Walk With Me In Denver, AKA Gentrification Town

in walkwithme •  7 years ago 

Welcome back to Denver, Steemians! Let's take a stroll to a Little Free Library, shall we? i just purged some more books this week.


Look, I'm actually alive, and bathed, and braided and stuff


We're getting a mini-tour of construction land today...


IT'S THE GROWN-UP VERSION OF ONE OF MY FAVORITE TOYS ON THE PLAYGROUND, YOU GUYS. Do you think they'll let me drive it? It doesn't even have to move, I just wanna pick up some dirt, swivel around, drop the dirt, swivel around...


LFL at the VA hospital. I've shown you the box many times, so here's the VA. Their LFL is often almost empty, so it must get a lot of traffic from patients and visitors and workers and such. It had three books and two magazines in it before I dropped seven more items inside.


Here is what I mean about gentrification. Starting in the mid- $650,000s for a townhouse??! Who tf can afford that shit?? Ten years ago, you could get a big Victorian house or a Craftsman bungalow for less. Condos and townhouses were often below six figures. Fuck this shit, I'm about to go work on my guillotine project...

Happy Friday, and don't forget to eat the rich! They taste good with barbecue sauce.

That Red Fish your momma always warned you about

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Your last paragraph was pure awesome <3 lolololololol

Great to see you, and see you out walking too xoxoxo

Who's to say Fried Green Tomatoes wasn't really a cookbook tutorial?

Ew, you've just converted me to vegetarianism! I don't think they would be nutritious, although they always look very plump and sleek, don't they? We'd probably just end up with more lifestyle diseases.
You know those diggers always turn up the bones from some mystery murder twenty years before, don't you?

LMAO getting gout from eating a dude with gout... ;)
I'd dig up Jimmy Hoffa!

Nice library!

I much prefer my homestead with its rustic furniture and buildings to anything gentrified... I don't need a lot to be happy. Friends, family, my pets and animals are enough.

Ironically, the design of these in the picture looks not unlike some of the old, roach infested apartments in the shitty neighborhood. Ha!