The South African Border War - Operation Reindeer - The Cassinga Fiasco

in war •  7 years ago  (edited)

Militarily a massive success... if those killed were enemy combatants... but ultimately a diplomatic nightmare.

Depending on who you ask, this phase of operation Reindeer has a number of names...

The Cassinga massacre, the battle of Cassinga or the Cassinga raid.

The SADF maintains that Cassinga was a major military camp. SWAPO and others claim it was a refugee camp.

In the end a lot of people were killed but South Africa walked away with the worst black eye and a diplomatic disaster.

The camp had been photographed via aerial reconnaissance and an attack meticulously planned as an airborne assault. It would have a massive element of surprise since the SADF had up till then never displayed such capability.

It would have to be a quick in and out since there was a Cuban base with significant armor 15 km south of Cassinga.

The attack began with carpet bombing, with cluster bombs, SWAPO's daily roll call on the parade ground, which was devastating in its effect, as most people were caught out in the open by the surprise attack.

The rest of the plan did not go so well, miscalculations had been made and many of the paratroopers were dropped way off target.

They consequently arrived late on the scene and SWAPO commanders, one of the main objectives of the assault, were able to escape, along with many others, into the surrounding bush.

A portion of the ground assault was fired upon by anti aircraft guns which significantly delayed the mopping up operation until it was the gun was taken out.

The operation was consequently 2 hours behind schedule and a large column of Cuban Armor, including T-34 tanks, was heading down the road to Cassinga, before extractions of the paratroopers had begun.

Air support was running out of fuel and could only destroy 3, BTR-152's before heading off to refuel.

img source

Despite this and the successful ground ambush, that destroyed one tank and 4 more BTR-152's things were unraveling fast.

The apparent success of the mission now looked like turning into a disaster for the SADF troops, with the prospect of being overrun by armored forces, 150 miles (240 km) into enemy territory.

Only timely and brave air support prevented the paratroopers from being overrun and enabled a successful extraction.

Further follow up air assault eventually led to the destruction of almost the entire Cuban battalion and its vehicles. More than 150 Cubans are thought to have been killed, which was their largest one day loss suffered in Angola ever.

Wikipedia sums the attack up as follows:

According to an Angolan government white paper, the official toll of the Cassinga Raid was a total of 624 dead and 611 injured civilians as well as combatants. Among the dead were 167 women and 298 teenagers and children. Since many of the combatants were female or teenagers and many combatants did not wear uniforms, the exact number of civilians among the dead could not be established. A secret report to the SWAPO Central Committee listed 582 dead and 400 wounded.

The South Africans declared the attack on Cassinga to be a great military success, even though disaster was so closely averted by the intervention of the SAAF, and in the face of a SWAPO propaganda campaign that labelled the event a massacre. Despite inflicting heavy casualties, the SADF did not kill or capture Dimo Amaambo or any other senior SWAPO leaders. The SADF casualties were low for such an attack, an important factor in South Africa where the public was intolerant of high casualty rates: Three soldiers were killed, one was missing in action presumed dead (landed in river, failed to emerge), and eleven were wounded.

According to General Constand Viljoen, Cassinga set the strategy for the SADF for the next ten years, i.e. that of launching pre-emptive strikes at SWAPO inside Angola, even though subsequent actions would be armoured rather than air assaults.

No matter what South Africa though, this and other pictures of the days dead did not go down well with the international community and just served to isolate South Africa even more.

By South West African People's Organisation - 1978, Link

The Angolans were first to publish details of the attack, followed shortly thereafter by SWAPO press statements that supported and elaborated on the Angolan account. They described the base as a refugee camp and claimed the SADF had slaughtered 600 defenceless refugees. The bodies were buried in two mass graves at Cassinga; pictures of one of the mass graves was used extensively for propaganda purposes, and for many people therefore became the imagery that they associated with the event.

Previous posts in this series can be found at the bottom of this post:

The South African Border War - 1976, The end of a chapter and the beginning of a new phase.
The South African Border War - Mines, Mines did I say mines?
The South African Border War - Enter the Ratel
The South African Border War - The United Nations Security Council Resolutions
The South African Border War - Operation Reindeer begins.

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Wow, as a South African, this is incredibly sad to see. There are no winners in war and there is always a cost... it does not matter what side you're on. These days the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) is involved in various peace keeping operations throughout Africa and is deployed to counter poaching of natural resources/animals. A far better use of military force in my opinion!

SA was probably a lot like north korea back then.

I am an iraq war veteran, I was in desert storm, and I hope by now, 20 years later, people have learned at least one thing, War is seldom for the people rather for the politicians who choose to remain willfully ignorant of the consequences of their deeds. In the end, there is No Honor in War.

Just incredible! In a disastrous kind of way. Reminds me of some of the research I was doing on the wars that took place in Laos. My home country USA carpet bombed the crap out of them during the Vietnam war. I met an American bomber pilot at a Indian restaurant just four days ago in Luang Prabang Laos who dropped some of these bombs. He is now in his 70s and has devoted his life to clearing unexploded bombs in Laos that he may have literally dropped all those years ago. Hope you have been well my steemit friend. Now checking in from Bangkok! -Dan

I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality... I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

"600 killed and 3 lost" That would be outstanding performance in any kind of border war! I think this mission made huge loss on Anglian side! Thanks for sharing such great information with us! Never heard this before!


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I remember that this was aired on Special Assignment once on SABC 3. Good information to read again though, reflects tragedy of war.

Very, very interesting; you know, @gavvet, growing up where I did, we never even heard about these events. Of course, we had our own little warlike incursions in other countries as well!

War is never good for anyone. Sadly, it seems that humankind is broken. It only takes us to look at the recent events in Vegas to realise what a horrible brute creature we truly are. It's so sad. Thank you for your post.

Such a loss of life is a terrible tragedy no matter the side. That's not to say it was or wasn't justified. It's just terrible looking at pictures like the one with the mass grave and thinking every single one of those bodies once had a life, dreams, passions. Every one of them had opinions of their own, they all struggled to cope with life as one does when the environment seems to simply want you dead. Every life is worth something, and it'll always be more than whatever honors they may get after death.

Great post, we must spread knowledge of our past to build a better future.

No one won a war. Precoius life is wasting to the most meaningless event. I am hoping that leaders will learn from the history and think war is not good to humanity.

Ohh my world ! This is so scary.T the time of i am reading i am getting goosebumps and i was thinking about america vs north korea.they should find a peaceful solution.the war should not be happened .
By the way nice post buddy .keep posting this type of post of valuable information.

Thank you for this. I am South African and the legacy of this war still haunts the country. I studied this section of history at University but did not pick up much about the Cassinga fiasco so thank you for filling my knowledge gap!

I wonder why we love to kill ourselves. The ignorant ones are the ones who die while the elite who starts the war sits back and make profit from it. For every conflict there is a purpose for gain.

why do not i post anything upvote ... please help my post ...

Hai @gavvet nice to meet you. I'm @chandrayunita from indonesia. I just upvote you, please upvote me too. Thank you

very nice post :)

Thanks Gavvet, do you have any ideo how many SA soldiers actually died or were injured in all the border efforts together?

I'll have to look it up

When will you start your series about the currently on-going genocide against white people of South Africa?

nice post

war destroy country
war destroy lives
war destory people
war is infinite distruction.

It is valuable and very dangerous history,

100% like and resteem

Extremely alarming if the war truly happened. Ideally there is a meeting point to locate a tranquil arrangement between north korea with america so no losses fall.

Sad to see this :(

The war is not a way for the our/new generation because the way of war is going to just waist the life of these people which is poorly/innocent

would like to share this terrible story on a Facebook page I follow.
may I have your permission please?

Thank you for sharing dear it is amazing and information for every one.really helpful post for us
keep it up.
and please friends follow me.

And please upvote my post i also upwote your all post friends..

You would think that human beings would have learnt by now that war is not the answer and actually gains nothing for anybody or any country or any religion but yet violence all over the world continues be it large or small. Peace and love and kindness is the only answer!

It is good to remember history so we as humanity do not repeat it. That is what I say.
I enjoy your work I followed,upvoted and resteemed this post to 300 of my followers.

so hot and very nice post in this site

@gavvet is back with another topic
i really enjoyed the reading but after that i feel terrible about the fights that are going to began between two countries such as America and North Korea with disastrous weapons. Due to this, they create war war war that's it.
But what about the innocents people, they are also going to become the part of this war, if war happen in upcoming time. And this time - again millions of people are going to die. which is really bad for humans/humanity.
Guys please, request them to sort out their problems by peaceful way.

I am felling sad

I believe in one thing-
love love love
So guys love with each other.
upvoted and resteem

Atomic war will be the end of the world #peaceout

very important news bro and nice post


Wow 😱 thanks for the info

Those pictures need no text. Very sad, but exposing this also allows everyone to learn what war reality is like. Best wishes, - @splendorhub

I really hope one day, we as humans realize that war is not the answer.

God why do we have to fight ourselves. i wonder what the pains of war felt like to those who experienced it

it really hurt to hear cases of war around the world..if dogs and birds really live together without fighting why then do humanity do so....why does it always seem the strong always victimising the week...lets say a little prayer for SA and all people under such tormentment...upped

@gavvet - Oh Sir, it looks like a massacre :( But those battles and blood made the country of South Africa. Nice historical article Sir. People should know about those wars, they want to understand how country made. Love your perception Sir <3

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

It is incredible and sad that people fight. when we are all the same no matter where we come from. Thanks for sharing @gavvet!!!

very nice article dear @gavvet

Would you rather tell about the anti-terrorist organization in the Donbass! It's strange why no one here talks about the war in Ukraine!

Peace is certain condition

Nice article @gavvet

good post

@gavvet install your robot in my post.

What that robot? @marconah

Bek karuu bhahahaj

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Sad sad sad to see all these killings mate! How many have sacrificed their lives so that we can have a better tomorrow. Respect to all those killed.

increible amigo!

In the worst places there's always heros. Whether in times of peace or times of trouble there's always heros. So get out there and have that hero be YOU!

Nice article :) Followed

There is currently a civil war brewing in South Africa, it's only a matter of time until one party does something that will spark the entire nation.
With the EFF trying to change the constitutional law so that land can be claimed without compensation. This country is going downhill so badly it's practically falling.

Upvote if you agree and comment below if you don't...

And this is still happening today...we might not see it because we all busy looking into our phones and pc's and work etc, but all of this is still happening. The worst part is african killing africans

War is a very bad thing I really hope we dont have to go through that again! Very nice post @gavvet

a very dreadful and scary view as i can see on my screen and very shameful moment as a human beings to see our brother and sisters dying like this. there is no value left of human life in this era. i pray to God that the politicians and the strong people sit together and end this madness so no more lives get in danger!

War is always terrible thing... that's awful

Am a scared!
War is not an exciting event to be witness by any generation. I pray for peace in Africa and in the world at large.

@gavvet. There is hardly any mention of this in the West.


I musr be living in the dark because this is the first that I have heard about this.

Frightening how it relate to the current affairs between North America and USA. Hope it come to a peaceful solution without any casualties. @gavvet did a great job by bringing this issue and shows the casualties of the war.

I upvote u now upvote my post

Say no war

Hi, old account is @ganesh.sahu.on that account u given me upvote and some coments.but i didn't bcz unfortunately I lost my password for that now I created this new feature I will give upvote and comments to Ur posts also in this new account I followed now and feature plz check my page , upvote and comment on my posts.thank u.

oh my!! so scary

Very interesting. I have just discovered your series and will be going through it in depth. I love stuff like this! Upvoted and followed!


When will the day come when all wars will end? Why are people and entire nations involved in the slaughter?

This is so very sad. When will all the killing.

Thanks for sharing this post.

اهلاا وسهلاا اخى @gavvet
اتمنى تكون بخير لقد ابتعد لفترة كبير ولكن اتمنى ان دائما بخير صديقى @gavvet
يوم سعيد لك صديقى

This is so tragic and scary, why can we not all get along like normal human beings.


well information

Verily, this is one of a nightmare.

Your article is very important.thanks for your the south African border War history, great@gavvet
Have a nice day.

Some people in the world probably grow up to suffer. Money is not trouble in money - emotional trouble :(

Their must be nuclear free world.

Congratulations @gavvet!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Pending payout - Ranked 4 with $ 296,89

The post is very exciting and nice please kindly cooperate please follow me vote and my comments hope we can work together. Successful greetings from me

Nice Post

It's sad that wars are dividing every day more and more the world, we fight for everything for any stupidity, I wish the world were free of so much war and disaster and for that we have to approach God ..

your story and report is an excellent friend, although this situation sorry for this African country


War is only a word but it kills innocent people and causes trauma to small kids.... I hate war

Sir i am new this sitr so please follow up me and upvote my post....i always help all

WOW! This is really on some other level. Unfor there will be a side that loses and a side that wins. However, unlike sports games, winning in military terms means killing and injuring the war.

WOW, a cold shivering when I read and see those pictures. What a terrible sad story,... What could we do ? How to change a mindset,...

I don't know much about the history or the people of South Africa, but I am learning. I help admin the South Africa Citizens Action Network on Facebook which is a part of the Citizens Action Network where we are trying to unite the world in FREEDOM! I want to say Thank You to @gavvet for this great series of articles and I want to invite everybody to join me at @steemthat which is the home of the new @steemish! What is Steemish? Go to and find out.

this is a very interesting post. I like it

Wow! This is phenomenal voting on your feed. Getting people to read such a tough topic, comment, and cast all these huge AND little votes is absolutely astounding to me.

Gazing in awe from the minnow pond.

I will be keeping up with my policy of upvoting of comments people give my posts and re-thinking some of my more dense material. I did not think it would fly here but maybe I'm wrong.

Thank you for the huge inspiration today.