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Here are some fun facts about one of our Wallet Spammers...

Also about the 16,261 followers:

  • 10,156 accounts have Reputation Under 40.0
  • 12,514 accounts have Reputation Under 45.0

So there's effectively only about 4k-6k accounts where a resteem would be viewed.

Looking at the 6,091 accounts with Reputation above 40.0, since these are going to be the people who most users want to attract..

  • 4,132 Accounts have 100 or more followers
  • 2,769 Accounts have 200 or more followers
  • 2,009 Accounts have 300 or more followers

Of the 2,009 Accounts w/300 or more followers w/Reputation Above 40.0:

  • 1,927 Accounts Have Voted Since July 8, 2017 (UTC)
  • 1,536 of the above Accounts were Created in 2017
  • 917 of the above Accounts were Created in June, July, or August 2017

These are just some summary items that might be interesting or worth considering!

Crazy stuff! Great work by the way!

Thanks! I thought it would be interesting to share :)

Wow brutal!

Yeah.. when you take a closer look, the "9,000+" Followers that you're getting exposure to aren't exactly worth the 2 SBD.

follow, follow, upvote, upvote, I've sent you sbd and follow me here's straight from the oven, designed for spam and cent's lover

It does really concerned me since the first time I joined steemit when I encountered spammers already while at the same time people preach about quality content.
I hope and wish, we all could eradicate spammers, and plagiarism from steemit in general.

Yes, your caring is what is needed. Thank you.

Yes, but we need to establish what constitutes spam on Steemit, otherwise this could en up becoming a flag war. Don't want a bunch of kids flagging others just because they don't like their music band or some stuff like that.

That's a point right there @galactic123 we need to set out a thing as to what classified as SPAM

you're welcome :)

Yes!!! I joined only very recently, but I was quite disappointed with all this spam posts and comments, bots, "please follow me I followed"s, requests to resteem, etc... If I like anything, I'd comment, upvote and/or resteem.

Even though I don't understand how would making #waronspam trending help this, flagging content will help.

It's too much noise here. You can read either hot/trending posts or get lost. So it's quite discouraging for someone like me, who has only the best intentions but can't really get any audience... My goal was to write about mental health and startups. But it now seems like a waste of time because I won't do it for 10 views and half of it bot or spam anyway. I even tested posting fancy travel photos that usually help, but it didn't help either. So not sure about what to do next... #endrant

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

milansteskai... You'll find your spot. It's taken me a month to work out that the hot and trending categories aren't my place = and nor are they yours unless bitcoin suddenly crashes, in which case a mental health expert should be able to make a killing and redistribute some of the whales wealth at the same time... It's more luck than judgement if you catch one that interests you as it flies past in the new section... but if you go to the far right menu and try explore, then you can go to the topic of your choice. Read and comment there and you get responses because they are like-minded people who will have a genuine interest in what you say. Plus when you enter a sub-community it's smaller and you get chance to get to know the names, Beyond that I do quickly visit, upvote and comment on genuine introductions, because like you I can remember how important it was to get response at that point. I could have done with your advice the day I discovered that bottymcbotface and Ionlysaymeep were bots... As for the number of views... Forever is long time. If you are writing something that isn't time sensitive then its likely to be accessed far more in the future than during its first week here. It's the folk doing crypto and steemit posts who have to think in terms of the immediate future. Some of their stuff is out of date before they upload it! Best of luck!

Thank you so much @elaine54. I didn't expect such a complex answer and really do appreciate your time spent on writing this. There is still a hope that it's not only bots here :)

Haha... yes I've been slightly disturbed by the number that have appeared since I've been here

ok, best thing to do: write comments like the one you did on mine, on other peoples....find your area of specialty, mental health and startups, and reach out to others, by commenting. I commented a lot and still do, and it's so valuable, because everyone is hungry for getting attention.

So simple and so true :) Maybe an encouragement like this, from time to time, is what helps. Thanks!

The first 3 months are the most difficult in Steemit I think. Check out My Steemit thumb rule for Minnows to keep yourself motivated. BTW I followed you and up-voted a couple of your posts. Keep them coming. Good content is what will save Steemit.

Thank you @gokulnk! I've bookmarked it and will read it this weekend.

This thread is encouraging. It's difficult not to feel discouraged here. NOTHING happened for 2 months, then BAM, I had a couple of hugely successful posts. So, I churned out some more and I'm back to 5 views and 5 cents. Hooray!

I appreciate the info on commenting and drilling down to the topics outlined by @elain54. I think this will really help me push through. Thanks all who commented on this.

Now about this horrible spam problem...#waronspam!

It does have to be stopped. Its annoying as feckity!


nice post

ho ho!


I do love this a whole lot.


Its my favourite one :O)

In this post in my replies I tell Stella I have been on my page 3 weeks deciding to call out spammers, just like today/tonite again.... and they are offended LOL, even when I always go to their comments tab and provide spammy screenshots of their crap

Oh my God, I know!! I had one spammer go off on me for two paragraphs. In that one's case they've been commenting but not voting, which is an insidious type of spamming since this person actually leaves decent comments, but what they're doing is fishing for comment upvotes.

Good to see you!

Was it that Roy guy?

I have 2 of those today at least I caught on my blog and addressed it right to them, I am being more critical here now.


We Family here!!!

Thanks, honestly.......this is a perfect example of why Steemit and blockchains were designed -- to help people like I say in the post I just put up to help someone who is burying her dad.

Pls. check that post and vote/resteem to help if you can.

I do miss you and your name is one of my fav. to see. Thank you for engaging me today


Hi Barry! I am putting together a waronspam post, but once it's done I will most definitely visit your blog :) I might spam it with my anti spam post too lol. In the future, if you have a link you really want me to see, drop it in a comment to me. You're a friend Barry, I would not consider that spamming.

I am keen to see this war on spam post!

He is on my page and I have been enabling him, I feel bad.

I understand, I actually had another one just like him, but when I explained that they are going to do more damage to their accounts by not voting then they ever would by bringing their voting power down they changed their practices which was nice to see. I definitely prefer giving them a chance before flagging.

ha ha

3 weeks ago, I joined in on my page, on all the spammy mcspammersons and doing it again today and then I am told to not speak to them that way, on MY page LOL.

I never say anything til I usually look on their comments tab and take a screenshot for them of their pasted spammy crap.

oh priceless GIF

Hehe, Cheers!

It’s good to know I have not been fighting this war on the evil spam on my own. I’ve even written about it this week calling out those who are in flag wars with no good reason and pointing out all the things they could be flagging or fighting on this platform instead. Why punish those trying to create community and have a positive impact when they could take out the spammers, scammers, and exploiters with their power they wield.

I have even called out spammers before and they swear back at me. I am glad to see some more powerful people here have finally had enough of these people. They are not here to make Steemit great or improve it. They just want rob it, stab it, and run away late at night in the shadow of darkness to escape with what little they got away with.

I’ll try and come up with sometime this week to make a blog with your hashtag as I would love to see more people get onboard with these efforts. Thank you for helping the community out in this way!

I've just had enough of it. If we make it a trending, profitable tag.....then.....maybe it will have some effect.

consider me in the front line!
I won't flag but I'd be blatant to anyone going around copy pasting irrelevant comments on my page, too

ok get those waronspam posts generating!

I started here (not promoting) but I guess my approach was too light.

By the way, I took your advice and have used #waronspam on a copy pasted post, I just found. If more than two people agree with me, then let me know, I too will flag it.

Hopefully, if everyone joins hands, maybe we can make a dent in spam posts.

I have just posted a reply to this post, but it is really far down. Since I would really like your opinion about a question I have, please do read it. And this goes for anyone who is actively trying to stop spam and is using flags to achieve their goal.

Can I be a spambassador? I've been fishing some of the blatant stuff by repeat offenders. With others I'll give them a chance to redeem themselves. We have to set the precedent that we won't put up with it

yes, Steve, let's be Spambassadors! I have a Steemicide Hotline episode brewing! Do you want to be in my video?
let us work on badges, uniforms and an official code of about a white paper too?
Spam-Free Ambassadorship

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'd be honoured to be in your video. I can do all my own stunts ;)

I should know by now to check what my phone actually thought I typed. Just noticed this made no sense before

One of the best ideas I've read so far. Maybe a good reason to set up a Steemit Spambassasors Program (SPP)?

A lot of this spam is made to earn money from comments.. don't people realize that by commenting with "thanks, great post!" 30 sec after the post is made is making them a flag target rather than an upvote one since it is obvious they didn't even read the post..

Could you explain this a Bit more? Whats the probleme with early comments?

The problem is you can't read a long post in 20 sec.. or watch a 5 minute video in half a minute. So commenting before you even started or finished the post saying how great it is isn't really alright.

The war on spam really boils down to comments, IMHO.

If you think a person writes spam posts, don't follow them, and don't like their posts. They won't trend and they won't make any Steem, so eventually, they go away. This is the beauty of Steemit.

However, when a person comments just for the spam of it, that is a problem. Identifying those who do with the hashtag, #WarOnSpam, is a brilliant idea and I wholeheartedly support @stellabelle in her efforts.

I wonder what the spam solution is - between technological and human curation... It can be so overwhelming...

Here's a spam art I made over a decade ago :O

Thank you @stellabelle for the initiative. My suggestion, someone needs to put a check on the Introduce yourself tag to begin with. There are users or bots who will just spam on new joinees introduction posts with the soul purpose of gaining followers. "Welcome, enjoy your time here, I will follow you, you also follow me" you can see multiple posts like these by two users I have noticed ( @khunfarang & @khunpoom ), there are others too but these are legendary when it comes to spamming. I did mention these users on thecryptofiend post as well. If you want to experience this yourself, write a post, maybe with the war on spam gif and tag it as "introduceyourself" they will pop write up !! I'm a newbie but all in for this fight, would need support from veterans like you. Cheers.

A perfect example, posted 25 mins ago although the user selected the wrong tag but these spammers:

If the message in wallet was not enough, check this, they created a website

Calling out all nautical hamsters?

Agree totally!
As they say: 'Offense is always a strong Defense.'
Just made this meme of a picture of my dog.


A polite reply I think to let them know there're not welcome. Hope it works and stay away from future posts ...

Spam is a platform killer and should be eradicated here, you have actually motivated my next post on the subject. Thanks for sharing.

Get it out of here!

Imagine a Steemit with hundreds of posts of value and no "I upvote you, you upvote me"

I like this idea...

It was like this once....

I hope we get back there soon!

It does get out of hand for sure. But I honestly doing think the wallet comments are the worst.

I think it is bad when there are 2 or 3 comments on my posts that are clear spam bots.


I've been writing satirical posts lately about the blatant disregard for standards, and spam is my next topic. I'll definitely be using the #waronspam tag!

Today was my first day on steemit and before I made my first post i did a bit of research for it...... and everyone was like... "Steemit values quality content"..."The community doesn't tolerate the spammers" etc.... But my experience was a tad bit dissapointing..... People just post links for stuff on the site... stuff they didn't make in the first place.... and get 20~30 upvotes on it.... that is demeaning to the original creator of the content and to this community.... Stellabelle thank you for bringing this forward..... because being a minnow I think I never could in time.

I as an piranha will bite every bot message on my post..

brutal rhetoric I would say. Make good content not war :-)
just kidding.

Wouldn't ignoring spammers help? I mean they will give up at some point, if they are strictly looking to gather upvotes and they are not getting them. What is more dangerous in my opinion are semi whales that are trying to censor and launch attacks on some steemians, I'd agree that those have to be handled. But anyways I do not know much, just been here for less than 60 days :D

It's us or them... Death to spammers! Shit is about to get real!

It won't be an easy war, but hey!! Ready the spam Brigade badges for we will overcome spammers rebellion and save our community @stellabelle

I might design badges that say:

And with each badge, they are rewarded...

I hope to get one lol

great work... i have upvoted you for this post a little quantity of usd because it is my beginning on steemit.. following you now and please dnt foget to upvote back and also follow.. :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This has my freaking 10000% unconditional, swear on the bible, cross my heart and hope to die, guaranteed on my mamas life support. Im ready to spam snipe. #yunk approved

Is it about time we had human moderators?? And possibly with the power to ban someone for a few hours??

Recently I must use many flag option because too many spammer, they only using bot and copy paste comment. Sadly I ever saw one of witness vote this spammer comment, I think this spammer using this witness software application. And this witness not aware that his application is using for spamming:)

Any more info? There are very few witnesses that are also programmers providing for the network. As I am one of them I am curious as to your mentioned issue.

I think this witness does not aware about that and this inadvertent conduct by him. He intends to make software application to make easy for user to make post and comment from smartphone. I appreciate you, and at the final using, about software application is on user responsibility. It is kind like of blacksmith who makes a knife, he intends using that knife for cutting tree or etc but sometimes it uses by his user for other purposes. :)

Ok so from what I can gather, you are interested in asking @good-karma to add a specific user to the blacklist so they dont receive the bot votes from the @esteemapp.

You just need to reach out and help them make the problem known, or bring the user name and a link to and post it in #steemcleaners-linkdrop or #steemitabuse.

Nice, I will do it and save that username and post it in Thank you for your advice :)

which user?

I am not surprised by this. Netuoso wrote a welcome bot script and publish it. I spoke out against it. Was made fun of for doing so. I decided to not further reply to it because he even edited his comment to try and make his point and then called in bots to prop up my comment with upvotes so everyone could see it…

It was 9 days ago if you like to see it you can find I here. If you wish for me to edit the link out please let me know and I will. @stellabelle

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yet again as I have said numerous damn times before, I write open source stuff to TEACH people. If you want to be ignorant and just copy paste it and use it without reading and learning that is your prerogative.

Bots are not bad or spam. Some bots can be, sure. But I would wager a bet that you have made more bytes of bullshit comments than my "spammy" introduction bot has ever made.

By writing simple scripts people learn how to interact with the blockchain in a more complex way. There are many services that requires automation, and learning how to write it by starting with a simple starter script is very helpful to them.

You are clearly not a programmer so I don't really care about your opinion when you say I wrote a spammy bot but I will respond to it for transparency especially since you are almost passive aggressively talking shit about me on this platform.

Nearly every tech firm you see in existence today utilized bots and automation to perform necessary tasks that help their business or their customers. You are ridiculous to think you can or should try to regulate the network by stopping people from coding things that interact with the blockchain in a programmatic way.

All you want to do is complaining but not offer any actionable solutions to the issue you seem to be so concerned about.

Let me see a post you make explaining how you plan to clean up the spam from the bad actors before I worry about the "spam" from the beneveolent programmers.


"Hey guys we have an entirely censorship proof system here and we are paying out of our own pockets (witnesses) to keep it running but @enjar with his 240 SP thinks we should change it all up. Scrap it all an start over boys"

Btw I didn't call in bots to prop up you comment for any reason other than to prove the worth of bots. To which you explained that you yourself use the bots you are calling spam or bad for the network.

I will keep in mind that you don't like upvotes and will ensure you don't get them from me. No problem there.

I will try to search it, I forgot to save that link yesterday. I have seen twice this incident happened and I think this witness only try to promote his working (software application) by upvote the user comment or posting.

The ROOT CAUSE of the SPAM is the BOTS that are having people sign up, just to give control of the votes to the BOTS.

The BOT rules are that you can't vote! And just post something 1 - 3 times a day and get numerous upvotes from the BOTS' community.
Sounds like BS to me - BOTS BS . . .

These new users are just posting some stupid pic and the BOTS do the rest. This behavior is NOT good for the STEEM community.

HOW can a picture have 100 upvotes with only 1 view ? It's BOTS BS!

We can call out a few SPAMMERS, but the ROOT CAUSE must be addressed.
Take Away the SPAMMERS ability to gain from their BOTS

@goldkey will be posting a "NOT a BOT" revolutionary post soon... keep a human eye out and look for it. Thanks.

  • I am NOT a BOT
  • @goldkey - I am a HUMAN BEING

Spamming is so annoying! Maybe we can have a solution for multiple spam comments...If someone will post more than twice the same comment their commenting time to grow to 1 minute and so on.

But I can't find a solution for wallet memos, Maybe the only solution is to make that person to understand he is acting wrong. But let's see maybe someone will come with a great idea!

I second that, I am really afraid to have this space becoming a huge spamming pool, that would defo ruin the concept.

Some people love spam thooo haha jk ... Yeah, I've been getting tons of it lately... especially in my wallet lol

I see the Steemit spam is spicier than I realized. @thecryptofiend

We should be always strict against spammers

I'm in! I hate spam, unless we're talking about the canned meat product, which is DELICIOUS...But anytime I see spam I try to do the right thing, and let them know to try something different, than I keep an eye out if they continue with the bad habit I will either flag, even tho I hate wasting VP that I could use to reward someone else, or drop a link to steemcleaners.

100000000% agree. I've been put off by SPAM AND TROLLS ever since my inception here about 9 weeks ago! #waronspam is awesome! This is a, large part of why I started my Facebook group Steemit Dreamit. Because dreams are original, therefore so must be your steemit postings and blogs! Also working on helping Steemians gain organic followings! Resteemed!

What about a spamer pillory database where all the spamers are listed?


i'm here from a week now and, yep, i really saw a lot spam and i hope this will be cut off from the root, so like that it will not grow and we gonna have a clean community, i mean , as much as it's possible because, hey it's internet...

Amen. But how do you propose to stop it exactly? Not sure a GIF is gonna stop people, but you got my vote.

i was hoping someone smarter than me would create a solution

I don't have enough power to flag others, but I'll try to help how I can. Just earlier I found a post that had already been visited by the cheetah bot, so I left a comment explaining about copy/paste. It was a new user.
Thanks for sparing memes. I've just discovered how to make one, wasn't even successful, but who knows?

I've been wishing for a way to remove/delete the spam comments I have gotten. Would love to see the developers solve this issue somehow. Thank, @Stellebelle!

Yes!!! Really good initiative. I LOVED Steemit not only for all the amazing things it has as a platform but also for the fact that it was spam free and had on average a very good quality content. We need to keep it that way!

Eh, yeah I get it, because a bunch of posts about spam are better than spam... ah?? What?

i fully back this #waronspam and all things #spamichpileofshit.

shit is old and tired. it's amazing how people continue to find ways to perpetually suck.

Nice piece, I pray this will help make a change

I especially dislike the pm spam in the steemchat. Can I add that target to the list?

Yeah I also saw it this morning and I'm sort of disappointed from certain individuals who think it's okay to do this to other people , it's really not . It's sad that people can do this to one another , I thought this community was like family , family doesn't stab each other in the back . Who ever the person is , is decently a big hater and needs to get a life @stellabelle

To be clear I like Spam the food, but yeah I fully support this war!

Such a fuking useless post, I still like it 😂

spam is most definitely, the biggest obstacle in the growth of steemit. I have just recently joined, and get very few views, and yes that gets me very frustrated. But that frustration is not the reason why I sometimes feel like giving up. It's the colossal waste of time, spent trying to find an original, interesting articles. The point is, after going through a few disappointing posts, I end up losing interest, and miss out on good original content. I'm sure I'm not the only one who does this. Steemit seems more about pushing your own content, rather than actually reading great content, and that is frustrating. I am sick of unoriginal screenshots of crypto graphs, and the copy pasted news, or YouTube videos and most of all the "you scratch my back and I scratch yours" attitude towards votes.

While I agree with you, I don't understand how to stop this. Flagging sometimes ends up punishing the wrong person, other times it opens you to verbal abuse. It would be great if there is some group that everyone could join, where one can put up posts for review, and only if 3-5 people agree, you flag it. This would prevent vindictive flagging, for personal reasons at least, and prevent innocent people from getting flagged. What do you think?

So I found this yesterday and it really bugged me. You think this should be flagged? If 3 people say yes, I too will flag it!
This is the post written by @savetukadpetanu
The same post was resteemed by @samstonehill. So far so good.
But a few hours later @samstonehill posted this :
Same photos, same content with minor changes in language, but more earnings.

One of the better way to try and gain some help and exposure is joining community’s. One such community is minnow support. You can join there discord here

As far as dealing with the spam. I know it can be frustrating. The smaller you are here the more you need to rely on others to deal with it. Sometimes just talking with the person can help. More times than not they don’t rely back or they get angry. Flagging someone can get you into a flagging war with them and any friends they have. Since you are rather new here I don’t recommend using that feature. It can be more trouble than its worth.

There are also things like cheetah that where created to deal with certain types of things. I don’t know much about them as I have not used them before. Here is a link to faq that goes over the basic of that. It also shows on the faq where to find them in

Since i have only been here for around 2 months I often have to point out and ask others for help when dealing with spammers and worse. Sometimes there are people who really hate spam and if they see someone asking someone to stop spamming they might deal with it.

As you can see with this blog one of the best ways to dealing with an issue is if larger parts of the community come together to deal with it. There is far too much spam and other things going on this site to just have a single community voting on if they should flag something or not. It’s got to be a Steemit effort to deal with these people

I must admit I'm not huge on spam either. Spam is annoying and some are filthy, just gag worthy.

What if the spammers start using the tag on their "posts" too because they see all of us using it? I think I would cry then. :*(


I fully agree with your position, @stellabelle

And have anythong else to say.

Personally I think spamming has become the order of the day because some people are just really in a haste to get recognised probably because they are not really enlightened as to what the community is about so they feel they could just come into the community and within a month their reputation should be on 65 but then it doesn't work that way , people should be lectured on how to take things slow.Thanks for sharing


do you think this spam you speak of could find it's way to that not safe for work list ? I find that helps with things I don't wan't to see or read :) I got nosy once that was enough for me :P spam in any form food post mail it's all bad and not good for ya :( thanks for the heads up :)

post a great can be useful can be used as experience .semoga be a friend who can help me in order to like you ..... to dream and hope in reach. like @yooraa need dukugan friend. greetings esteem.

Mine is the war on tuna. Winning!

bravo! agree 103.5% - we do not need scam & spam on Steemit . 13512058_606397512861477_2745314537019624897_n.jpg

The sad part is that even the spammers and contentless posters can "grow together". I've seen some group up and creating their mad groups of upvoting each other and spamming around together. Crazy.

Luckily they made only to low reps and low SP's, but it's a cute thing to see, as some real content creators are getting higher with less work when they are really trying to create something original on Steemit.


Thank you for your wisdom @stellabelle I love your beautiful poem please let's help eachother follow me @stellabelle I followed you!

Now that I got that out of my system, I'm not sure if I can stop being a weirdo but I'm in full agreement that the spam comments, most of which appear to be either begging or thinly veiled threats, are a huge problem. A year ago we didn't have this issue and if we did, it wasn't to the level of today. Posts are no better since now that the 4 post limit has been lifted, everyone and their cat are dividing the most minute occurrences or random internet finds into shit posts and flooding with them. If each gets a penny and you've let loose a hundred, well hell, you've got yourself a shiny dollar.

If Steemit was a lake and each spam comment and shit post was a bottle cap, caps would cover the entire surface by now. Typically everyone blames bots for this but it's not just a bot problem. Yes, I can think of a few small bot networks that throw their bottle caps on my side of the lake. The majority are just the f2f v2v masses, who are quickly outnumbering the rest of us. Whales have been flagging them but nothing seems to work. The f2f v2v game is quickly becoming the minnow norm, which is the real issue here.

I am in!! :))

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great to see @stellabelle policing the streets of steemit.
Bringing some order to this lawless site.
I also so @thecryptofiend's post and I totally agree with him that this spam has to end. It has happened to me multiple times when I get 0.001 SBD just so I can go over and check out someone's blog.
I understand it is hard to get exposure and be seen but there are so many other ways and you can see that by taking me or all the other minnows who are working their butts off and getting names out there.

A great post and totally true, people like that don't belong here 😠😠😠 enjoying

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Today I was talking with an Steemian friend while we had a trip by the sea about this Spam issue. And the Sign Up steemit interface should ask before let you in...give me your Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
-Do you use more than 1?
-WeeeW Weeewww!
-You can not enter on Steemit!
That's the way of stop this shit.

Because people coming with other way of thinking about social networks just fuck this. I know ok...a cool youtuber in here is good for the community because... Because what? That's bullshit!
If a Youtuber is coming here is because Youtube is not paying anymore as before. And it is not my fucking problem.
Don't come here and tell to all the fucking followers from Youtube to come.. Becaues is not Youtube! So obvious! and people just celebrate it... And I'm a Youtuber user eh! but man... I use Steemit sin some weeks and is the first time I really want to use a social network to create. But again all this shit plus the ego war with ned and dan just disappoint! and dont talk abouth the votes that higher level hide under their mattress. Hope I have finded Steemit a year ago...


I really am starting to see this more and more now around Steemit. I think you nailed the button right on the head when you said that we need to do something before it gets out of control. Im just a little minnow, I can only imagine how much spam you guys have to deal with and get. What should I do when I come across these people whos last 28 comments are the exact same thing?
Will migrate to @thecryptofiend's post you mentioned for more info aswell :)

This post has been ranked within the top 50 most undervalued posts in the second half of Aug 09. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $30.38 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Aug 09 - Part II. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment.

Finally a campaign against making this platform yet another facebook/orkut. Thank you, Stella and Steem. Ermm, what is the best I can do in order to play a role as a beginner? I don't have much viewership, please know that.

count me in! #waronspam in my next post and resteeming this!

btw - what about those who offer re-steem services - how do you feel about them?

I am not very pleased, as is the case with most people. I don't like getting messages in my wallet.


Hello @stellabelle

This is the first thing i tell anyone i help signup for Steemit

Never Spam or Beg for followers , and if you cannot read a post then don't comment on it.

The fact that there is Steem available to everyone does no change the principles of making money.

Nothing good comes easy, you have to network and build your brand before the rewards starts flowing in. Linking your posts in comment section and begging for followers is unhealthy to the platform.

We are on Steemit, Not Instagram


THank you! I appreciate anyone who is helping reduce the amount of crap on Steemit!

It's actually one of my biggest complaints about Steemit and part of what keeps me from engaging deeper and making more of an effort to spend time on it. (side not and true confession as a Korean I kind of love spam the mystery meat).

very good point u make!

it is inevitable really.. i think we have to find the best way to handle it.. My main concern is that if we all get our batons out, and start getting feisty with spammers,, then the whole vibe starts to change on both ends..

so I've decided recently (also anticipating and seeing this happen) to be really peaceful and (copy paste your shpiel) write some helpful advice or link to it.. If they don't respond or have done something naughty) then i might flag it..

i think flagging is great when done responsibly (you know what i mean @stellabelle) .. it sends a quick and clear signal that doesn't require much time to deal with. If there is too much spamming i would probably resort to flagging and leave it at that. if over time they dont change their ways they will become invisible..

I want to share my opinion about this topic and tell my humble experiment on steemit am working on the post right now am almost finished. @stellabelle could I post the link here or tag you in the post and use #waronspam

It's sad to see so much spam all around. It's really going to be hard to deal with if more and more spammers come into this platfrom. Fuck those fuckers!

While I don't think aggression is the answer, and I generally don't like the "war on" anything, I also see that if we all sit around here, and just are passive, it will get shittier, and shittier.....and shittier. It could get really out of control, and also, this site will just be known as a spam site....The end result is quite horrible, and totally possible without some real efforts, letting people know that what they are doing is pointless.

Yes the more we wait the more out of control it's going to get. I hope that everyone will be concerned about this and work together to make the future of steemit much better!

The pissboilers who post spammy comments really get on my norks. Frankly, i believe that if something isn't done to stop it, it could be the death of this platform. Steemit is about communication and interaction and it's getting to the point where you can't communicate effectively without some moronic spambot asking for upvotes or follows. Same goes for people who are blatently just copying and pasting articles, or trying to pass off images as their own. Those are a bit easier to handle with the likes of @cheetah and @steemcleaners. Next thing you know, we will be inundated with cat videos.

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Fantastic. Actually meesterboom and I have been warring on spam for the past couple of weeks. We go through one another's comment section and if someone is spamming we provide them a link. If they're spamming and not voting, which is another thing that's happening lately, we flag them. One of these spammers has reformed. They were so upset about the flag they started coming to both of our posts and leaving thoughtful comments and voting. Most of them have disappeared from our blogs, so now we're paying attention to others- the spambusters we're unofficially calling ourselves lol. @jedau joined us.

@son-of-satire, which is where I found your post as he resteemed it, made two posts regarding spam in the last week, and in fact he used the tag waronspam tag for the first one three days ago:

This one, is so blatantly annoying it is a perfect reflection of how freaking annoying the spammers are LOL:

Edit: Actually, your call to arms inspired me. I'll be making a post of my own now, I think you're right, let's fill the feed.

I'm joining the war. Glad I'm not alone!

Excellent....if you want to be involved in a group who is working together to clean up Steemit, let me know..
I do hope people realize that we are only concerned with things that are:

  1. Illegal: using copyrighted images
  2. Stealing identities
  3. copy and paste

Thank you very much for addressing this issue and even more importantly offering a vision to contain it somehow.

I have only been around for a little over a week and I have to admit, that in my first posts I sometimes added a picture of my own art, actually thinking of it as a little present... not knowing, that this too, could be considered spam by trying to get attention.

Thank god, a friend alerted me to the spamming issue and now I never send anything without asking first... which I do hope is acceptable behavior.

Sure enough, today I find myself at the receiving end. Some guy plastered a link under one of my posts... out of the blue, we are not related in any way and on top of it all, the link leads to some unbelievably low quality content...

I left him a friendly reply, suggesting to edit his comment... (like taking out the link.)

LOL... he felt encouraged and upvoted his own awful comment to be the first on the page!!

I sent a slightly less friendly message, this time directly requesting to edit or remove the comment, so far to no result.

Now, as a newbie, I don't want to engage in a downvoting battle, ruin my carefully nourished reputation or risk any other undesirable consequences...

I would be very thankful for any advice, of how to handle this in a respectful, non destructive manner...

case resolved, thanks :-)


@stellabelle I've used this before, but it only applies to bots...

I'm 100% with you. I kept myself away from flagging and muting as long as possible, but after steemit opened general access this became pandemic, 70% of comments really became just useless spam

I will join the fight, my eyes go crossed when going through the new article feed trying to find something interesting to read.

So you read @thecryptofiend's post about it which had the name of the number 1 abuser of this spam in the title, yet not once did you mention that you interviewed and promoted this user a month ago while most users knew how she has gotten that amount of followers?

Who would've seen this coming that she was going to abuse that to monetize it, knowing that she has gotten most of that amount through no real effort and that over 4k of her followers are "dead" according to and probably don't have much voting power to make it worth the 2 sbd she is selling her service for.

Not to mention how she is now on purpose not commenting or posting anything to keep her reputation intact.

You could've at least mentioned that it might not have been a great idea to "interview" her and promote her schemy ways of abusing follower count.