waters of the Maledives, the desserts and piramides of egypte, wintersport and family visit in Canada and I would like to go to Russia to see if it is really that crazy there. Ohh and so much more! Our world is too big and beautiful!

Beautiful pics today @lyndsaybowes and good to see your posts up and running again!

Those misty shots look amazing and I think your favourite is also mine .. you could hang that one on the wall ... I love it! It almost looks like a painting, fantastic!

I have a couple more stained glasses for you :D



Yeah the mist is so good at making paintings out of photos.

I still cannot get over that this is stained glass...Jeeees how much time it put into making one of these?

Hey @lyndsaybowes sorry for the late reply but I haven't been around since yesterday and have only just returned home. I'm not sure how long it takes her to make one but I will certainly ask. I imagine it must take days perhaps weeks of work, I also find it amazing that her first glass was just last year! When I have some money I would love to rough sketch a few ideas I have and ask her to make me one.

She has definitely found her niche!! <3 <3 I look forward to seeing your sketches one day!

I have been getting behind in visiting your walks! And I see your weather, as usual, is similiar to ours. Though we have been lucky with the bird song and Spring like a bit longer I think. And isn't it wonderful to feel the promise of Spring.

I honestly love all the seasons, but there is something about the promise of the year that hits be right around now, end of February early March, that just gets my blood pumping.

My seedlings are getting a bit taller on the window sills, the bathroom brooder is filling up with chicks, and my various garden catalogs are appropriately dog-eared and well read. Ahhh ...Spring. I can't wait until the first forsythia starts to bud.

And the fog, I see you have it. We have been fog bound for days. I don't mind it, as it is surreal to awake and look out to see the usual sea view only to see a wall of haze and to hear the fog horns in the distance. And the sound quality is affected by it over the water as well. Of course, as is usual with such things, instead of getting to stick around home as usual, I have had a lot of errands to do over the past few days that require driving and in the fog, not so much fun.

Well, it was lovely catching up, though I need to go through earlier posts. I wish there was a better way to keep up with everyone! Happy walking!

Oh, I meant to ask, do you add chickens each year? And if so do you have any chicks in process now? It's really just an excuse to hear some chicken talk ;)

Oooh fog horns...that's something we're definitely missing out here in our little cove...I bet it sounds so haunting...

Congrats on all your new babies!! YAY!!!!!!! For BAbIES!!!!

We've had a bunch of gals go broody this winter, and next month we will get some silkie eggs and put em under the next broody hen! Our middle son Kiedis has been begging us for silkies all last year, it'll be great to see his happiness as well as get some fresh blood in our flock <3 <3 <3 Sending you all my love Donna!

Peter Parker should do Pantene commercials. Flip his hair around ...don't hate him because he's beautiful. 😉
I thought I would share in case people were wondering, how to tell a raven from a crow, since your crows are almost as famous as your chickens. Sick moves indeed! Those were great shots. From Audubon: http://www.audubon.org/news/how-tell-raven-crow

Thank you Phe!! I hope some folks check it out. I wish we had ravens nearby, but I rarely ever see one. I don't know if it was you who said it before, but someone told me that crows and ravens keep different territories and that's why I don't have ravens at my house.

PS: I have an update coming soon from the article you sent me on "how to make friends with crows" !!!!

The territory comment wasn't me, but that makes sense! I was reading about how they are territorial, especially when there are babies. I'm surprised you don't get ravens since you aren't near a city and usually crows are more urban and ravens rural, but that explains it!
I'm excited to hear about you making friends with your crows!! Yay! 😃

The way the water droplets form beads on the trees is novelty, they are just so gorgeous . What a thick fog!
Oh the temperature is gone up, no wonder the chickens are super excited.
I love the way the crows dot the trees. Excellent photography as always, thank you ma for sharing

Thank you so much for visiting me on this magical day, love you Xander!

I love you too ma. Thank you so much

Foggy foggy, it is indeed a magical morning and It is beautiful, so 'nature'.
Wow! Look at this water-bead droplets, can you beat that? Such wonder!
The crows enjoying the weather too. And the blurry reflections thrown by light on the sea makes me to meditate on life in general, our deeds are reflections of the state of our heart. Loving people is a reflection of how much good is embedded in one's heart, it does not happen in isolation.
Thank you Lyndsey for your Over-flowing heart and the goodness you show me everytime. It brings tears to my eyes. I appreciate.

Aw...the feeling is so mutual Sister, I feel your big heart and loving intentions over here every single day, you SHINE!!!!!!!!!!

I recently started hearing the happy chirps too! Then I realized they were coming from fucking starlings. Yeeeesh. But I did sit and appreciate all of the crazy ass noises they make! Then I clapped at them to get them to go away. Stupid starlings.

Oooh what's up with Starlings???

Invasive turdasses. Lol bring lots of disease and sicknesses to livestock and such.

You might have your favorite pic.. but these are mine.. beautiful pics...


Aww, thanks for letting me know Dave!! <3 <3 <3 Hugs and Love!! Always!!

First of all, it is hard to believe that it's 12 celsius Today.
Looking cooler!
It's a happy day for chickens to spends some time to find the food for themselves.
Fog sitting on the wires are looking greatly beautiful.
haha That Crow moving from that tree to the wire, how did you capture it :p
it is telling us you are a great photographer! really you are.
Singing and chirping of the birds is great to listen in the morning,
it gives us peace!
Thanks for sharing such a beautiful day with us.

Thank you very much, I capture him just by moving with him and trying to keep the camera stable while I do that so nothing gets blurry. <3 <3 <3 I'm glad you enjoyed today's shots @abdulmanan!!

Yeah, madam! I enjoyed it a lot.

Looks like an awesome walk. Sorry Buddy is on her own so much. I've been wondering about the chickens' hierarchy. Like when the exit the pen, how do they decide who gets to leave first? And who roosts where? So many questions.
I didn't realize you were so close to the water. That's so cool. Literally, it's so cool right now. I could imagine it's fun to see the boats coming in and out during the summer. I really love being by water. Something so peaceful about it.
Thanks for the shoutout. I appreciate you walking along.

Thank you for adding quality posts to the #walkwithme tag.

I could never live anywhere else after living by the ocean. Too long I spent landlocked!!

Well, fortunately it appears you have plenty of water around you. Just take a bottle of water with you. That ocean stuff isn't great to drink. :P

Sick moves bro!


The chickens look extra fluffy today!

Oh and I got some shots of the turkey crew in the corn field, I'll try to upload them soonish ☺

YAY!! I can't wait to see the wild turkeys! CooooooooooooooL~~ <3 <3 <3 !!!

You're killing me with those shoreline pics and all the water!! I need a house near the beach more than ever. That red boat reflection photo...wow. So pretty! I love it! (And Buddy, she's so cute, I love her too).

I hope you get your beach home one day soon MountainMeadowMomma! You deserve it!! <3 <3

That morning picture look like a tree decorated with lights as like on christmas. It is a great click.

Thanks very much my friend :)

It is amazing to hear the sound of birds singing and singing. I have a brother who keeps a bird, every day we hear the sound of the bird as if his voice gives happiness to this life, and relieves the stress
Oya .. I saw and noticed in some of your posts @lyndsaybowes, like there was a war underground with someone so he came to your post to give a bad thing, and even flag, why that can happen huh? I and you are like twins who can not be separated, thank you for your appreciation for this, hope you keep the spirit, and greetings for your husband even though I do not really follow it.

Thank you for your caring and compassion <3 <3 We appreciate your support so much @miky!

lovely shots as always.
Just have to say, how I envy that 12 deg Celsius temp is considered warm. On this side of this big blue rock, the normal temp is 29 Deg Cel tandemed with high humidity ugh 😆

Yes, you don't understand how we handle such cold, and I would have a hard time in your heat and humidity. The human body is very adaptable.


I am seeing this first time, its beautiful i say. Thanks.

You are welcome, it is a rose plant <3

Your "Walkwithme" series is always a fun to see. Thank you so much for taking us along the way to see beautiful nature.

Thanks for coming along again @mmasim :)

the beautiful mist of the lake, making the heart want to go fishing some fish tail, would have been very nice @lyndsaybowes

waww.. a pleasant trip @lyndsaybowes, I love the image of a flying bird and I think it is very beautiful. loud listen and enjoy nature is very interesting,,!!
suddenly I miss Mr. pendock, how was he?
I have been reading the writings of @lidiasteem, outstanding work for children at her.

You missed your Mr. Pendock, he was there, hiding behind Sonic hehehe <3 <3

LidiaSteem is a great woman to follow! I'm glad that you have found her.

No, I missed your pendock..!!
an intelligent chicken!! : v


Like a dew of clear dew
That is my metaphor of love
My love is in every prayer I say
My love is like the morning dew
Clearly sincere without hope
Even when you close my eyes from my love
I want to be like dew
That keeps faithful tuk back every morning
I want to be like that, keeping the promise to the dawn
Proving sincere love.

Really beautiful prose War-tp I love when you get inspired!

Beautiful, I really like your way today.
IMG_20180222_094318.jpgPeter parker always handsome.. xoxo

IMG_20180222_094342.jpgwho is this girls, she is very round and fat..hahaha

Beautiful scenery , i really want to fishing there ..

IMG_20180222_094207.jpg all very beautiful beautiful.
sorry, i am sad ,i saw some days you are not present in my article :'(:'(

Yes, it's getting very hard to curate all of the walkwithme posts now with there being hundreds a day xo

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


Yes I understand, with the development of walkwithme surely now you are very hard to control it.. I hope you do not forget me, hahaha :) :)

Seriously dude? UHU!! Very sad??? Omg😂😂not present... Why you do this? Pure intension?... Stop whining! It's just to much... You might start to do things with no desire abt the outcome... Time to wake up? Well well I had to tell... Have a great day 🙏

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hahaha .. sorry @norwegianyogis ,I don't whining, I know she is very hard to curate it all.. :) :)
That is just kidding, thanks you on suggestions @norwegianyogis.. :) :)

Beautiful creatures. I must commend you and @hendrix22 for standing up in defense of beliefs. And what's right. Watching events as they unfold.


Thank you for your show of support @eurogee :)


I think Buddy is a spy and it's sanctioned by the group... But I don't know who she's working for.... Lol
Today there is a lot of hope in your photos...
thank you @lyndsaybowes

That actually makes a lot of sense...she's just watching their backs, like a little sentry!

You defend her because she tells you where the eggs are

Wow...another wonderful and interesting "walkwithme" post by @lyndsaybowes mam...
Actualy I'm really like your photography collection...cold situation...beautuful places...
I'm really like this photography..

Nova Scotia is one of eastern Canada's Maritime provinces on the Atlantic. Consisting of a peninsula and offshore islands, it's home to puffins and seals, and popular for water sports like kayaking. The Bay of Fundy, with its famously extreme tides, is a whale-watching destination. Halifax, the capital, dominated by the star-shaped Citadel, is known for its lively waterfront and Victorian-era Public Gardens...

Thanks dear...

I like the photo of the chickens against the yellow of last year's leaves, such a contrast.
And Yes, look, the ice on the water has completely melted!!! If even the sun came out )


Buddy must now choose whether Mr. pendock or Peter Parker ,? but I hope he chooses. Pendock. lol ... lol..thank you @lyndsaybowes. I support Mr. Pendock.

Wow that's lot of birds. The photo is dramatic too. You got good photography skill.


The fog is back! And I love it! Especially the pics with the crows. It gives a different errieness to it. Or maybe enhances it. You have all the tools you need to write a horror story and the pictures to go along with it. I definitely see a story with your pictures with the fog on the sea to the water droplets to the birds.

Ohhhhhh waooo lovely pictures taken during your today #walkwithme, different foggy scenes, cute chickens and birds on plants made the whole scenario awesome and heart touching along with your perfect photography. Always love to see and impressed with your work. Thanks my friend @lyndsaybowes. I am also sharing a picture of crow in the field of sugarcane taken by me here.


Wow....amazing post with 'walkwithme' tag by @lyndsaybowes mam...
I'm fristly see this tag with @fransick posts...now urs...
Actualy I'm new comer in to this platform...I'm always try learn something with every posts...
Followed now U sir....I'm become ur fan now...I'm always try check ur blog everyday...
I hope join this 'walkwithme' tag very soon...
Thanks mam....

Love the reflections in the water! Always makes me think of Inception, haha

what's that plant? What is a marijuana tree?

It is a tiny moss, I took a very close shot of it. You see the little brown things in there? Those are pine needles. To give you perspective of the size of the moss.

Ohh .. yea2 .. i see it .. i thought it was a big plant ...
Beuatiful shot Lyndsay :)

The crows are a close second to the chickens as my favorite. I loved the two photos showing the reflection of the boat and buildings. That misty fog is magical.

"Activist for Every Cause in the Highest Good. " I love this. Me too sister xox

I'm so glad to meet you then @kilbride!

Sorry to comment bomb that. I saw your headline and since there's no way to just post directly or message I went to closest place to say 'I see you ✌'. Glad I did though, as these walk with me series are such a cool theme. I grew up in Maine but live in San diego now. I often miss the sulleness in our weather and forest. Not quite enough to move back yet haha, but enough to really feel these stoic shots. 😍

Oooh right on, San Diego is a magical place, I loved all of the mexican art there! I bet you'd have a beautiful walk to take us on!!

Your walk looks like the perfect inspiration for a mystery story. The mist, the crows, the deathly peaceful waters...

And the chickens don't seem to bother if humidity messes their hair :P

I really enjoy the photo photos in your post @lyndsaybowes .
Because many people can write, but few can make up, many people can shoot, but rarely can make a photo that tells a story. Photography is one of the media to tell a very good story. Often, good photography can evoke feelings rather than write oneself. Being able to make a photo story is a good thing,

AWgh! Crows! I used to live in a suburbia near one town on Danube, and it had a huge number of the crows. Every single morning it was an orchestra.
Everyone were furious over the black shaiters, and complaining what kind of the awful sounds they make and what kind of a mess they leave on their cars.
Now, I had a feeling something really nasty is going to happen because crows were singing like that... so it was only a matter of time when a raven will join in to claim the territory.
The problem is that raven doesn't sound like that so when ever somebody ask what a hell was that, I was like ... It's Death, It came....'
Literary the blood freezing sounds. The shrieks were awful, but at least the crows stopped screaming.... lol

After all this time of painful cold warm atmosphere finally came, and it's time mr pendock and his entire family feasting, foraging by clawing the ground as it is long in want during the winter. and Mr. pendock grew stout because it can give food made with the results of his harem talons.

My life also was a boring i used to sleep every morning ago
One day my dad told me .why are you sleeping in the morning .get up early in the morning .and go to garden or field ,and listen the song of bird you will enjoy very much
.one day i got up in early in morning and went for walk and felt enjoy very much .

A beautiful story from your life, thank you for sharing @tariqueshafique <3


This rooster looks like he'll give you some sass if you get him upset. I love all of the photos but this one is my favorite. He's so cute. I miss having our hens and rooster. We had to get rid of them due to the city's ordinances.

Much love Lyndsay!

I'm so sorry you had to give up your hens and rooster, that is so sad :'( :'(

It was so sad and I’m still sad about it. We live on 18 acres of land and our closest neighbor is about 600 feet away. I really couldn’t believe why we couldn’t keep them. They didn’t harm anyone. They just gave us wonderful, tasty eggs and they were such a pleasure to look at.

Maybe, one day it will change! I’m hoping for some kind of change.

Whoa...that doesn't even make rational sense!!! If your neighbours don't complain then what's even the reasoning?/!~~ Wow, totalitarian shit there....

It was foggy as hell down here in Vermont, USA today, too! Nova Scotia looks beautiful, I've never been but ive spent a good amount of time of the coast and there's nothing I love more than foggy walks in small coastline towns.

I just noticed you posted my article. Thank you so much :)

You're welcome, thanks for taking us on such an outstanding walk Herbert! <3 my pleasure and I hope some people go check out your blog.

a very beautiful garden with pagai sparkling day eyes was quite warm. droplets of water that plasticity glistening because the morning sun is really frightening extraordinary beautiful scenery terimakasi

I like the water images enveloping the twigs, and lyndsaybowes is very creative, always showing interesting pictures.

a very beautiful garden with pagai sparkling day eyes was quite warm. droplets of water that plasticity glistening because the morning sun is really frightening extraordinary beautiful scenery

Alangkah lebih baik jika anda menghapus foto nenek ini, beliau tidak memakai baju, apakah anda tidak malu untuk mempublikasikannya.
saya kasihan melihat nya, gara2 kita ia ikut berdosa. Terima kasih :)

Betul itu @lidiasteem saya sepakat dengan anda :-)

Saya mintak maaf . Karna saya orang baru di steemit tolang ajarin saya tetang steemit kalau ada keke liruan saya lagi tolong disampai kan saya akan mendengarkan terimakasih

It's outstanding to have a walk with you, but how pleasure it would be to walk there.
It's like tiny little pearls on all over the bushes. Stunning pictures you have taken @lyndsaybowes :)

The fog gives everything an ethereal quality. Pretty cool.
I googled Hacketts cove and realized you are pretty close to Oak Island.
Seen any Templar knights or pirate treasure on those walks of yours?

I am always on the lookout for treasure, but all I find is empty timmies cups... <3 <3 hahaha!!

DOH! Use a recycle bin ya slobs! Hehe

I want to feel the Susana there, and I want to all enjoy the beauty and the views of him. because in place we no atmosphere cold siperti it. I want to feel it ..

I hope you can feel it one day @lionelhadi :)

A GREAT BEAUTY OF NATURE,, wonderful , remarkable, walk ,, you are nearer to century of walk :p :p

Wow what a place!! I can't wait to see how lush it is in the spring/summer. What's the weather usually like there this time of year? I appreciate your upvote on my first walk with me! Following :)

I see, your chicken feathers are very dense and body fat. he hee

This was a really nice and refreshing post @lyndsaybowes! I didn’t know about the wakkwithme tag until now. I loved the pictures, the descriptions and expressions you used throughout the post. I love the first images of the water droplets and the pics of the chickens! I’ll have to explore this tag more :)

Thank you so much for stopping by @crosheille! I'd love to go on a walk with you one day too <3

Absolutely!!! 💕😊

How things are changing. It almost looks warmer. So looking forward to the summer for more gardening tips. And seeing that greenhouse full if nutrition again. 😎❤

I'm starting to get a little bit excited for the spring now too, it has been a nice break for the winter, I won't lie, all that watering the gardens etc gets a bit weary <3 <3 Will you be growing anything this year?

We like you I suspect have a lot of garden tyding to do after rain and high winds. We tried some pots last year so will do the same this year. And hopefully get something in the ground. We have had some compost going for a couple of years now so will try getting some good soil going.

Gorgeous pictures with the rain drops. And I envy your + degrees weather... Seems that here, in France, somebody opened the fridge T.T

Thanks Gretum <3 I hope it warms up for you soon. We're back in the minuses today, but old man winter will be gone before we know it!

Great pictures, and so many! I really like the ones with the water droplets. Thanks for sharing!
_ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _
Want a few smiles and laughs? Check out @puddlejumper for new jokes each day!

awesome reflection shots, cool action shot on the crow and it's kind of amazing how varied and colorful those chickens are !

Thanks for enjoying the crow shots, and the reflections, that means a lot coming from a talented photographer like you Steve!

The water droplets on the trees look like miniature diamonds. My favourite photo is the two boats in the water surrounded by the fog. All the photos are awesome Lyndsay.

Awesome photography some of natural beauty is lovely In this post
Water drop on the Stems are so nice and shining of water is awesome
TRhanks for sharing I save this one for my wallpaper in my PC

Great, I'm glad you liked it so much @travellingwoman xo

very beautiful photography nice click thanks for sharing it keep it up

I always enjoy on every journey you .. a lot of exciting things around you, and you always share it to us all ... I really feel happy to be friends with you @lyndsaybowes hope you can continue to make us smile happy ...

Yeah it's really heavy fog. Nova Scotia is so beautiful place. I like it and appreciate your work. Wish you avery happy and bright future.

@lyndsaybowes,can I borrow peter hair for my rooster????😂😂😂😂😂😂

what a wonderful surrounding you have, @lyndsaybowes! I am curious if there are any changes in terms of climates this year, compared to previous years?

We had a abnormally cold and windy December, and now we are being blessed with a better than normal February <3 <3 xoxo I still think we'll get a tonne of snow in March though...never get off this easy out in the Maritimes...

Thank you very much for your reply, @lyndsaybowes. I cannot imagine living in such harsh winter, I might not bear it at all. Glad February is friendlier. Hope the weather will always treat you and your family well!

Chicken is very soft and sunny today.
happy family has a beautiful cock like this in the yard of his house😁🌹

Hello.Your post pleased me, so to hold.I wish success and successes to you.Good day :)

this is one of my cocks he always looks stout, despite the hot or cold weather, his beautiful crest like a crown like the princess wearing in the fairy tale story of the fairy tale kingdom, then the red-red comb, increasing the strength, I am very happy see him, he always teases my heart image

the weather you have there look so cold my god

Another great day with full of blessing upon us From our God.
We always Thanks him for what he has given us to live here in this universe.
warm weather ! after such coldness is really a blessing.
Stay happy and enjoy the weather !

You sure do love crows.... haha sick. It looks good there with no snow and warm weather. B.C just got a heavy snow dump and its freezing here with snow... damn it!. Great walk like always @lyndsaybowes

i like itu...good job @lyndsaybowes


good morning to us in indonesia.
I'm still very junior in steemit
While you are our senior ..
I really need help from you ...
Visit my keakun @ marhas
Thank you

Extraordinary, fphotography in the dressing with a professional, with a panoramic view of nature filled with beauty.

I really like the walk with you. Can I find out more about you. Thanks @lyndsaybowes for the support to me. Hopefully you can come back again.

Beautiful capture @lyndsaybowes... glad anytime see and visit your post... i can smile look your chicken...

Photographs are incredible, I'm so impressed with your life with your surroundings, it's all so valuable, I always want to keep abreast of and learn from your life, which always appreciate with the circumstances around you, so incredible, allow me to continue and keep following you until I can live this life with always love and appreciate thanks @lynsaybowesIMG_20180222_093604.jpg

i like itu your photo...nice...nice...nice...good job @lyndsaybowes

amazing photography mam...really nice...👍


Postingan anda sangat berkesan buat saya , karena kicauan burung sangat bermakna dalam kehidupan saya , tidak bisa kebayang seandai nya bagun pagi tidak ada suara kicauan burung dan tidak ketinggalan ayam yang berkokok , terimakasih @lyndsaybowes

wowwww The amazinggg

Such a wonderful capture . that is excellent photography and great work. thanks for sharing
Thanks @lyndsaybowes
have a great day

great post..thanks for your post..

It seems winter will leave soon... Yay!


Love animal


Coool photos @lyndsaybowes, that's life. Salam Kenal from @syafiqali.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Good post,
funny flower, looks like a butterfly

A fun walk when you can just enjoy the environment and compliment its various aspects. And they are really Beautiful pictures @lyndsaybowes

Foggy morning photography really impressed me and Your photography capturing hands are in creativity. I can't describe beauty by words because it's one type of feeling which every single people have. This picture is better than better. Perfect Click without any doubt.
Capturing nature in all its glory of own creativity. Travel photography is a genre of photography that may involve the documentation of an area's landscape, people, cultures, customs and history. You have a great theoretical knowledge and experience about to make good photography as well as creative perspectives. Your creative perspectives really impressed me. Because without creative perspectives it is not possible to capture this types of glamorous photography.

wow, very beautiful photos, hopefully i can take photos like i


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

very many birds there today @lyndabowes, they look very happy, maybe they are happy like lyndsaybowes hearts are always excited.

thank you for this great work, i'll follow your posts

Thanks for giving the chance to enjoy this beauty of nature

What an evergreen environment and nice photography you have here😆 @lyndaybowes

Love all the reflections <3