The typical family of four having hard-water, or approximately 7-10 GPG, may normally utilize about ten pounds. Of salt per week. This may equal to approximately a 40-lb bag of salt every month.
You can find additional factors which could increase or reduce the Quantity of salt that your household absorbs such as:
Family dimensions: the bigger the household the longer water absorbed and probably the amount of salt Required to adapt that the softener Re Generating more often
Having very challenging water: almost any water hardness above 10 GPG Increases the amount of salt required
If You've Got a Bigger noodle tank, along with just a tank above the grade of 9" in diameter that you may require more pruning salt per day
Local water therapy factors: based on the requirements on your region that the Regional facilities might increase or reduce the valve configurations, these may either create the softener to regenerate More Frequently or less frequently Regarding an drought
Age of Illness: an elderly softener (10+years) could necessitate more salt compared to a more recent more effective version
To safeguard your water remains soft between the inclusion of salt into a tank, then it's very good practice to have the tank full of salt.