On November 11th, Remember... Stop the Soldier Worship!

in war •  8 years ago  (edited)

"They fight for our freedom!"

That's the cry of the irrational we hear when we object to the senseless pawns going to murder people they never met and never did anything to them.

People who support what the soldiers do have many justifications for why it's "good" and required for our "freedom". But even if they do admit the war is not right or good, they still justify a "support the troops" fallacy (like anti-war people).

And of course... the usual "just following orders" is a holy get-out-of-jail-free card. Apparently no one is to blame for their actions in our society. We're all just blind drones obeying others... just pass the buck in an order-following circle-jerk:

Fight for our freedom?

A soldier doesn't fight for me or you in reality. They fight according to the orders of a small minority of men and women in authority who want them to go be goon gang thugs to get what they want done in the world. Those little punk controllers in higher authority sure aren't go to go do that work themselves.

Soldiers aren't there to keep us free. Soldiers are there to do what they are told. Murder of innocent people? Part of the job. Justify it by continuing to believe in the deluded fantasy of "good", "order", "honor", "duty", "loyalty", "god and country". That way you can do anything by living in an unreality created by your fear of facing the mirror and the morality of what you are doing.

Not that soldiers are pure evil, but being naive and being used as a pawn doesn't absolve you of your actions and crimes against others. Ignorance is not an excuse. Ignoring moral understanding and choosing to be a robot obedient killer is not a justification. Sure, a soldier can believe they are doing the "right" thing, wanting to protect others, but so what, Hitler too... People can do horrible things believing they are right. That's the dream and illusion created through imagery and belief. They have this picture of nobility, honor, righteousness, and this worldview belief motivates their actions.

How does one believe in this bullshit? By not having developed cognitive faculties, not being able to think properly, which results in the symbolism and analogy that they are "brain-dead" drones and robots who simply follow orders.

They are sol-diers, their thinking dies, their consciousness dies, their conscience dies, and their "soul"/morality/truer-self dies.

If anyone wants to try to excuse immoral behavior based on believing they are doing right, then flip the switch and apply that to the "enemy", like al Qaeda, or any deluded religionists. They have many justifications for their actions in life, especially violent ones that hurt innocent people.

People get caught up in the fable of hero worship, feeling devotion and respect for an idea that someone fought to protect and save them or their ancestors, etc. All of these emotions are self-induced. Most of the time people don't know these soldiers, what they did, if they murdered an innocent people, or simply acted as pawns to maintain the war-machine and military-industrial-complex pumping out cash for US corporations to profit from.

War is a racket. It fuels a huge part of the American economy.

War is a Racket by Smedley Butler

Even soldiers themselves admit their crimes, like the Winter Soldier Investigation.

Dresdon, Germany, WWII

Justified Wars

SO, you say World War I and World War II were justified wars? So we should venerate and worship those soldiers, right?

Look into the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Jekyll Island, Anthony Sutton, Zionism, and more related information around WWI and WII to see how the "good" guys were not so good, with Western business funding the German side of the war in WWI and WWII, and how the US was in support of Germany until financial and geo-political interests manipulated world affairs and fomented conflicts.

Getting to the now... we had the neo-cons from Bush I to Bush II, who most were dual citizens of Israel and Zionists. They were in top positions inthe US government. This goes back to the philosopher Leo Strauss and his understudy Michael Ledeen, to the later neo-cons of the 80s ,90s, 2000s.

Justification are invented to make invading countries a "right" thing to do, based on lies. These countries were not a threat to the citizenry of the West. The West, especially the USA, is the threat to the citizenry with their shredding of constitutional laws, disregard for rights, drug laws, #1 prison population on the planet, domestic spying, drone murders.

No nation on the planet could have degraded and attacked the citizenry of the USA like the government employees and hidden hand has done. The real wars are not going on in some other land, but at home, an info war on the mind. It's a lot easier to go external to ourselves and see what others do. It's a lot harder to look at ourselves honestly.

This applies as a fractal-holographic projection. From the individual who is most blind to themselves compared to seeing others (unless they reflect, introspect and contemplate upon themselves), so too are we blind to our local area of living compared to the larger region, or blind to the larger region like a country compared to other countries. Our selfview is tied to our worldview and what we identify with. We are too heavily identified with our country through indoctrination of nationalism and patriotism. Anything our country does is like we are doing it. We justify what we do as "good", and since we are the alleged "power of the people" behind government, then it's us who justifies what the government doe son our behalf and we deem it "good" as a proxy of our actions.

We are told the government is "good", police are "good", and so too are the soldiers "good". We keep accepting what we are told, and don't verify it with reality. Our parents didn't help us out. They just let us get indoctrinated like they were.

This has been going on with military and state ideology for a long time, and the same with the church and the state powers coupled to the ideas of "good" and "order". People used to fear thinking anything bad of the church, even though the reality of its evil was right before their eyes.

The military is adulated and adorned everywhere in the media: from football to hockey games. Is it any wonder? Nationalism is still a huge part of the beginning of every game. This way further identification and attachment can be made through ones local area sports team, to the larger region nation-states government and military, all being associated with one's ego-personality-identity, selfview and worldview. No matter what team each local area rivals with another local area, that's a lower layer divergence compared the higher level fractal connectivity their identities, loyalties and overall devotions share at the national level.

So be careful talking to crazy deluded people who believe anything they do is "good" because they are loyal, obedient, order-followers, with lots of deep psychological trauma from what they did, and how they keep blinding themselves to the reality of their actions. You might end up with some threats against your life if you don't agree that they "fight for our freedom" and to "protect us":

Killing people you never met who are defending a country you are invading, and calling it "good" for the "freedom" and "safety" of your family or countrymen... is a sick pathetic joke. The real heroes in the military, are the soldiers who stand up for their conscience and morality to do what is right, and stop being soldiers because they see what they are doing is WRONG. All the others have not yet awakened to what they support and participate in.

In the end, as mentioned before, the world is not really a safer place. All of this current Middle-Eastern mess ties back into causal consequence from history. Osama bin Laden ties back to CIA funding and arming during the cold wars against the Soviets across the world. They betrayed him, he got revenge, probably with more help from the CIA the neo-cons who wrote PNIC (Project for a New American Century), and wanted a new "Pearl Harbor" to get American foreign policy to change to what they wanted to happed in the Middle-East.

We are all being played through the occulting and hiding of information. The soldiers are the front line pawns to violently create chaos and change for the hidden hands. They have the most to lose for their ignorance: their lives. We can help them learn, if we learn. We might not be soldiers, but maybe a family member is. If they won't wake up, then they will keep being an obedient pawn in support of immorality, continuing to support or participate in wrongs against others, and possibly being killed as a result of being an arm and agent for evil.

We change the direction we are going in. We can invest our time, energy and work into life-creating and prosperous technology, not death-dealing war profiting crap.

As R. Buckminster Fuller said:

"It is now highly feasible to take care of everybody on Earth at a higher standard of living than any have ever known. It no longer has to be you or me. Selfishness is unnecessary. War is obsolete. It is a matter of converting our high technology from WEAPONRY to LIVINGRY."

If we want to champion what is right, good and true, and bring real good order to our lives and the planet, then we need to stop idolizing false images of "good" and get in touch with the reality of what is going on. There are bad guys, sure. But a lot of them are boogy men fabricated to put you into fear and support the centuries long war-machine of our civilization. Some of them are even double-agents creates by intelligencia and our "leader" puppets.

War is like a fuel for all the empires. Then they die. It's been said by many that the fall of the American Empire has begun, mirroring the downward spiral Rome shared. Let's see what the future holds and if we can change...

We want to venerate the good against the evil. Much of the narrative around calling soldiers "good", "heroes", and the like, is based on the dichtomous contrast that it casts onto the opposite side: that they are evil villains. In that context, it seems easy to justify anything done to dasterdly villains by our heroes...

[Image sources: Most I already had. 1, 2]

[Sources: 1, 2, 3]

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Author: Kris Nelson / @krnel
Contact: [email protected]
Date: 2016-11-11, 8:30am EST

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Interesting and well written post my friend. i have two points I'd like to offer, if I may.
1, The over and incorrect use of the word 'hero' has devalued it completely. I agree that it is wrong to call soldiers as such just because they're soldiers. Ridiculous.
2, The statement it's about the man next to you which is bandied about by Hollywood at every opportunity angers me. It's just another way of absolving aforementioned soldiers from responsibility for their actions.
This topic gets my blood up, and I AM ex-military!
Keep posting @krnel, it's all good

Thanks for the feedback, and glad to see you are aware and changed from your former self :) Good job!

Thanks. I served over 20 years ago but realised shortly after joining up that it was all bullshit.
have a great day ;)

seriously @krnel I think @handsolo ( great name by the way ) makes the point that you are uneducated. I'm ex-military as well, check out my blog to see why you are wrong to connect the CIA to the military.

if we were ever actually militarily attacked, we might need a military, but a standing military, with no military defense to attend to, is a danger, not a help.

we are being attacked on levels that most refuse to even see. the "education" system, the media, our food, air, water, medicine, et cetera, are being used against us, and we are too busy saying oo-ra and throwing our children into a meat grinder, to even notice, well, most of us. great post.

i'm lifeworship, and i say that war worship is death worship. resist.

Yup. The local war on us is less obvious, and that's the reason we have wars outside that we champion for, ignoring our own issues internally, focusing outwards and pointing the finger out there, never looking at what we are doing to ourselves that results in what we do out there.

From death-dealing to life-creating indeed, we can change.

i think the worst part of the mind control is when they call it "serving". this is also the most telling, upon examination. serving who? serving what?

i am not death's servant. Lifeworship!

They fight for our weath & oil & status, at least for humanity ;-) with there blood. They are heros, but do we need this?

Thanx for the post!

I'm sorry but I disagree completely. Someone fighting for your wealth, oil and status is certainly not fighting for humanity! Calling them heroes only devalues the word.
No, we don't need this, I agree with you there though

Ok - do you saw the provocative smiley? They are heroes - they fought for wrong goals!!! The ancient greeks were also heroes, that's normally understanding. May be you've another mindset.

I appreciate your comment :-)

Peace and love my friend ;)

That's right! Heroes are not the ones who are fighting to fill someone's purse, and those who fought for his people, for his country!

That is an interesting way at looking at war and soldiers. My husband is ex-military and I'm sure he would balk at some of it (being called a pawn), but I know he'd agree with some of it too, he still has bad dreams and bad memories that affect him everyday, even 18 years or so after serving. Everyone's life would be so much better without war and violence, yet everyday there people being trained and acting out our worst nightmares.

Somewhat disagree, but upvoted your post because you did a great job. A little wordy here and there, but otherwise well done.

Interesting point of view. nice work.

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I often struggle with the trying to see the truth through the brainwashing, which is why I appreciate content like this. It is very truthful.

On one side, my father was drafted into Vietnam (very much unwillingly) and his role was to shoot down at people from a helicopter. He doesn't talk much about the experience except to say that the Gulf of Tonkin was a lie. He clearly knows that he was used.

On the other side is one of my closest childhood friends. We started college in 2001 and she joined ROTC, so she has been with the Army ever since - including the birth of her 2 daughters. She is someone I have always respected because of her wisdom, which is why it's hard to believe that she is only now ( 15 years later) switching to the Army Reserve to make her way out. There are signs that she knows the truth, but she still believes in the good of the military.

I wouldn't call either of them heros, but there must be another term we can use to recognize these people. They have taken big risks to help their country - albeit misinformed and very brainwashed.

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