in warrior •  6 years ago 

Today my post is here to share for my steemit family is Titled JESUS THE WARRIOR FOR THE SUFFERING.


Heroes are quickly forgotten as well as famous people. Some one in the bible ,God used Joseph, a Hebrew, to save the nation of Egypt from starvation through his shrewd management of grain harvests. But when a new Egyptian king came to power, he didn’t know or care about Joseph’s historical contribution. To him the Hebrew people posed a potential threat to his own powerful reign.

In spite of Pharaoh’s disdain for them, God blessed the Hebrews in Egypt. They multiplied in number and strength, bolstering the Egyptian labor forces. But instead of rewards, Pharaoh imposed unreasonable burdens on them and even tried to exterminate them by killing their infant boys. The more the Lord blessed their labor, the more Pharaoh abused them. For a time, the Hebrews were seemingly forgotten by God in their suffering. But the Lord heard their cries and met them in their pain. God was faithful to deliver his people, but it happened in his perfect timing.


Like a mighty “warrior,” the Lord burst forth against the Egyptians . With each new plague, he defeated a prominent Egyptian god. By the end of the tenth plague, Egypt was devastated. The loss of the Egyptian firstborn was the national deathblow, for it included Pharaoh’s own son who was to be the next chief god on the throne. God’s people—once slaves—were begged and bribed to leave the country.

We must never forget God’s power to rescue his people in his timing. Our Redeemer causes evil to “pass over” us more times than we know. He works to defeat the cruel enemies in our lives as well. We must continue to celebrate the ultimate victory he has given us in our lives and families by sending his Son. We can join sing with Moses about the victory songs.Amen!

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God's timing always amazes me in my own life. One thing that I find even more fascinating is the how He set it all up. It all worked out to his time table, and he set it all in motion about 40 years earlier. If Pharaoh had not tried to murder all the Hebrew babies, Moses would not have been in the river for Pharaoh’s daughter to find and would not have been raised in Pharaoh’s house. This setup gave a natural way into Pharaoh’s presence when Moses comes back to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt. (the royal education and training probably help him lead the Hebrew people better, but I don’t have Bible to back that up, it’s just an educated guess.)

Yes that is note is dope sir God bless you for sharing..

There was so many stories so far when God saved us and we still don't trust Him trully and I think that lack of trust to Him is one of the biggest problem in christians life. Those who entrusted yourselve to Almighty were protected from the temptetion and other actions of Satan. What's more: God througt them was able to do so many miracles to show His love and mercy. All we need to do is to trust in His power and kindness...

That is the thing when we trust and have faith in him everything is going to work perfect for you.

Excellent reflection message. God is always willing to free us from suffering, so much so that he sent his son to die on a cross to free us from our pain and suffering. Blessings

Thank you @elpastor in trusted in us and he die for me and you in pain.let us all appreciate him for that..Happy fathers day to you as well