On the calendar is spring, it means that we wintered? - 📸- Photos of the day.

in walkwithme •  7 years ago 

Hi friends! For a long time we shared with each other the height of our snowdrifts, compared the temperature behind your Windows and shared that whose frosts are steeper.


Probably many are tired of winter cold and short winter days. Came the long-awaited day of calendar spring.


Of course with the last day of February the winter was not over. Landscapes that I see today are more like new year holidays.


Many people, having free time and not paying attention to frosty weather, spend time in the nature.


Winter still with might and main hosts on city streets, in parks , gardens and squares. But, on the faces of people you can see their elation from the thought and the realization that "wintered! " .


And even if winter is in no hurry to take their positions and give way to spring; and let the cold wind sneaks by the collar; and though the frost sting his cheeks... We know that the warm spring sun will soon melt the ice and all nature will awaken from hibernation.


At the time, while adults complain about the cold and the snow, the children continue to enjoy the winter fun and games.


This is my first little walk in the last few days. In our region, the weather is still too cold, but today I could not resist the temptation to walk on the first day of calendar spring. Thanks to everyone who supported me in this cold time. Your kind words and wishes have warmed me these days.


Share what your first day of spring looks like.


Camera SONY DSC-W350

Thank you for Your attention and Your visit. I appreciate Your feedback and comments.

Привет друзья! В течении долгого времени мы делились друг с другом высотой наших сугробов, сравнивали температуру за вашими окнами и делились тем, что чьи морозы круче. Наверное многие устали от зимней стужи и коротких зимних дней.
Наступил долгожданный день календарной весны. Конечно же с последним днём февраля зима не закончилась. Пейзажи, которые я сегодня вижу больше похожи на новогодние праздники. Многие люди, имея свободное время и не обращая внимание на морозную погоду, проводят время на природе. Зима ещё вовсю хозяйничает на городских улицах, в парках , садах и скверах. Но, на лицах людей можно увидеть их приподнятое настроение от мысли и осознания того, что "перезимовали! ".
И пускай зима ещё не спешит сдавать свои позиции и уступать место весне; и пускай холодный ветер пробирается за воротник; и пускай мороз щиплет щеки... Мы знаем что тёплое весеннее солнце совсем скоро растопит лед и вся природа пробудится от зимней спячки. В то время, пока взрослые жалуются на холод и сугробы, дети продолжают получать удовольствие от зимних игр и развлечений.
Это первая моя небольшая прогулка за последние несколько дней. В нашем регионе всё ещё держится слишком холодная погода, но сегодня я не смогла устоять от соблазна , чтобы прогуляться в первый день календарной весны. Спасибо всем, кто поддерживал меня в это холодное время. Ваши добрые слова и пожелания согревали меня в эти дни.
Как выглядит ваш первый день весны?

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What is spring?

I never heard of it. Is it a new movie? 😉

Here is snow storm since last night, it hasn't stop. News said we will be expecting 25 cm more. Crazy mother nature 😊

I love the pictures, they are wonderful! Looks so much fun sliding on the ice/snow

I especially love the jacket and pants of the mother with lots of colorful flowers! (5th picture from bottom, a couple with a baby)

Wow! Another 25 centimeters? It's unbelievable. When we have very large snowfalls, it is difficult to move, all night snow removal equipment makes clearing snow debris and fallen trees. I hope You will be able to be home in the snow. I hope to see at this time a lot of delicious baking recipes. After all, it is so nice to sit in such weather at home in the heat and enjoy your time with your cheerful family... and of course delicious buns

Our first day of Spring looks like the depth of winter. This is the coldest it's been all season and there are sever weather warnings. This is not usual in March!

When I was out today my face the coldest it's been since I was in the Himalayas in Nepal.We're just not used to this level of cold in the UK.

Striking photos as always! 😊

It feels further away from Spring now than it did a month ago!

Gillian, I think this year has been such an abnormal winter in many places. It's not typical for Your region, but I've learned from Your video that You're very cold right now. The climate is changing and a lot of strange things happen. It is believed that in many regions of Russia the winter is very snowy, cold and long, but in recent years we have seen a trend towards warming. In new year holidays we didn't see snow, it rained, and in approach of spring we see snow. Thank you for your comment and stay warm!

Love your walk reports, I enjoy them a lot, it's your real world there and you show us on such way that we cannot do other thing but love it.
Here we also have bad weather, very windy, rainy and cold, but not as cold in the morning as last weeks so we know that soon we will throw away our coats and that's great!
Many thanks for sharing Madlen

The key word - rainy ! My friend, You were more fortunate than others. Most of my acquaintances here have complaints about snow and frost. But I hope You're not too wet?. I'm glad you like my walks. I'm just showing my life in real time. Now due to frost I have to rarely leave the house, but the weatherman give a forecast for warming in about a week. I can go back to my normal rhythm of life. Thanks @drakernoise
(incidentally I, too, 'm using Your smileys thank you, I hope, that you not against?)

Oh yes, If it would rain there then snow would melt and cold would be less. Here rarely it snows so we don't realize how nice the rain could be. Hope it rains soon there so you can get warm a bit.

Absolutely, love these smileys and I'm more than happy you use them (joke mode ON)

thank you, @drakernoise

I have loved all of your winter photos this season, it really looks like you all make the most of the snow. Everyone always looks so happy <3 <3 Thanks for sharing Madlen!

There's a lot of miles between us, but I want to see Your ocean melt . Thank you for #Walkwithme and for supporting me in this cold season.

WOW! A lot of snow! I think I love and enjoy snow days, like those kids! These are beautiful scenery for me and I can touch the cold now..... (In Thailand, it's very very hot!!)

Thanks so much for sharing. ;)

We would like to have a little bit of the bright sun as You have in Thailand. That's why I enjoy your photos. Thank You!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You're welcome!

In contrary, I would like to have cold days like you have in Russia.....and that's why I enjoy your photos, too..... ;))

nice share

This great photofeed, i like this nature and weather

@triptybarsha Thank You!

Most welcome dear...