*First 12,000 Entrepreneurs Millionaires Are For Pilot Study: 100,000 Monthly Is Our Aim*

in wealth •  8 years ago  (edited)

I was thinking about the day my friends and associates around me would no longer wish to be millionaires but that they are employers of labour. I thought about the day one person will be able to lift 5 members of his family from the land of not enough to the land of more than enough. The thought was exciting so I shared with a few and we started thinking.

Our thought gave birth to MLF. We are still thinking about what more to do to make the dream a reality faster but have a little glimpse.

Did you know Nigerians millionaires class just increased from 5,000 to 15,400 as at 2015? Very shameful indeed but WE CAN change the index.

I can imagine the first 12,000 multi-entrepreneur millionaires from MLF platform who would in turn help the system 66 X 12,000 times over to lift others up to their very position. That is additional 720,000 Family IDs replicated. The System can NOT and will NOT crash. This is why MLF is NOT a Ponzi.

With additional fresh brain 12,000 millionaires in the economy, Nigerians abroad will soon realize the potential at home is greater than abroad. Afterall, Nigeria was filled with Ghanaians in the early 80s. How many Ghanaians do you still see loafing around in Nigeria today? Rather, Ghana is filled with Nigerians because of its relatively stable economy. Let us again make Nigeria the abroad for other countries

To understand the potential called Nigeria, think about the global impact of our music industry and Nollywood.

Here is a rough estimate:

Imagine 180 million Nigerians (minus about 16 thousand already rich as reported by Vanguard Newspapers on August 8, 2015) on MLF platform each with a single Family ID. That will give birth to some 70,000 fresh Multi-Entrepreneurs Millionaires every 3 months with a monthly 4.5 million Family IDs replicated that will add 22,000 to the leagues of monthly new millionaires making 92,000 millionaires with entrepreneurial spirit.

MLF is not a Bank. What the MLF platform aims to do is to create the environment for good thinkers to interact and circulate the abundance within the economy, empowering YOU to be a partaker of the abundance in the country so You too can add value to the National GDP. We know it is possible.

As long as too many people don't have the basic life support, crime will not reduce, more prisons facilities will be built instead of schools, hospitals, instead of factories.

Don't poison your neighbours against MLF, it is a system (not a Bank) designed to take you to your next level.

As I think, I write. Sorry if you are not the reading type. MLF is too rich in contents. Read to understand so you can ask intelligent questions.

To Your Success,

July 24, 2017 - 5pm

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ok I know that... but what exactly am I reading? ... https://mylibertyfamily.com/about-us/

its like a cross between MLM and Integrity. Which doesnt make any sense except if you have infinite money to give.. and infinite moeny has no value.. So there is a limit to all this .. and often when you hear about this kind of stuff.. your already to late.. Unless you are the founder of MLF

Carefully read through the website to get a clearer understanding. You are not too late!